"Steven -vs- Jim -vs- Jonathan" - Trivia Game Show - Episode 151

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the stuff I never knew, trivia game show podcast. I'm

Jeff. I'm your host. We're on the Armstrong neighborhood

channel. I've got three great guests, Steven, Jonathan and

Jim. Let's hear that. Theme music.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong.

You are wrong. You are right. That is correct. All right. In

round one, as you know, on this show, we get right into it. And today

I'm doing a game called are we getting better with our goals? Every new year's

we set new goals, and I think we've had our priorities change a

little bit over the last three or four years. So I was interested in looking

at a new year's resolution popularity list from 2019,

and I'm going to compare that to a list for

2023, New Year's resolution. So all I want you to do is

tell me, have we gotten better with that goal or worse with that goal

over the course of the year? So was it higher on

2019 or lower on the 2019 list?

So keep in mind higher means a lower number. So if it was number

one, that's higher than a number four. So it's going to get really

confusing and it'll go really fast. This shouldn't

get confusing at all. We're going to go with the order of what you signed

up tonight is, Steven, you are going first tonight

moving to another country now that these are probably very

us centric things. So in

2019, was this higher or lower on the

list than it is in 2023?

I'm going to say it's higher on the list. Higher. In

2023 it was number four. So right now

on 2019, it wasn't even on the list. It was

lower. Lower was the correct answer. Over

to Jonathan. Learn

a new language. Was this higher or lower on the

2019 list than it was on the 2023 list?

I bet it is lower. Lower

is incorrect. It was higher. It was

number eight in 2019. Since then, it's dropped to

number 24. We're not as interested. We want to move to other countries,

but we don't want to learn any languages. Over to Jim.

Eat healthier. I think it

was lower. Lower is

correct. Your first point of the game in 2019,

it was number 17 and in 2023 became

the number one list. Probably sitting at home during a pandemic for three

years, eating chips all the time. You want to lose some weight.

All right, let's go back to Steven. Steven,

read a book. Do you think more people in 2019 wanted to read a

book than in 2023?

I'm going to say because of the pandemic and because we've been locked in our

house for so long and watching shows on our stuff, this has got to be

higher up on the list. It was higher in

2019. Is correct. And

2023, guess what? Not even on the list. Nobody wants to

read anymore. All right, over to

Jonathan. Buy bitcoin. Do you think more

people wanted to buy bitcoin in 2019 or

2023? I bet

they wanted to buy more in 2019. So

I believe higher. Higher is

correct. It was number 24 in 2019

today. Not even on the list. Not even on the list. Over to

Jim. Get a job or make a career

change. I'd

say this was higher.

Higher is correct. Higher in

2019. It was number seven in

2019. Today it's only number 18. All right, the last one we'll

get out of this game. To Steven. Drink more water.

Well, if we're going to go with the eating healthier

thing, and I know that water has been a big priority with all the

canned waters and all that stuff coming out. Now I'm going to say it's higher

on the list. Higher in 2019 is

correct. It's not even on the list in

2023. So there we go. Over

to Jonathan. I think everybody's getting the right answers for the wrong reasons, and I'm

confused even reading the answer. So here we go.

Jonathan, take a break from social media.

Was that higher or lower in 2019? I bet

it was lower in 2019. Lower is

correct. It was number four in 2019

and number three in 2023.

And our last one, the

gym. Get in better shape

or exercise more. Yeah, I think that was lower

in 2019. In 2019. This one is the closest one of the

night. It was higher in 2019

only by one slot. It was the number one

in 2019. It was higher on the list. So yeah,

I was confused writing that game. So I can only imagine how everybody

listening is feeling right now. But now we're going to go to that

scoreboard and we have a tied game. Well played.

Even though I didn't understand the answer is Steven, Jonathan and Jim

tied at two apiece, which means we're not going to change the

originate, which means, Steven, you're going to the

hot seat.

Steven, welcome to the show. How's it going? Oh, it's

going great. I am so pumped. I'm so excited.

Well, where are you so pumped and so excited. Calling in

from. I'm from Chicago, Illinois, the suburbs of Chicago,

Illinois. Very nice. Right now, what's some of your favorite things to do in.

This arcade? Okay. So, Chicago, Illinois, right?

We have the biggest retro arcade in the world called the golfing gusts

arcade. And I love going there. How many games do

you think they have? Can't tell

you. I don't know. They have a lot. It's really big.

