Paul -vs- Geleen -vs- Stephanie - Episode 159 - Never Feed Honey to Babies! 

Hey, everybody. This is Jeff from the stuff I never knew, trivia game show podcast.

I got two announcements before we get started. One, if you're

keeping score at home, you're gonna realize this is episode 159.

And the last episode I released was 157.

158 is out there. It's on the it was

a live episode. It works kind of with

video, but there's no way you would want to listen to that on

audio. But people do want to see it, even the mistake.

So episode 158 is on the

dot you can listen to all 159 episodes

over there. dot

the second announcement is I am starting to do

interactive versions of the stuff I never knew, game show. So if you

like listening to this show and you want to play along the second

and fourth Tuesday of every month, what I'm going to do is make an

interactive game of all the questions of the show that's going

to be released that night. So what does that

mean? If you want to see how you would do against the

contestants, join p

dash there you can get

tickets to watch the game and play along,

see how you would do against the contestants. And then we'll

release the show and you can see how they did. So it should be

a lot of fun. You'll be able to watch the show, play along and then

see the new show or listen to it on your podcast player.

Head over to pidooty. P o dash

get your tickets as we get rolling, we're going to introduce prizes and sponsors

and really get this thing really rocking and rolling.

P o get your

tickets live trivia second and fourth Tuesday of

every month. Now let's get into the show.

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the stuff I never knew, trivia, game show,

podcast. I'm jeff. I'm your host tonight. I've got three

great guests joining me, Paul, Geleen and Stephanie.

Let's hear that. Theme music.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong. You

are wrong. You are right. That is correct. That is correct.

On this game, as you know, on this show, on this game,

on this show, we go right into round one. We don't stop. We don't stop

for nothing. And I've got my three guests, Paul, Geleen and

Stephanie. That's the order in which you accepted to be here tonight. So that's the

order. We're going to run it tonight. Tonight in round one. And we're playing a

game called which food? Which what? Which food which

what? Is a very simple game. I'm going to read you a statement with two

food choices. All you have to do is tell me which of the food. Two

food choices is correct. The two food choices

we're going to go with. Paul, your first one

tonight, the most popular salad dressing in the US

is blue cheese or ranch.

I'm gonna go with ranch. Ranch is

correct. Correct. To Geleen,

what peppers are hotter, habaneros or

jalapenos? Habaneros.

Habaneros. Is correct.

Correct. To Stephanie, is

lion's manehouse a healthy apricot

or a mushroom? Mushroom.

Mushroom is correct. Three for

three. For my guests tonight, let's see if they get a little more

difficult. Paul, do Americans eat more

spinach or more kale?

Spinach. Spinach by almost two times more

is correct. To Geleen,

which has more alcohol content, table

wine or dessert wine? Oh,

dessert wine. Dessert wine is

correct. Correct. And to

Stephanie, which olive oil has a lower acid

content? Virgin or extra virgin olive

oil? I'm gonna go with extra virgin.

Extra virgin is correct. I

haven't stumped my guest yet. Paul, your

last one in the first round, the beans in tuscan bean

soup, are they canon

cannellini or garbanzo?

I'm not gonna be able to pronounce it either. Cannellini? Cannellini.

Is correct.

Correct. And Geleen, which has more

sugar, one whole apple or one whole

banana? Gonna go with apple?

Apple is

correct. Correct. Apples have about ten more grams of sugar

than bananas. And the last one to

Stephanie Nathan's famous hot dog eating contest

record set by Joey Chestnuthen. Did he eat

76 hot dogs or 86 hot dogs with

buns? Oh, I don't

know. My guess is 76. I

didn't fool anybody on any of those.

My guests swept the entire first round, which means

we're going to keep the order the same. We have a three way tie.

Paul, Julene, and Stephanie, all with three points. Paul,

you're going to the hot seat first. Paul, welcome to the

show. Thank you. Tell us a little bit about where you're calling

from. I'm actually in Omaha, Nebraska. Okay.

