"Richard -vs- Cathy -vs- Dominick" - Episode 152 - Trivia Game Show

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the stuff I never knew. Trivia, game show, podcast.

I'm Jeff. I'm your host. We are on the Armstrong neighborhood

channel. I've got three great guests joining me, Richard,

Kathy and Dominic. Let's hear that. Theme music.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong.

You are wrong. You are right. That is correct. That is

correct. And as you know, on this show, we get right into

it. We're going into round one with my guests, Richard, Kathy and

Dominic. And that's the order we're going to play in tonight.

And we're going to do a top tens. And there's a website called

the top tens. So I went to that website and I pulled three different

categories, and I'm going to read you the first category coming up here in a

second. We're going to go around the horn, Richard, Kathy and Dominic. And all I'm

going to ask you to do is give me one item on that list. It

could be anywhere on the list. If you give me an answer, it's on there.

You'll stay alive. If you're wrong, you're eliminated for

that round. And for each right one you give me, you'll get a point. And

if you're the last one standing, you can continue to guess and get

all the rest of the points. So if you're ready,

Richard, give me an item on the top

ten best drinks. These could be generic drinks

or brand name drinks.

Coke. Coke. Coca Cola. Number

two on the list. Very nice. To

Kathy. Beer. Beer is a great

answer, but not on the

list. Over to

Dominic. Okay, I'll go. Coffee or

Starbucks? Coffee or Starbucks. Number

four or five on the list. Four or five.

It's on there. Over to Richard.

Water. Water. The most important is

number one. Back to Dom. It's going to be a battle between

Dominic and Richard for a second here. Tea.

T. Number nine on the list.

Back to Richard.

Energy drinks. Energy drinks. Red Bull

are incorrect.

No. So, Dominic, you have

a chance here to run the board. There's six remaining

for everyone you get. You can get a bonus point.

I'm ready. Wine. Wine

is not on the list. You're out.

So we also had chocolate milk, Dr.

Pepper, coffee, lemonade,

mountain dew, orange juice, tea

and milk. Milk made it two times on there.

This next one's fun. And I guarantee a lot of points will be scored on

this one. We started with Richard, so now we're going to start with Kathy.

I want you to name the top ten best decades to live in

since 1900. So there's two of them that are going to

blow up on you, but let's see how many points we can get on this

one. Okay. Fifty s. The nineteen fifty s

is correct at number seven.

And to Dominic. Eighty s. The

eighty s. Of course. The number one answer

on the list to Richard. I mean, I'm going

to say the 90s because that's when I grew up. The 90s. Number

two on the list. Back to Kathy.

Sixty s. The sixty s. Number five

on the list. We're getting closer to eliminating that.


The number

four on the list. The tension

is growing. Richard, oh, my gosh. What happens if I say an answer that someone

else said? You're also eliminated. You can't repeat so you got to.

Remember writing these down.


already said Richard is out for this round.

Back to Kathy.

Forty S. The nineteen forty s.

Just sneaking in there at number ten.

You're staying alive. Kathy to Dominic. Okay.

The 2000. 2000.

Number three on the list. We have

three remaining and two nuclear options. I

guess I don't know what you call it when you blow up the game. Back

to Kathy.

I'll say


are not on the list.

Dominic, three remaining. Can you run the board? Okay,

well, I'm taking notes here. Is that legal? So

first I'll go the roaring twenty s. The nineteen twenty s.

Nineteen twenty. S. Number eight on the list. Okay, then

I forget what year we're allowed to stop here, but I'm going. To go


number six. One remaining and one

wrong answer. I don't remember where we're allowed to stop,

so I've got to go. The

2020s. It

is the best decade to live since the 19 hundreds

is 1900.

All right, we have one more of these remaining and this one

should be fun and a little bit tougher than the last one. We're looking for

the top ten best smells in the world.

And this one will start with Dominic.

Flowers. Flowers are

not on the list. Dominic, where'd

you get your list? Where'd you get this? The top

tens.com. Over to Richard.

Lavender. Lavender.

Not on the lid. Kathy has a chance to

run all. Ten home

cooking home. Could you be more specific?

Bread. Bread. Cooking bread. Cooking

bread is not on the

list. We're going to give a second chance since nobody got

any back to Dominic. We're resetting.

Babies. Babies are

definitely. I'm going to give you a double.

All right, Dominic's double eliminated. Over to

Richard. I'm going to play off what you said about home

cooking. I'm going to say cookies. Cookies

are not

on the list. Kathy has a chance to run

all ten again or we're going to reset. I'm going to say coffee.

Coffee is wait.

