Sara -vs- Chris -vs- Nico - Episode 154 - Florida Man Did What?!?

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the stuff I never knew, trivia, game show podcast. I'm

Jeff. I'm your host. We are on the Armstrong neighborhood

channel. I've got three great guests, Sarah,

Chris, and Nico. Let's hear that theme music.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong.

You are wrong. You are right. That is correct. All right, as you know, on

this show, we get right into it. Round

one tonight, we're gonna play Florida man, true or

false. So all you have to tell me is this a real or

fake Florida man story? And we're gonna go with the order that you

showed up tonight. Sarah, Chris, and Nico. Sarah,

you are first. Florida man stole his

chili coworker's wallet and used her credit card to buy a

pumpkin and beer from Publix.

Sarah, is that true or false?

He worked the chili. True.

True is correct. And

they caught him because they found the pumpkin on his front porch.

Yes. You gotta hide the pumpkin. All right,

over to Chris. Florida man was charged with unlawful use

of a police badge after his truck changed the border

patrol logo to booty patrol.

These are my people, Jeff. Just

so for the folks at home, Chris does not have an advantage just because he

is from Florida. Oh, no one thinks that's an

advantage. That just

sounds too good not to be true. I'm going to go true. Florida man

never disappoints. It is true. And he got caught because he was

using. He added the blue flashing lights. He could have just been

booty patrol and gotten away with it. All right,

Taniko. Florida man arrested for domestic battery after throwing

his sausage into his brother's eye. Who would be

throwing sausage into the brother's eyes? I'm gonna say that

that should be false. It should be not true. We would

hope in a perfect world, but it

is true. And the police officers did

not seize the weapon, and they did not say what type of sausage was used

in the. In the crime. That's so funny.

Back to Sarah. Florida man charged with felony

domestic battery after throwing a package of Oreo.

Oreos at his wife for not making coffee.

Oh, goodness. Well,

I'm gonna say false on that one. False is

incorrect. That is a true one. True one.

Florida man steals a 50 pound tarpon fish from the bass

pro shops. This one's the Chris. He jumped into the

aquarium and grabbed a fish and ran out the door. Like, are we sure

this wasn't Jamis Winston? That seems like

something he would do. I don't put anything past Florida man. I'm going

true. True. And guess where it happened. Fort

Myers, if that makes sense. That tracks. Okay.

All right, here we go. To Nico, Florida man

who received a waffle house tattoo, arrested

after refusing to pay for it.

Dang, that's so funny.

Oh, man. I want to say it shouldn't be true, but I

think this one is true this time. True is

correct. In Clearwater, Florida.

Do you have a waffle house tattoo?

Not anymore. They took it back.

And the last one to each of my guests tonight, Sarah.

Florida man catches his house and neighbor's house on fire after

trying to deep fry 25 frozen hot

dogs. Oh, I'm gonna say

true on that one. True is

incorrect. That's the first one I made up tonight.

And over to Chris, Florida man pulls out machete

after. After a bar, refuses him to let him

sing another karaoke song. I mean,

how many times does he sing like a virgin? I'm going. True.

True is correct. Correct. I don't have enough backstory

on this one. Yeah, that is so funny. And

the last one to Niko, Florida man, drives into his own

house when the chain he is using to pull a tree out of the ground

snaps. No, that's.

That's for sure true. That's for sure true. For sure. True

is incorrect. That's the other one I made

up very well. Very believable,

though. We have a score. Chris

is in the lead right now with three points. Surprising, because your

score is different than the other two scores. You get a little bonus.

Chris, you get to pick the order for round two. Do you

want to mix it up or keep it the same? You

know what? Let's keep it the same. Let's keep this. Let's keep the good times

rolling. So. All right, we're going to move Sarah to the hot seats.