Yeah. In my beautiful studio here in my basement, where

I design and fabricate custom collectibles for

people all around the world. Those are impressive. And you mentioned we're only

seeing a small part of this. This wall is a 20 foot wall behind you.

It is. We call it the nerd wall. Yes. 20 foot nerd

wall. Any, any favorites on the wall? Stick out to you.

Oh, man. Edward scissorhands. I got a set design that I did in

Lego for the Tonight show. Are a couple of my favorites that are on

here. Very nice. And if people wanted to connect with you and follow

your work, do you share more of this online? Oh, absolutely. Over

it. My name is Paul Pape, so it'd be paulpape or anywhere on the Internet that is

Paul Pape designs. I also am a professional speaker, and I teach

this kind of stuff to other people. So you can find me at Paulpape it

or Paul Papeita. Paul Papids. I like it. It's easy to remember.

And all my guest links will be in the description tonight. Make sure you click

support them. You just tell them you saw them here. Just connect with them. They

have a lot of fun. And they always, like, reliving some of the questions they

miss, too. So always reach out to them.

So we're going to go ahead and I'm going to ask you one question before

we get started. Paul, are you

ready for the hot seat? Sure. All right. Yeah.

Okay. In this game, we're going to play Earth connections,

where I'm going to read you four questions, and all the answers are going to

tie together to be something else. And then we'll go into a name

five, where I'll give you a vague category, like name five spices

in your spice cabinet. I'll put 10 seconds on the clock. You have 10 seconds

to tell me five things. So, Paul, your first earth

connections question. What is the

first name of Beyonce's and Jay Z's

oldest daughter.

Blue comes to mind, but I don't think that's right. We'll go with

that. Blue is

correct. Correct. I think you're just playing it off like

you didn't know I

saw there's a stack of, like, national enquirers behind you. Let's see.

All right, Paul, your second question. The name of the treat made from

chocolate, nuts, and marshmallows is

Blank Road. Rocky. Rocky Road

is correct. Correct. Two for two,

Paul. Name the lead singer of the Motown group

the Miracles, who had a hit with tears of a clown.

Blank Robinson.

Oh, man.

I'm Tony, but it's wrong. Tony. Tony

Robinson is Smokey. Looking for

Smokey? Yeah. And our

fourth earth connections, what do you call a book of maps?

An atlas. An atlas is

correct. So, Paul, what ties together

blue, rocky, Smokey and


Mountains? You just pull

these answers from somewhere. Mountains is.

All right, Paul, I'm gonna put 10 seconds on the clock. I'll start the timer

once I read the question. Name five uses

for a desktop computer and go.

Internet, word documents,


Streaming at the buzzer. You got four out of five.

Not too bad. Let's go to Jolene

Julene. Welcome to the show. Thank you. Hi.

Hello. Hello. Where are you calling in from tonight? Okay,

so, little thing. I'm actually a digital nomad, so

I kind of live out of a suitcase and move around a bunch. But

currently I'm in the Philippines. Oh, very nice. Any particular

part? Manila. Oh, very nice. Around

there. Yeah. And tell us, as a digital nomad, what are you

doing when you're wandering around? So I am

building a business, and so I help

women solo travel and solo travel confidently,

and I also help them make friendships as they are abroad

or traveling around. So that is my particular focus.

Very nice. It's a nice group to have, have connections with. And who can I

travel with? And do you help people meet people in different places so,

like a safe space? Yes. Yeah. So I have

workshops and a mastermind, and I also host events around the world.

They're actually play events, so we get to play do, like, relay races

and fun things together, trivia like this as well.

And if people want to connect with you and learn more about your events, what's

the best way to reach you? Best way is to go to and I actually have

a play quiz. So you can go to Travelnot to play

and you can connect with me and all the things are on there. Very nice.

We'll put that in the show notes. Geleen, are you

ready for the hot seat? I think so.

All right, here we go. We're going to do earth connections again. Your four

questions will tie together to something else. What is the french

word for good? Bon.

Bon. Is correct. Correct.

Our second one. Complete the title of Maurice

Sendak's famous children's book, where the

blank things are. Where the wild things

are. Wild is correct.