Coffee is number four. You

can keep going. It's a game. Now, Kathy, you can keep answering as

many as you can get. I'm going to say roses.

Roses are

not on the list. Well, you got the only point in that round. We

had fresh air, vanilla, barbecue,

coffee, bacon, rain,

campfires, gasoline, melted

chocolates and freshly cut grass would have been

some of the other choices. That means let's go to that

scoreboard. We had dominic with nine, Kathy with four in

second place, and Richard with three. We're going

to the hot seat. All right. We're going to

round two. We're going to put Richard into the hot seat.

Richard, welcome to the show. Thanks for having me.

It's so great to have you here. Where are you calling in from? South

Carolina. South Carolina. Tell us a little bit about what you do in South

Carolina. I am the executive director

of an arts and health nonprofit, Hearts need Art. We

hire local musicians, writers and

visual artists, and we go into hospitals and work with the adults

and their family members and the healthcare staff. Oh, very good. What's the

name of it and how can people connect with you? Sure, it's

heartsneedart and it's

heartsneedart.org or all the social

media stuff at heartsneedart.

Heartsneedart.org. We'll put all that in the show notes.

But, Richard, are you

ready for the hot? Oh, excuse me. Sounded like I was nervous

there. You should be. In this

round, each of my guests are going to get completely random question. There's no theme

or category tonight. Plus a New Year's name five.

And a name five is a category that I'll give you, like name five

spices in your spice cabinet. You have to tell me five things that fit in

there, but you only have 10 seconds to do that. So,

Richard, your first question tonight. What are

shadow facts, Seabiscuit and black beauty?

Horses. Horses. Correct.

Our second question. How many days does it take

the earth to rotate halfway around its axis?


Carbs. We'll give it to you. Carbohydrates. Yeah. The hot seat. It's a lot different

when you're in the hot seat, isn't it? Yeah. I don't know if I like

this game anymore.

Richard, your name five bonus. You get five points

on this one. And these are all New Year's themed. Related. Name

five ways to live a healthier lifestyle and

go exercise, eat better,


Run and yoga

at the buzzer. You got all five. Very well

played. Now you know what the hot seat really means.

Sweating over to Kathy. Kathy, welcome to

the show. My turn.

I hope you're not nervous. I'm a little bit. Oh, well, tell us where you're

calling in from. I'm in Ontario, Canada.

Yeah. Very good. Tell us what you do out in Ontario, Canada.

So my working title is Kathy Crawley, laughing Bean queen. I offer

simple solutions for today's challenges. Worms for indoor composting, sprouts

for eating, grow your own and laughter for overall health and

wellness. That's what I'm focusing on. LAUGHTER Yoga. You?

LAUGHTER Yoga. And tell us if we wanted to connect with you, learn more about

laughter yoga, the worms, composting. How can we get a hold of you

and learn some more information? Yeah. So my website is

kathysclub.com. That's my laughter page. And I have a free laughter

club every Tuesday and everybody should come. It's online

self care. What happens at Laughter club? We

laugh. Really. It's laughter for the health of it. It's

not jokes or comedy. It's laughing, like. Not that we're against.

We're against jokes. No, we love jokes,

too, but it's just playing and being

silly and because when we're laughing, we're in charge of our own pharma.

Very nice. I will put all those links in the show notes. Kathy,

are you trying to distract? Are you ready for the

hot seeds? Yes. As ready as you

can, because here we go. Three random questions for you,

Kathy. What is the square root of 81?

Nine is rapid fire is correct.

Our second clue or question, what does the b stand

for in the word scuba? Breathing.

Breathing is correct. And you could

run this three for three. Here we go. What is the french phrase for

ordering separate items from a menu and not a set meal at

a restaurant? Ala carte. Ala carte is

correct. You blasted through the hot seat. Your

name, five. Bonus question, 10 seconds on the clock.

Name five better ways or name five ways to be better

with money and. Go save, put it in the

bank, invest it,

clip coupons and look for. Sales

at the buzzer. Five for five. Kathy, you ran that

second round. All eight points. Very well

played. Over to Dominic. Dominic, welcome back

to the show. Hey, thank you. Glad to be here. I'm glad

to have you. Tell us where you're calling in from. Well, I'm calling from

Greensburg, Pennsylvania, right north

of Connellsville, pa. And I'm on a little

show called Bikes and hikes that airs on

Armstrong neighborhood channel two. And sometimes we have

visitors come. And our friend Jeff came one time

and pushed me off my bike and I fell on my head.

There is no footage of that. To prove that there was any

wrongdoing. I've contacted my attorney and

he says, don't worry about it.