Sarah, welcome to the show. Welcome back to the show. Sarah's been on

the. On the show several times. Always appreciate having here,

always fun, the great laughter and having a good time. Sarah, tell us,

the folks at home, where are you calling in from? Salt Lake City,

Utah, where there's a lot of snow and

it's cold. Well, tell us a little bit about what you do out in

Utah and a little bit about your show. Oh, thanks. Yeah. The

SJ child show is a show that we talk a lot about

neurodiversity, education, special

education, and parenting. So if you are a

parent or know somebody that is in the special education field, send them

our way. And of course, just really, anyone that wants to learn more

about how you can support the special education and special. Needs

community and the best way people can. Can

connect. Oh, yeah, the best way people can connect.

But no, we're, like, 250 episodes in, so we

have tons of great content and information and

experts, all kinds of people,

even some celebrities that are going to be starting on some new

Netflix shows coming up. So excited to see that, too.

Very good. SJ dot. I'll put the links in the show

notes. Sarah, are you

ready for the hot seats? Oh, my gosh. I think so.

All right, here we go. In round two, each of my guests will

get questions, a healthy food connection. So I'm going

to give four questions, and the answers to those four

questions will be some sort of healthy food. You have to put all that

together and figure out what healthy food am I asking you about?

And then a very romantic name five. I'll put 10

seconds on the clock, and you'll have to name five things that

fit into a very romantic category. That's a

maybe a little bit of our Valentine's Day show here. And Sarah, your

first healthy food connection question. Which

two colors make up the canadian flag?

Red and white. Red and white. Correct. That's

correct. And what is sun made famous for

making? Raisins.

Raisins. Correct. And if

you don't honor a bet, you blank on it.

Uh, if you don't

honor a pet.

Well, I'm not supposed to say the words that are coming to my head.

Don't say those words. Don't say those words. Let's see.

You. I

literally have no idea. Nothing's coming to my brain. I'll put the

3 seconds, you sit on it, you welch on

the bed. Okay. All right, our last one

here. Which song about a drink was written by Neil

diamond and was a hit for the band ub


Red. Red wine. I don't know. Is that wrong?

Red wine is correct.

Wow. Come on, brain. So, Sarah, we're gonna

take those four questions. What ties together the answers?

Red white raisins, Welch's, and

red. Red wine.

I mean,

what ties together red, white raisins,

Welsh's red. Red wine? Oh,

my gosh. I have no idea. That's a healthy food. Healthy

food connection. Food. A

vinegar. All I can't think of is, like, a balsamic vinegar or

something, but I don't think that's it. Oh, it's a little simpler than

that. We're looking for grapes. Oh, silly. Oh, my heavens.

Okay, what's the origin of all of these

red grapes? White grapes. Red. Red wine made from

grapes. Welch's grape juice. And raisins are made from

grapes. So, Sarah, your name? Very romantic. Name

five. Name five apps or places online where

you can meet people for a relationship and go.

Only been married 20 years. Let's see.

No idea. Tinder, I think, is one of them.

You got one point. Tinder time is up. You got a point for

Tinder. Anywhere you can beat online. That shows

I'm being a good girl over here if I don't know about any of

those things. And we're going to keep the order

the same. Moving along, Chris, welcome to the show.

Jeff. It's good to be here, my friend. Thanks for the invite back. Oh, yeah.

Love having you here. Lots of fun. Tell us, you know, catch us up a

little bit on what's been happening since the last time you've been here.

So I am the host of the public trivia experience

podcast. Since the last time I was here, we have actually expanded into a full

blown podcasting network. Oh, wow. We launched our fifth

show in February, so we're going to have content every day of the week.