How many quarters do you think you've spent there? You

pay one fee to play all day. So

is there anything you'd like to talk about, plug or promote out in Chicago?

Oh, yeah. For everyone who's listening

and watching. First off, I want to say, hey, everyone,

tv world, what's Poppin and

two, I write poetry.

I'm a poet. I like to be a poet. And I do it under a

cosplay name under lysis Hefcliffe. But my real name,

Steven, you can find my poetry at

Bloodbat workshop on Instagram

and@mypoeticside.com the links on

my Instagram, which is bloodbat workshop. Awesome.

We will put that into the show notes. Steven,

are you ready for

the hot seat? Oh, I am so ready.

So in round two, each of my guests are going to get total randomness

questions. They're going to get three of those each. And then name five

dessert themed. So I'll give you a category

centered around desserts, and you have to put five things into that category.

So, Stephen, what color are the

goalposts in canadian hockey? Oh,

man, I love hockey. So red. Red

is correct. I thought I could trick you with

canadian hockey. Our second

random question, what is the name of the course that

combines seafood with red meat?

Red meat.

Dinner or a type of restaurant? They sometimes call it

this type of restaurant. Red lobster.

Red lobster. No, we're looking for surf and turf. They call

it surf and turf. Get a little of the ocean, little the land

there. All right. And our third random

question, how do you say hi in French?

Bonjour. Bonjour is

correct. Two points for you. I'm going to put

10 seconds on the clock. I'm going to give you a category. You

have to put five things into that category. Stephen,

name five fruits. You could put into a danish

and go. Pears,

apples, oranges,


I think you got. Did you get. We got three from the producer.

Very well played, Steven. We're going to go to

Jonathan. Jonathan, welcome to the show. Hey, good to be

here. Glad to have you. Where are you calling in from? So

I am in Chattanooga, Tennessee, right on the Georgia

border. Oh, very nice. And what do you do in Chattanooga, Tennessee, right on the

Georgia border? So I am a graphic

designer. I design logos for small businesses in the area. I

work with the local. Yeah. And also

the main job that I have, I guess, is an office

manager for a wholesale home decor company. Very nice.

Very nice. Anything you'd like to plug, promote, talk about. Yeah,

the freelance logo design business that I have, it's botset

designs. B-O-T-S-E-T

designs. So I'd love to check it out.

I'm on Instagram. I've got links to my website there. Feel free to go check

it out. Very good. We will put all that in the show notes.

Jonathan, are you

ready for the hot seat? Yes, sir. So,

Jonathan, your random question tonight, you got three of these coming your way. If

you were eating a golden delicious under the golden arches near the

Golden Gate Bridge, where are you?

San Francisco, California. San Francisco, California,

is correct. Correct.

And what color is the uppermost part

of a rainbow? Red.

Going with Roy G. Bib. Calculating it in my head. Red

is correct. And one of my favorite

questions tonight, how many zeros are there in

10 billion? There


13. I love giving the answer in the question. The

answer is 1010 zeros. And

10 billion a trillion would have. There

you go. Okay. And my second favorite question

tonight, Jonathan. I'll put 10 seconds on the clock, name five

flavors of doughnuts, and go.

Glazed, crawler,

chocolate, vanilla sprinkle.

I got four for you. Four at the buzzer. Well played,

Jonathan. We're going to. Jim. Jim, welcome to the

show. Hi there. How's it going? Good, thanks.

Where are you calling in from? I'm from Suffolk in the UK. Very

nice. It's almost after midnight. You're

calling maybe from the future. I think it's already tomorrow where you're

at. Well, congratulations on the time traveling. We're

glad to have you here. Tell us a little bit about what you do over

there. I'm a video editor. I

edit tv programs to make sure they're okay

with the laws and the rules. Over here, I see

our producer off screen. He's rooting for. He's chanting already.

So there might be some bias in the scoring. So people watching at home make

sure the scoring is kept fairly tonight, anything you'd like to

plug, promote, talk about, and make sure we get those links out to everybody watching

and listening. AI have a podcast called Fallacious Trump. We talk

about critical thinking, logical fallacies, and politics and

how that all connects. Very nice. And the best way people can find

that and listen to it, it's on. All the podcast platforms. So wherever you get

your podcast, but also fallacioustrump.com would be a place for

everything there. Very nice. Jim, are you

ready for the hot seat? I was born ready. I love

it. Here we go. Your first random question. How many

pieces does each player have at the start of a

chess game?