No. I have the

scars. I feel like I should worry. Aldobnik,

tell us a little bit about yourself. Not only do you co host bikes and

hikes with producer David Feedor, but what else are you working on

outside? Well, thank you. By day, I

run a company called Motivation Champs, and I pretty much help people

from all over the globe share their story as many ways as they can. But

I help people write books. I take them from piece

of paper to they're a published author selling books

and standing on stages. And that's what motivation champs does. And

overall, we just try to share positive content, like being

on bikes and hikes 24/7

well, what's the best way. To connect with you if we want to become an

aspiring author and be on standing on stages? You can look

up motivation champs anywhere across social media and we'll

probably be there. Message me and say hi. I'd love to chat.

Awesome. So I'm sure David has just rolled the footage of me

throwing you off your bike. Are you ready for

the hot seat? Let's do this. All right, your first

totally random question. What happens to

Bruce Banner when he gets angry? Love. It

turns green and gets big. It turns green and gets big or

becomes the hulk. That's correct. We'll give you the points for

that. And which planet is closest

to the sun? There's some kind of acronym there.

Mother something. So I don't know. I'm going to go

mercury. Mercury for two points so far is

correct. And since we're so close

to the sun, what vitamin is received from sunlight?

Yeah, I think it's vitamin D. Vitamin D is

correct. Three for three. And your

name, five. Bonus question, name five ways to

exercise off unwanted pounds and go

bike, hike. Lift weights, run, swim,

ski, skydive.

You gave me 27. I only needed five. You got five points

there. What kind of exercises can you do? Skydiving? Sure. You could

wave your arms and scream. You're so afraid, you just lose

weight. Well, we're going to that

scoreboard. It's still a very close game. Dominic with

17, Kathy with twelve, and Richard with ten. We're going

to the final round, which has 30 points available.

And in this round, it's a video round, and I'm going to ask you a

series of very, very vague questions. Who am I?

What am I? Where am I? And I'm going to start to read a series

of clues to you. If you buzz in, because I've asked each of you to

bring your own buzzers on the first clue, that's going to be worth three

points. The second clue is worth two points and the

last clue is worth one point. When you buz in and you're right, you're going

to earn those points and we're going to add them to your total. But if

you buz in and you're wrong, you're going to lose that point value

and we're going to subtract it from your total. So I've asked each of my

guests to bring in their own buzzers. Kathy, let's hear yours.

Frog. Xylophone. And to Richard.

He's got the ringside bell. And Dominic.


I think it's a is.

All right. We're going to start playing the videos. Remember, my

pictures may or may not match the clues. It's up

to you. To buz in. When you're ready. Our first

clue tonight. What food am I? I'm looking for a food

item. So what food am I looking for?

I've been around for thousands of years, evolving over

time. Kathy. Salad. Salad


incorrect. And you'll see on the right side there's a little

timer. And just because you buz in, you can buzz in multiple times,

you're not locked out. Our second clue. I'm

often paired with cheese, meats or vegetables.

Kathy? Grudites. Grudit

is incorrect.

And our third clue. For one point.

My base is mostly made of dough, but I'm typically

round and baked.

Dominic. I am going to go.

Dinner roll. Dinner roll is

incorrect. You're going to love it when you hear the answer to this

one. Richard.

A bagel. A bagel is

incorrect. Round shape paired with meats and

cheeses. We're going

to the answer. It is a pizza. Pizza

is round with veggies, so sometimes they're easier than you think. Don't

overthink some of the questions. We're looking for a

who. Who am I? Who am I?

I was a key figure in a major world

conflict in the first half of the 20th century.

Our second clue for two points.

My leadership and speeches were pivotal

during dark times.

We were happy to buz in on the first question. The second one, not so

much. Our third clue, for one point. As british prime

minister, I led my country through World War II.

I think it was Kathy just beat out the stapler.

Kathy. I was going to say Churchill. Churchill

is correct. Correct.

Winston Churchill. Our 2nd,

3rd question of the night. I'm looking for a natural

phenomenon. Phenomenon. That's a Muppet song

phenomenon. I'm measured by the enhanced

Fajita scale. Fajita

enhanced Fujita scale.

Our second clue for two points. I can

be very destructive, especially in certain regions of the

United States.

Oh, Kathy. I'm going to say earthquake. Earthquake.

Is incorrect.

Incorrect. Our last clue for one point.

My appearance is often funnel shaped. Kathy.

Tornado. Tornado is

correct. Correct. A good comeback.

That only cost you one point. Now we're looking for an animal.

What animal am I?

I'm threatened by habitat loss and poaching. Kathy.