But the show that started off is the show nearest dearest to my heart is

the pub trivia experience. We try to bring the, for

me, the fun parts of bar trivia, which is the trivia is fun, but I

want to go out there, I want to have some drinks with my friends and

I want to just hang out with really good people and have good

times. And so that's the emphasis of our show, is to have some fun trivia,

but have good times with your friends. Yeah. And your show captures that. It's a

great show. Pub trivia experience. That's the website as well, correct. Pub trivia or has that moved? It has moved over to Our sister podcast is called Boozy

Bracketology. We have a theme. We stick with it. It's not the

trivia so much. No, that, because that, that one there is literally all about arguing

with your friends. We take a 64 seed, 32 seed pop culture

brackets and argue it out. We're in the midst right now of a

multi tier bracket work determining the best eighties movie ever

made. Oh, wow. So,

spoiler, back to the future,

Chris. I'll put all those links in the show. Note, are you

ready for the hot seat? I'm ready. All right, so we're going

to do four questions where the answers tie together for something

healthy. The title of the Sandra Bullock film about a

former homeless man who was drafted into the NFL is called the

blind blank. Blind side.

Blind side is correct. Your

second question. What is the common name for the little harmless

insects that buzz around bananas?

That I don't know, but it explains why there's little. There were little bugs in

my kitchen last week. Little harmless insects, I think, of our

gnats. I'm gonna say natsuki nats. I think I'll

do fruit flies

are nats, I believe. Where's the producer out on that one?

Oh, producer says, no, I can't give you because we're looking for the word fruit.

That's so. So keep in mind, the first answer was

side. The second answer we're looking for was fruit. The roman

emperor, born in 100 BC and was killed in 44

BC, was Julius Blank. The

Caesar. Caesar is correct. And our last

one, a lazy person who watches tv all day on the

couch, is called couch potato. Potato

is correct. So, Chris, what ties together side

fruit, Caesar potato,

salad. That is correct. They are all salads. You ran

that round. Let's go to your name five

bonus question. This is a very romantic name.

Five destinations that are known as romantic

retreats and go Bora Bora,

Bangkok, Honolulu. Las Vegas, and New York


You got five right off the bat, but I always let the timer run the

full amount of time. Nice round, Chris. Very

well played so far. Let's go to Nico. Nico, welcome to the

show. Oh, thank you for having me. Tell us where you're

calling in from. Yes, I'm calling in from Boston,

Massachusetts. And there is a lot of snow out there.

And it's never warm in Massachusetts, not even

in June. I think it's always cold up there. Yeah, it's cool.

It's colder than cool right now. It's like under 15 degrees right now.

Oh, man. Well, tell us a little bit about what's going on in Boston. What

are you doing up there? Well, for me personally, you know,

essentially just working

with everything going on right now. But on top of. On top of

working, I also have a podcast called the Gamers Guide

of productivity. So in this podcast, I specifically

discussed the concept of gamification, because a lot of

my friends that have been playing video games, they sometimes feel, like,

inadequate because they put so much hours. And so the podcast is just

showing how their hard work and perseverance in gaming

can actually be a cheat of productivity in their.

In real life experiences if they just change their mindsets. And

so. And that's on Nico and at YouTube.

Nicopingen. Yeah, it's a great concept. A lot of dexterity. You

always hear a lot of, like, surgeons practice gaming to get, you know,

fine tuning with their hands. So I'll put all those links.

I'll put all those links in the show notes. Nico, are

you ready for the hot

seats? Oh, no, I'm not ready. Well,

let's see what happens. Remember, all four of these answers will be some sort of

healthy food. Your first one, the two

largest crocodilian species are crocodiles

and alligators.

Alligators are. Is. Alligators is. Are.

Correct. Correct. Your second question,

which substance is commonly referred to as black

gold oil? Is correct.

Two for two. And what color

is the thumb of a person who is excellent in

gardening? That would be green. Green

thumb. Correct. And

popular toppings on a plate of nachos are salsa,

cheese, sour cream, jalapenos, and a dollop of witch

green mush.

I know the name, but it's eluding my brain.

3 seconds made out of avocado

flipping my brain

buckle. Oh, I think you said it. You said it before

the buzzer. Even Chris says you got it right before.

So. So you're gonna love the final question here. So,

Nico, what ties together alligator or oil,

green and guacamole? Oh, no, I definitely don't know this

one. What? I definitely

100% know that you've said the answer.