1616 is

correct. Our second totally random

question. In chess, which color always moves

first? I can never remember this.

I think black moves first. Black is

incorrect. White moves first. And our third totally

random question tonight. In the game of chess, only

one piece can move in an l pattern. Which piece

is this? The knight. The knight is

correct. We got two for you there. You can get five more points.

Now, you don't know me, but name five cookies that your host Jeff would

totally probably eat and go.

Chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin,

double chocolate

cinnamon. Yeah. Those are four

cookies. I would totally got four points going into the final

round. Let's look at that scoreboard.

The producer is obviously favoring Jim here. Jim is leading by

104 points. We'll get that corrected in

post. I think that's what video editors say. But we

have a very close game. For real. We have Jonathan and Jim

tied at eight. Steven was seven. But don't worry, because there's

30 points in this final round. All right.

In round three, we're going to play a very fun game. I'm going to read

you a series of questions. Who am I? What am I?

Where am I? And to get to the answer, I'm going to read a series

of clues. Now you can buz in. I've asked each of my guests to bring

their own buzzer. And if you buz in when I give you the first clue,

that's going to be worth three points. If you buz in after you get the

second clue, that's worth two points. And the final clue is worth one

point. If you're right, when you buz in, you're going to earn

those points. But if you're wrong, you're going to lose

that point value. So while there's 30 points available, you got to be

fast and you got to be right or else it can add up

or subtract up quickly. So I've asked each of my guests

to bring their own buzzer. Let's start with Stephen. Let's hear your buzzer.

That's good. If you can get closer to the microphone so we could make sure

we can hear it. There you go. All right. Steven got the

clicky over to Jonathan. So

Christmas theme. We

got Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. And to Jim,

I went with the family. Huge classic.

Survey says. And let's go

to that first question, you can always pre guess for double

points. But I also want to warn everybody,

sometimes my pictures don't match the question.

So what food am I? I'm looking for a food.

Could it be a sliced cucumber or tomato or watermelon?

Let's see. I am known for my diverse flavors and use

of various herbs and spices. Over to

Jonathan buzing in with Rudolph. Is that fried chicken?

Fried chicken. Is

incorrect. Incorrect. Is that

Steven? Is it wings? Wings

is incorrect.

Incorrect. Jim's going to let it ride to the next clue, I

think. And if you look on the right side, you'll see a little timer. Let

you know how much time you have left. Little secret of the pros.

Our second clue for two points. I'm associated with a country that

is the 7th largest in the world by land

area. To Jim. Is

it indian food? Indian food is

correct. Correct. Very nice poll on that one.

Our second question for two points. What invention am I? I'm looking

for an invention.

Are you preguesing, Steven? I heard some clicking.

No. I am a device

that changed the way people consumed media.

Is that Steven?

Is it the iPhone?

IPhone. Is incorrect.

Incorrect. And we'll go to

that second clue for two points.

And I receive broadcast singles and display

them as images and sound. To Jim.

Television. Television for two points is

correct. Correct. All right, now you got

a feel for how the game's played. What natural resource

am I? I'm looking for a natural resource of. My

questions may or may not match the pictures. I am a precious

metal valued for my rarity and beauty.

Our second clue for two points. I am

often used in jewelry. That's

Stephen. Is it

gold? Gold. What a pole. Gold

is correct. You got two points. Nice pole,

Steven. Yes.

I love the excitement. Who am I? I'm looking for a. Who?

Who am I? I

am a character from a famous play

by William Shakespeare.

I'm a famous character. William Shakespeare. Our second clue. My

story is set in Verona,

Italy, Steven,

is it.

Not Hamilton?

I gotta have to tip my tongue.

I got 3 seconds on the clock.

You're out of time. I'm sorry, Steven. I know it. You're going

to be glad you didn't give that answer. But go ahead to Jonathan. Oh,

I didn't click it yet. Do you want to? Not

with that response. Well, it's a 50 50 guess.

No, I'll wait. All right.

Our last clue for one point.

I am known for my tragic love story with a woman

from a rival House. I think Jim got it. Romeo.

