Rick -vs- Shirleen -vs- Donald - Episode 147 - Live Trivia Podcast

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the stuff I never knew. Trivia, game show, podcast. I'm

Jeff, I'm your host. We are on the Armstrong neighborhood

channel. I've got three great guests. We'll meet them after

the theme song.

All right, I lied. We'll meet them after round one, because on this show, we

get right into it. In round one, we're going to take some quotes

tonight that sound very similar, but you have to

decipher, were they said by AC DC

or AC Slater from saved by the bell. It was a

popular show in the 90s, so if you don't know the band and you don't

know the show, this will be a lot of fun. We're going to go with

the order I have on the scorecard. Rick, you are first.

Who said this? AC DC or AC Slater?

I could charge lonely girls to watch me flex my

muscles. AC Slater. AC

Slater is correct. Correct.

And our second one to Donald.

No stop sign, no speed limit,

nobody's going to slow me down. Is that AC

DC or AC Slater? He's

on the highway to hell. That's AC DC. AC

DC is correct. And you got the

song right. Over to Shirleen.

Hey, Mama, look at me. I'm on my way to

the promised land. That's got to be AC

DC. AC DC. Is it the same song?

I'll tell you after you push the button.

You are correct on both accounts. We're going

back to Rick. Hey, Mama, want to

have a burger with a real man? Was that an AC DC

song or AC Slater? Slater.

Slater is correct. Two for

two, over to Donald. So stop your

grinning and drop your linen.

I'm going to have to guess AC Slater on this one.

AC Slater is incorrect.

From shake a leg. AC DC. I think AC

Slater got all his lines from AC DC songs. Over to

Shirleen. The cops could not appreciate

my natural charm. I'll say AC

Slater. Slater is

incorrect. All right, back to

Rick. Did you ever see them move?

They're saying plenty, baby. That's got to be


incorrect. It's AC Slater referring to Paula Abdul

and Janet Jackson. Over to Donald. Your

last one. You'd rather study than go to the

beach. It's AC Slater. It's got

to be AC Slater is correct.

And our last one to Shirleen.

Get myself a steady job, some responsibility.

Can't even feed my cat on Social Security.

Got to be AC DC. AC DC is

correct. Correct. Very well. Played round

one. Let's go to that scoreboard. We have

a tie, a three way tie. So we're not going to change the order

going into round two. And this is my favorite part. We get to meet

our guests. Rick is going to the hot seat

first. Rick, welcome to the show. Thanks. Thanks for having me

on. So glad to have you here. Where are you calling in from? I am

calling from Clearwater, Florida. Very nice. Probably nicer than it is in

Pittsburgh right now. It's finally cooling down a little bit. Yeah.

Tell us a little bit about Clearwater. What's going on? What do you do down

there? I am the technical theater teacher at Eckard

College, which is a small private school all the way at the bottom of St.

Petersburg. I'm also a

little bit. Well, tell us a little bit about any productions you have coming up,

and then we'll get into your podcast. We've got two shows coming

up right now. In fact, as soon as I finish talking to y'all,

I'm going back to rehearsal for the Rocky Horror picture show. Oh, wow.

And then in two weeks, we're doing a musical called ordinary

days. Very nice. And then I get to sleep.

But you can't sleep because you have podcasts to produce. Tell us a little bit

about those. I am one of the

hosts and founders of the Infinite Potato alliance podcasting

Network. You can find us at WW,

infinitepotato.com. And the

main shows I'm on are that Star Trek

podcast and Moonshow, which is a for all mankind

show. For all mankind podcast.

Is that based on the Apple tv series? Yes.

I've loved that series so far. I can't wait for the next

very. You know, we haven't done a show in, like, three weeks

because we did all three first seasons, or all first three

seasons, and we've been kind of jonesing for the new show.

Sounds good. And the best way. Again. Once again, give them the website. I'll put

those in the show notes, www. And for some reason

that matters, for once,

infinitepotato.com. Sounds good.