Beaver. If it's from the picture. Beaver

is incorrect. Incorrect.

Our second clue coming up here. Pictures may

or may not. At one point they may, but sometimes they don't.

Our second clue for two points.

Our second clue for two points has no words in it. Hold on. Our

second clue for. I'll find it here. I'm known for my

intelligence and strong social bonds.

My second clue. Richard.

Elephants. Elephants. For two points. Is.

Elephants are correct.

Even I'm confused on that one. All right. Our fifth

question. What am I? I'm looking for a.

What am I? I

greatly influenced other musical genres like

rock and roll and pop and

Dominic. Let's do this. Blues. Blues.

Is incorrect.

Our second clue for two points.

I am often associated with artists like Lewis Armstrong

and Duke Ellington. Kathy? Jazz.

Jazz. Is correct.

Very nice, Kathy. Our 6th question of the night.

What am I looking for? Another. What? I went heavy on the whats.

What am I? I am a fundamental

concept in biology. A fundamental

concept in biology. Kathy.

Immunity. Immune system. Immune system. Is

incorrect. Incorrect.

We'll go to that next clue. Anyone going to take a stab again?

Nope. Our second clue for two points. I

explain the diversity of life on

earth. Or the diversity of life on earth.

Kathy. I'm going to say DNA. DNA. Is

incorrect. Incorrect. Our third clue.

Don't be afraid, guys. Jump in. I was proposed by Charles


Kathy? Natural selection. Natural selection.

Or I think, the theory of evolution. We're saying yes, that's

the look. Charles Darwin theory of evolution.

Is correct. And question

number seven. Who am I? Who am I?

I am a famous literary and

theatrical character.

No takers? We'll go for our second clue for

two points. I am known for my tragic flaw

and quest for revenge.

Bump, bump, bump, bum. Is it the

Terminator? Our third clue.

I am the title character of a play by William Shakespeare. And my

famous line is to be or not to be.

No, it is Hamlet.

You can always buz in when you see the answer, too.

I was a theater major in college, so that's disappointing. We're

looking for an instrument. What instrument

am I? I am an essential member of the

string section in an orchestra. How many string

instruments are there? Our

second clue for two points. I am known.

I am played with a bow and have four strings.

I'm going to say violin. Kathy? Violin

is close but


Dominic? Cello.

Cello is

incorrect. Remember, my pictures may or may not

match the. I don't know what one is. Anyway. I am

smaller than a cello but larger than a violin.

Kathy? Viola. Viola for one point

is correct.

All right, two questions remaining.

I'm looking for an historical dog. And look at this score.

Rich. My gosh. Dominic. Are tied at eleven.

There's six points remaining. Kathy? Is still mathematically

possible. If Dominic and Richard both miss, you could still walk

away victorious. I'm looking for a historical

document. It's everybody's favorite. What

historical document am I? I am famous for limiting the powers

of the king of England and guaranteeing rights to his


Kathy? Magna Carta. Magna Carta. Swinging for the

fences is correct.

And our last question of the night. Who am

I? Who? Sometimes the 10th question. We have an

owl and he's the who owl. Who am I?

I am a mythical creature often depicted as intelligent

and powerful.

Our second clue for two points.

I appear in the folklore of many cultures around

the world. And sometimes my pictures

match, sometimes they don't. Our third

clue. In western cultures, I am typically

portrayed as large reptilian creature with

wings. And I breathe.

Richard. After the buzzer, a

dragon was correct, but it doesn't count as

the win. All right, we have to go to a special

tiebreaker round. It's a very rare event on the stuff I never knew. Trivia, game

show podcast. Dominic and Richard are tied. We're

going to play a special game of card sharks. I'm going to cut the deck

in half right now in front of you and I'm going to pull

a card off of the top. Dominic is

going to go first and your card is

a king of hearts. Is the next card higher

or lower than the king? Lower.

Lower is a jack.

Richard, is the next card higher or lower?

Lower is

correct. It is a game. We are going to continue this until there's

one eliminated player and we'll have our winner.

Dominic, is the next card higher or lower?

Higher. He's saying higher. It is a seven

Richard, higher or lower than a seven?

I'm going to go lower. Lower.

It is a king. Dominic gets the point

and the win tonight. Congratulations, relations to my players.

Let's dance our way out of here. That is correct. You are correct.

You are wrong. You are wrong. You are wrong. You are right. That is correct.

You are correct.

That is correct. You


Creators and Guests

Jeff Revilla
Jeff Revilla
Your Host of Stuff I Never Knew since 2015!
"Richard -vs- Cathy -vs- Dominick" - Episode 152 - Trivia Game Show
Broadcast by