Correct. Who jumped headfirst off a boat when he found out his

mama was sick? Blank. Gump

forest. That's the only thing that comes to mind.

Correct. And

the country retreat of the president of the United States is called

blank David. Oh, man.

Yeah. I'm not gonna know this one. I have no idea. No. It

is camp. Camp David. So, Julian,

what ties together bonnite wild

forest and camp?

Is there, like, a national park of some sort?

Is that your answer? Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna go. National

park is incorrect. Fires,

bonfires. Campfires. Forest fires. Fires. Was the key

there. Here is your clue.

10 seconds on the clock. Name five reasons

someone could be arrested and go.

Theft, battery.


Misdemeanor alcohol. We got four at

the buzzer. Four out of five. Very well played.

Let's welcome Stephanie to the show.

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to the show.

I didn't mean for that to rhyme. But it did. Stephanie, where are

you calling in from? I'm in Dundas,

Ontario, which is about an hour outside of Toronto. Oh,

very nice. And what's happening up in Canada? Anything fun?

It's march break for the kids, so,

yeah, I surviving march break, but,

well, very nice. Well, what do you do up in Canada? Anything that you want

to promote, talk about, and share with the listeners? Yes.

I am a sex, love, and relationship coach. So I help

women connect to themselves, their bodies,

their desire, and help them make the help

enhance their relationships as well. Very nice. And

if people want to connect with you and reach out to you, I. Am

wonder love coach on instagram, and my website is Very good. And all my

guest links will be in the show notes. Make sure you scroll down,

read, click the links, support the guests tonight. Stephanie,

are you ready for the hot seats? Ready.

Here we go. Our earth connections quiz quiz.

Which tea invention was patented in New York

in 1903? The

teabag. Teabag is

correct. Our second one.

What are capital one? Chase and

Deutsch? Examples of.

Banks. Banks is

correct. So remember, bag and banks. All these answers will

tie together. What does an origami

expert need for their trade?

Paper. Paper is

correct. And

Brangelina was a made up word of two people, Angelina

Jolie and Brad Blank.

Brad Pitt is correct. So,

Stephanie, what ties together Baghdad,

banks, paper, and pit?

There's a weird three second rule on the show. Oh,

bagpipe. Bank, paper, pit.

Every once in a while. Oh, it started. Oh, no. I can't stop it.

Dog. Dog. Bank. Dog. That is

sand. Sandpaper. Sand. Pit. Sandbag.

And whatever the other one was, I forgot.

And let's go to that scoreboard. Let's see. How are we doing? Oh,

whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. The producers reminded me, we have five

more points for you, Stephanie. Stephanie, name five ways

to move your body across a floor and go.

Crawl, walk, run, slither, slide.

That's five. No.

You had it right. But I always let the timer run the whole

amount just to see what happens. But you had five points within 3

seconds. You nailed that one. Let's go to that scoreboard.

It is a very close game. One point between

each of my players tonight, Stephanie with twelve, Paul with

eleven, Jolene with ten. And we have 30 points

coming your way in the final round. And the final

round is a video round. I'm going to start to read you a very

vague question, like a who am I? What am I? Where am

I? Question, and then I'm going to start to read you a series of clues

to help you find the answer. You can buzz in at any

time you want, and you can also buzz in multiple times. So if you get

it wrong, you're welcome to buzz in again. It's not a problem. But if you

get it right on the first one, we're going to give you three points. The

second clue is worth two points, and the last clue is worth one

point if you get it right. Great. We're going to add that to those very

close totals we have so far. But if you're wrong,

we're going to subtract the point from those totals. And so

everybody at home knows who's buzzing in and when they're buzzing in. I've asked each

of my guests to bring their own buzzers. Let's go through our

order tonight. Paul, let's hear your buzzer first.

And to Julene,

the party had to


She's got the paint tray and the paint and the brush.

All right, let's go to our first question

tonight. I'm looking for a

where? Where am I? And you'll notice on

the right side, there'll be a little timer. It comes, the drops to the bottom.