Romeo is correct. I tried to mislead you,

Steven, with Hamlet. You almost fell in my trap. You were thinking, you're like, I

got. No, I know. All right, here we go. What am

I? I'm looking for a. What. What am I? Am

I chicken? Fried chicken again. I am a

large natural barrier made of living


Jim? Coral reef. More specifically,

the great barrier Reef. Great Barrier Reef producer says we'll

give it to you. Correct. I gave you a little hint, but

sometimes I need to be more specific. We are

halfway through the game, and I'm looking for an

invention. What invention am I?

So I am one of the three modes of transportation used

in the movie planes, trains and automobiles.

So you have a 30% guess here. Is that Steven,


Is it a car? Car is

30% chance. Incorrect.

Incorrect. Jonathan is

going to take a stab at 50 50 chance. I'll give it a shot. I'm

going to say train. Is it a train? Train

is correct.

Everybody played that exactly how I hoped. All right, we have

four questions remaining. Who

am I? Another who? We had one who

already. So let's see. How hard could this one be? I

am one of the highest paid actresses in the world.

So make a list and then pick one of them.

Was that a guess, Steven? I heard a click. No. Okay, here we go.

I won an Academy Award for my role in Silver Linings

playbook. I think Rudolph got that one first. Jennifer

Lawrence. Jennifer Lawrence is

correct. Correct. Well played. Three

questions remaining. We'll go to the next

one. Oh, another who? I'm really getting. We're getting hot

on the who's here. Who am I?

I am the first american woman to fly in


Oh, wait, I hear Jim. Is it Sally

ride? Sally Ride. The non american

answers the question correctly. Very well

played. We've got two questions

remaining. I'm looking for an automobile

brand. Everybody loves their cars.

I am a luxury automobile brand founded in

Germany. Steven, is it

Volkswagen? Volkswagen is

incorrect. Incorrect.

Jonathan? I'm going to guess BMW. Is

it BMW?

Incorrect. We can just go through all the German.

Jim? I'll go with Mercedes Benz. Is it


And you can guess multiple times. I forgot to tell you that. So you're not

locked out when you do guess. Our second clue for two

points. My slogan is vorsprung dirt. Technique,

meaning advancement through technology. Jim? Audi.

Audi is correct.

Correct. And our last question of

the night, one last who. And our favorite

owl always pops up on if we have a who question on number

ten. Who am I? I

am an american actor and filmmaker.

How many of those are there?

Our second clue for two points. I have

directed and starred in films like Good Night and Good Luck

and the descendants to Jim.

George Clooney. George Clooney. And that will

secure the win. Jim, very well played

tonight. Running away in the final round. Very well

played. Steven did a great job and a fan favorite. Anybody who

scores negative points is automatically a fan favorite

around here. We love a great score. And let's go

around one last time, meet our guests, plug promote

how we can connect with you. Steven, tell us your Instagram one more time

and how can we find your poetry? Well, I want to say thanks again

for the awesome, amazing time. I got -20 points.

Go me.

You can find my stuff, my poetry. You can

find it at Bloodbat workshop

on Instagram. And on my poetic side,

you can just go follow all that stuff on there and then you can

read my stuff. And hopefully you guys enjoy it because that's what I

would want all you guys to do, enjoy my

stuff. Awesome. We'll put that in the show notes. And to

Jonathan. Yeah, so I am on

Instagram at botset designs. It's a weird name. So

B-O-T-S-E-T designs. You can check out

some work that I've done there. If you or somebody you know needs an updated

logo or updated branding for your business, I would love to help you

out. Awesome. And to our winner tonight,

Jim. Thanks. Congratulations. Where can we find

you? Well, you can go to fallacioustrump.com or search for

fallacious Trump on any podcast app. And we talk about a different logical

fallacy every episode. Awesome. And now we

dance our way out of here.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong.

You are wrong. You are right. That is correct. You are correct.

That is correct.

We're going to play a game called tribons, birds or

australian slang words, real or fake flavors

of Doritos. Hey, everybody, this is Jeff from the stuff I never knew,

trivia game show. And we are looking for contestants for future

episodes. If you'd like to play trivia here on the Armstrong neighborhood

channel, head over to stuffineevernew.com, click be a

player, fill out the short form, and we'll get you on a future

episode. Hope to see you in the hot


Creators and Guests

Jeff Revilla
Jeff Revilla
Your Host of Stuff I Never Knew since 2015!
"Steven -vs- Jim -vs- Jonathan" - Trivia Game Show - Episode 151
Broadcast by