Alligator oil, green and guacamole.

Avocado. Is correct. Correct.

Very well played, Nica. Let's go to your name five bonus

question. Name five activities or hobbies that are

fun to do as a couple, and I'll put 10 seconds

on the clock and go watching tv,

playing basketball, bowling. Reading together

and walking.

That is five fun activities or hobbies to do with a

couple. You kept it clean, which that was the one thing I was worried about.

Let's go to that scoreboard. We have Sarah with five,

Chris and Nico, one point apart between first and

second place. But don't worry, we have 30 points

available in this final round. And we're going to the

final round. And in this round is a video round. And I'm going to start

off with some very vague questions. Who am I? What

am I? Where am I? And I'll start to read you a series of

clues. Now, I've asked you each to bring in your own buzzers

so you can buzz in any time. If you buzz in on the first clue

and you get it right, that's worth three points. The second clue is worth

two points, and the last clue is worth one

point. Now, when you're right, you're going to earn those

points. We'll add those to those totals. But when you're wrong. We will

subtract the point value of that clue from your

total. So let's go around so everybody at home knows who's buzzing

in. Nico, let's hear your buzzer.

He's got the pen in the cup, and


Sarah's got the buzzer, and Chris

is got the wine bottle. So we'll go ahead

and we'll start the video around. You can buzz in whenever

you're ready. Who am I? Obviously, I put the

text outside of the box on this one. Who am I?

My disappearance remains a mystery.

Now, my clues or my. My pictures may or may not help you get

to the answer, and you'll see a little timer on the right side that helps

you. My second clue, I was the first female

aviator to fly across the atlantic ocean.

I producer says Chris had no. Chris says

Nico has it. Nico had it. Nico. Amelia

Earhart. Amelia Earhart is

correct. Correct. That was a very. I was almost like split

second. Let's go to the second

one. What sport am I? I'm looking for a

sport. I am known

for my use of technique and leverage over

brute strength.

Our second clue for two points, I originate in

Japan and was popularized in Brazil.

Chris, is that jiu jitsu? Jiu

jitsu. Brazilian jiu jitsu is. Oh, nice.

Correct. Correct. All right,

who am I? I'm looking for a who. One of my

favorite. Who's coming up here.

I have over 100 patents in my


We'll go to that second clue for two points.

I was born on May 3,

1935, in New York City.

All right, our last clue. My

showtime rotisserie grill will make you say, just said

it and forget it.

He's an american icon. It's Ron

Popeele. Ronnie.

Does anybody remember the Showtime rotisserie girl just said it and

forget it. All right, another who. Let's go back to.

We'll go back to the who's and we'll go to an inventor

again. I have over 1000 patents

in my name. Niko. Thomas Edison.

Thomas Edison. Swinging for the fences

is correct. Well played. That's

great. All right, we're looking for a wear this

time. Where am I?

I could be anywhere, but I'm only in one place that matches these three

clues. Am I in the bathroom? I am known for

my arid climate, sand dunes and unique

rock formations. This is a specific place, too.

My second clue, I cover portions of California,

Nevada, Utah and Arizona. Nico,

grand canyons. Grand canyons. Is

incorrect. Incorrect.

We'll keep going to that third clue.

I am famous for the Joshua tree, a type of

yucca plant that grows here.

Sarah, I heard the buzzer first. Is

it Capitol Reef? Capitol Reef is

not correct. I would say. Too specific, maybe. I don't know, but I don't even

know where that's at. Yeah.

And I let the. Oh, wait. Chris is going

for it. Yeah, I just.

It's. Death Valley is a part of it. I can't think what it's called. Well,

there's a good death valley. There's a valley is

incorrect. It's the. Yeah, it's the desert that it's all in.

You can pronounce it like a pittsburgher. It's either

the Mojave Desert or Pittsburgh might go.

Majavi. Majave.

That's funny, because this show airs on in Pittsburgh, so somebody's gonna

say Jave. All right, what is it? What is it?