Rick, are you ready for the hot

seat? I sure hope so. Sounds good. Each of my

guests will get three questions from these three categories. American

football, potato, what can you tell me how to get

to? And then we'll do a name five bonus question where I'll give you a

very vague category, like name five spices in your spice cabinet.

You have to tell me five things that are in your spice cabinet, but you

only have 10 seconds to do it. So it's a little bit fun. Rick,

your american football question, how many

points is a touchdown worth in american

football? Six. Six is

correct. Your potato. What?

Question is what type of potato has a dark color

both inside and out and is rich in


Sweet potato. Sweet potato. Incorrect. Looking for a

purple or a blue potato. And your. Can you

tell me how to which friendly, furry

red monster loves to give hugs and learn about the world around him

on Sesame Street? Elmo.

Elmo is correct. Now we

have a five point bonus question. I'll put 10 seconds on

the clock once I read the question. Rick, name five

fingers used in making a turkey. Handprint. And

go. Thumb, index, ring, middle, pinky.

Is that all? Five. All right, five for

five. That is correct. Very well played. We're

going to. Donald. Donald, welcome to the

show. I'm glad to be here. And can I say

how easy that last one was?

Well, you never know. Questions like that can really trip people up

sometimes. And just wait till you see your five point

bonus questions. But before we get there, Donald, tell us a little bit about yourself

and where you're calling in from. I'm here from.

I was expecting New York.

No, surprisingly enough, we're the ones

who are twins with.

Can you get. Can you get a direct flight from any of those?

We have barely an airport here.

Well, tell us about Rochester, what you do up there and what led you to

the show tonight? I work at a McDonald's, so

nothing interesting there, but

I'm in the local community chorus, so I have my fun

there. And then I found you

guys. It was either listening to other trivia

podcasts or just a random search.

Very nice. Well, we do a ton of McDonald's questions on this show,

and we're so glad to have you join us tonight. Donald,

are you ready for the hot

seat? Oh, yeah. All right, your

american football question. If a player intercepts the

ball and runs it into the opponent's end zone, how many

points is that worth?

Two. Two is

incorrect. Six points. Six points. Yeah.

Our second question. Potato. What? Which

tuber, often mistaken for a potato, is used in

Latin America cuisine and is a primary ingredient in dishes

like tacos de canasta.

Wow. I'll even accept. I'll

accept the Pittsburgh pronunciation of this one as well.

Yeah, like I didn't even know that.

I have no clue. You can either say hikama

or jacoma if you're from Pittsburgh.

Okay, I've heard that word. I just

never knew what it was. All right, our second one, our third

clue. Can you tell me how to get to which character lives in

a trash can and often shouts scram to visitors?

That would be Oscar the grouch. Oscar the grouch is

correct. And do you know his original

color? What was the original color? The

original color was orange. Orange. That could

work almost like a

know caution. I don't know where I was going with that. So we'll

fix that in post. And Donald, your name five bonus

question. Name five items you would find

in a cornucopia and go. I'd say

grapes, apples,

corn, wheat.

You cut out just at the. What was the fifth one? Pear. Pear.

You cut out at the buzzer. You can put anything in a cornucopia. You thought

five fingers was easy. You could really stuff anything in there. So

you got five points on that, plus six from the first

round. We're going to Shirleen. Shirleen, welcome to the. Hello.

Hello. Tell us where you're calling in from. I'm calling

in from San Antonio, Texas. San Antonio, very nice. How's

the weather down in San Antonio? It is too cold for my comfort this week.

For some reason. It's been a high of like, high forty s,

and this south texan girl complains about it every year

and never knows what to do with it except bundle up. High 40s. That's

what we in the northeast call march.

That's when spring is coming. Welcome to the show. What led

you here? How'd you find out about us? I really enjoy listening to the

podcast and playing along. I like to think that I get all the

answers right while I play along, and I'm every time proven wrong, but I have

fun doing it every time. Well, this is your chance to shine. Do you

have anything you'd like to plug, promote, or talk about?