Letters to the editor, please. Attention, mister producer.

I'm a major waterway that forms part of the border between

United States in Canada. Remember,

all clues have to match

to Chris. The St. Lawrence River. St. Lawrence

river is incorrect for

three points. Trying to make up ground.

I am popular. I'm a popular site for hydroelectric

power. Are you ringing? You can still buzz it. And

you're not locked out. You can always

buzz in. Was that a. You did an air ring? I don't know if you

were ringing in or not. No. All right, now I'm

gunshy. Our second. Our last clue for one

point. Tourists flock to my surroundings

for boat rides, observation decks, and scenic views.

Chris, Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls is

correct. Correct. That time my picture did match the answer.

We have four questions remaining. What

type of government am I? What type of government

am I? I am

used by countries like the United States, Germany, and

Australia. Australia.

That's a pretty good accent. Our second clue for two

points. I am a form of government where power is divided between a central

government and smaller political units such as states.

Our third clue, for one point. I typically feature a

constitution that outlines the rights and responsibilities of the

government and its citizens. Niko, what is a

democracy? Democracy is

incorrect. Anybody

else? We're gonna go to the answer. I was. But that's what I was gonna

say. Too, because Niko saved your

federalism. Federalism.

All right, where am I eating it? Let's go to one of my favorite I

always like the food questions. Where am I

eating? Could be anywhere in the world. I was founded in

1954. I don't know if that helps you or not.

This is where I am eating. And my

name suggests a

regal lineage.

A regal lineage. Oh, is that tap is.

Yeah. Is that the Dairy Queen? Dairy Queen

is incorrect.

Good try.

And our last clue for one

point. Flame broiled is a technique

I'm known for, Chris. That is the

Derrick Queen's husband, the Burger King. Burger King.

You are so close, Nico. I was like, you just went the

wrong direction on that one. All right, now I'm looking for a

movie. What movie am I? We're battling. You're doing a

movie battle right now, Chris. Let's find out.

My theme song is an iconic and immediately

recognizable. I read that wrong.

But our second clue.

I'm a 1984 supernatural comedy

film. Chris. Ghostbusters. Ghostbusters

is correct. Who you gonna call?

And our last clue

for three points. I'm looking

for a movie character. This

character only appears when you break

the rules.

And the rules are

no water, no food after midnight, and avoid

bright lights. Chris.

I think I got it. I'm buzzing you with the Gremlins, but, yeah,

I can't think of what the. Yeah, Gremlins is my answer. It's not right. Let's

hear the third clue. Oh, well, I am literally the name of

this 1984 horror comedy. Gremlins is

correct. Correct. Let's go to the scoreboard.

Very well played. It was a slugfest.

We have Chris just edging out Niko. Chris with

16 points. Niko with eleven. Very well

played. Let's go through our guests one more time, starting with

Sarah. Let's make sure everybody at home can connect with you and. And

follow along on your show's progress. Oh,

thanks. The SJ child show. You can find it on all streaming

pro platforms and on all social media.

SJ is the easiest way to find me.

Awesome. And to Nico. Yes. So it's

me once again. Nico, host of a gamers guide of productivity. Join me as

I share valuable insights and strategies for boosting productivity in the gaming

world and translating them to the real world.

or at nicopingen on YouTube. Thank you. Great. And

to our champion tonight, Chris. Yeah, you can

find the pub trivia experience anywhere you get. Podcast. Come on, give us a listen.

And if you like what you hear, you're going to like Jeff's show as well

because you're already listening to it. But, Jeff, we'll get you on soon, my friend.

And let's. I'll put all those links in the show notes. Let's

dance our way out of here.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong. You

are wrong. You are right. That is correct. You are correct.

That is correct.

Creators and Guests

Jeff Revilla
Jeff Revilla
Your Host of Stuff I Never Knew since 2015!
Sara -vs- Chris -vs- Nico - Episode 154 - Florida Man Did What?!?
Broadcast by