Yeah, I work in human resources,

and I've been in human resources pretty much my entire adult career. So

if anyone wants to connect with me for any HR questions,

I am on LinkedIn. Probably the best place to connect with me.

Last name is spelled like old ham but not pronounced that same

way. And I can't guarantee that I can help solve your problems,

but I will see what I can do. Awesome. I'll have Shirlene's

links to LinkedIn. That was a mouthful. Shirlene's links to

LinkedIn in the show notes. Check her out. Connect with her if

you have any HR questions. Shirleen, are you.

You're dancing. You're supposed to be intimidated. Are you ready for the hot

seat? Let's do it. All right, your american football

question. If a ball is fair. Caught in the

end zone. How many points is that worth?

None. Zero is correct. I didn't

trick anybody with my football. Questions tonight. Our potato.

What question tonight is which

country is traditionally believed to be the

origin of the potato? And lucky for you, this is a

multiple choice. Is it

Ireland, United States, or.

Oh, I'll

say Ireland. Ireland is

incorrect. It is Peru. And can you

tell me how to get to question which

vampire like character loves the count and has the


count the count. The answer is in.

The question is correct. I've also accepted Count

von Count and Shirleen.

Your name. Five. Bonus question. 10 seconds on the clock.

Name five traditional dishes served on Thanksgiving in

the United States. And go. Turkey,

green bean casserole, sweet potato pie, apple

pie, cherry pie.

Five for five is correct. A very well played second

round by everybody. But we still have 30 points coming up in the

final round. Let's go to that scoreboard because

it is a one point game between first and second place.

Rick and Shirleen with nine points, Donald with eight.

Let's go to that final round. All right. In round

three, we have a very fun video round. For those of you watching, you

can play along with the audio at home. I'm going to read you a very

vague question, something like, who am I? What am I? Where am

I? And then I'm going to start to read you a series of three clues

to help you figure out who am I? What am I? Where am I?

If you think you know the answer, buzz in. And I've asked each of my

guests to bring their own buzers. We're going to test those in a second. But

when you buzz in on the first clue, that's worth three

points. If you buz in on the second clue, that's worth two points.

And the last clue is worth one point. If you get them right, we're going

to add those points to your point value. But if you get them wrong,

we're going to subtract those points from the point value so there's

no limit to how many times you can buz in. If you buz in and

you're wrong and you want to buz in again and then again and again and

again. The fans at home love a negative score. So if you're going to

sink the ship, go for the glory. So let's hear

Shirleen. Let's hear your buzzer.

You got the taboo. And to

Rick, he's got the

disassembled doorbell, xylophone. And

to Donald, he's

got the police sounds.

And let's go to that first question. I'm looking for

a. Who am I? Who am I?

Maybe my pictures match up, maybe they don't. I was known as

the little corporal. And on the right side you'll

see a little timer. And I heard a buzzer. Shirleen.

Napoleon. Napoleon. For three points

is correct. For three

points. Nice. Very nice. What

mathematical concept am I? I'm looking for a

mathematical concept in a right triangle. I represent

the side opposite the right triangle. Rick?

The hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is

correct. Correct. All right, we're going to make it a little more

difficult here. I'm looking for a city. What city

am I? In? This city, I am

home to the Ufizi

gallery and Pont Vecchio.

My second clue for two points. The Medici

family played a significant role in my history.

Rick? Florence. Florence. For

two points is correct. Correct.

We got a slug fest in the first three questions already.

All right, we're going to the fourth question. What

literary genre am I?

Genre originating in Japan.

My narratives typically revolve around love, the beauty of nature

and the impermanence of life. Impermanence.

Impermanence. I'm impaired. Our second clue for

two points. My format is traditionally five. Seven. Five

syllables spread across three lines. I heard police siren. Donald.

First haiku. Haiku. For two points

is correct.

We're going to that fifth question already.

What artwork am I? I'm looking for an

artwork. While the scene

might seem serene, it's filled with emotional

intensity and depth.

Our second clue for two points. Painted by a

dutch artist in 1889 during his stay at an

asylum. Donald. I'm

going to guess. Starry night. Starry night by Vincent van

Gogh is correct.

You guys are knocking this out of the park. We haven't even got to a

third clue yet. Who am I? Who am

I? I am the first

woman to

win a Nobel prize.

Rick. Marie Curie

is correct.

I had a feeling about this group. All right, our

next clue. What architectural style

am I? I'm looking for an architectural style

flourishing in the 11th and twelveth centuries. I'm

predominant in western Europe.

Rick? Gothic. Gothic

is correct.

Let's go over to that scoreboard to slow down the pace of the show a

little bit.

We have Rick with 20. Donald and Shirleen

tied. We still have nine points

remaining. It is anybody's game. Let's go

to that 8th clue. Who am I?

I don't know. An english author born in

1812. My tales often shed light on social


Rick Swift. Swift



Our second clue for two points.

My serialized novels captivated victorian


Shirleen. Is it Shakespeare? Shakespeare

is incorrect.


Damn it. In my


I have a three second buzzer I have to enact.

It's the official rulebook. I don't blame


That'll cost you two. Wait. Wrong button. That'll cost

you two points. Our third clue. Characters like

Scrooge and Oliver Twist came from my pen.

I heard Rick. Dickens. Dickens

is. Yeah. Correct.

Don't you hate when that happens?

Our 9th question. What ancient structure am


I date back to around 2500 bc.

All right, our second clue for two points. My purpose remains a

mystery, but I'm aligned with celestial events.

Rick? Stonehenge.

Stonehenge is


I wrote these too. Correct.

And, oh, I do consist of a ring of standing stones, each around

13ft high. You'd think I'd remember that. Our last clue

for the game tonight. What gemstone am

I? I'm looking for a gemstone.

Cleopatra was known to have a particular fondness

for me. Shirleen. An emerald.

Emerald is correct.

I didn't even need to write 30 clues tonight because you

knocked all the questions out in the first round. Let's go to that

final score and see. We have Rick with 20, Donald with ten, and

Shirleen with 13. Very well played game. That last round

was a slug fest, but Rick, through it all, is our

winner. Let's go around one more time, do one last plug,

promote anything you'd like to talk about. I'm going to turn the floor over to

you, Shirleen. It's all yours. Yeah. Happy to

connect with anyone on LinkedIn. Come find me. I've been working in

HR pretty much my entire adult career. Happy to see

what I can do to help. Sounds good. Find Shirleen on LinkedIn. We'll have the

link in the show. Note to Donald. I don't have anything

to plug in particular, but get your health checked.

It's very important. I've been through some issues myself

recently. I should know. Very good. We'll

put that in the show notes, not your health issues. I think there's a. I

can't publish that, but it is great advice. I know some

people personally that's very good advice for. And I appreciate

you sharing. And to Rick,

congratulations on the win. And you got to go to work now.

Yeah, thank you. Also, I need to rectify

something I didn't mention at the beginning of the show on our network, the

Infinite Potato alliance podcasting network. We also have our own

game show called Captain Game show, which is a trivia and wordplay

podcast, but we talk about Star Trek, Star

wars, all things nerdy, all things geeky. And I'm on

several of them, and we have a lot of fun. So please come check us

out. Very good. Check out infinite potato. Infinite

potato. And they're going to give me no end of crap for missing the

potato question. Yeah. Very good.

Congratulations to all my players tonight. Rick with the win. Let's dance

our way out of here.

Creators and Guests

Jeff Revilla
Jeff Revilla
Your Host of Stuff I Never Knew since 2015!
Rick -vs- Shirleen -vs- Donald - Episode 147 - Live Trivia Podcast
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