That's how you know how much time's left for the clue. Almost 10%

of the world population visits me each year.

Stephanie, great Wall of China. Great

Wall of China is

incorrect. I didn't mention that. Sometimes my pictures

may or may not help you get the right answer.

So that one's on me. Because

remember, all three clues have to match the answer. Got

it. Here we go to our second one. I sell

150 million meatballs per year.

Remember, you're not locked out from buzzing in. So 10%

of the world visits me. I sell meatballs

and I've been called legos for grown ups.

Paul. Ikea. Ikea is

correct. Correct. All right, here we go. We still have

27 points remaining. It's anybody's game. We're

looking for a famous artist. Which famous artist

am I?

Our first clue is coming any second

here. I'm a famous artist. I died in a

trunk driving accident at the age of 44.

Our second clue for two points.

I am widely considered the greatest american painter


Stephanie's now holding the paint tray and the paper.

That is Paul, is it Jackson

Pollock? Jackson Pollock for two points. Is

correct. Correct. All right, here we

go. Our third question.

What natural phenomenon am I?

Phenomenon. Phenomenon. Phenomenon.

Phenomenal. I am caused by the collision of charged

particles in the atmosphere. Stephanie.

Lightning. Lightning is

incorrect. That is Paul. Did you buzz

in? Yes. Paul? Thunder. Thunder is


Let the timer run on the third clue.

Our second clue for two points.

I am a dance of light in the sky. More prominent

polls, I think. Stephanie with the. Is that

Stephanie, number one? Yep. Producer says Stephanie.

The northern lights. Northern lights. Aurora

borealis. Is correct.

Correct. All right,

these are going fast. Here we go to our next one.

I'm looking for. Where am I? In the United States.

So we've narrowed it down. Where am

I? Remember my pictures may or may not help you.

I used to be a sovereign state

afraid of our second clue for two points. An

estimated 33% of my population consider themselves

to be hippies. Paul, I think Paul on that one.

California. California is

incorrect. It's still open. Stephanie did buzz in if you

want to take a shot, or you can pass.

Okay. Our second clue. Or third clue.

This is it, right? Our third clue. I am home of Cabot

cheese, 7th generation Burton and


No clue. Everybody loves


All right, let's go to our fifth question tonight.

What food am I? I'm looking for a


I am dangerous for babies to


Stephanie, I think honey.

Honey. For three points

is. Oh, sorry, wrong button. Is

oh. Correct. Don't go by

the host. Go by honey.

Is correct. Three points. What a swing

on. That was a big guess. All right,

our 6th clue. I think tonight, what tv

show am I? And don't

let my pictures mislead you here. My last

episode was titled Goodbye, Farewell and

amen. Paul, is it mash? Mash for three

points. Is correct.

Correct. Very well played. Let's

go to the next one.

Where am I to? We have four questions remaining.

Twelve points. I'm looking for another where

I touched 37 countries and four


And I will tell you, it's still a very close game. I'm

looking at the scoreboard. It's still one point. I am the

third largest body of water on the planet.

That is Paul. I'll go with the Indian Ocean. Just.

Just a guess. Yeah. Indian Ocean is

correct. Paul with the

poles. I don't know. I think it's

all right. Twelve points remaining. Here we go. It's still anybody's

game. We're looking for a musician,

and I hope we get to the third clue. On this one, I got a

great third clue. Despite being one of

the greatest ever, I've never had a number one


The greatest ever. How many could there be?

Our second clue for two points. I'm the

only rock star to win a Nobel Prize. Eyes.

It looks like we're getting to that third clue for one point.

My nicknames include.

It is Bob. Bob

Dylan. I thought my impression would give you the answer.

No, it didn't help. That did not help.

Leave your impression in the comments if you did not like that.

All right. I'm looking for an animal. Three questions remaining.

What animal am I? Oh,

two questions raining. I apologize. Two questions remaining. I'm the

most cautious animal in North

America. I'm the

most cautious animal. And am I gonzo from the Muppets

or my Fonzie? Fonzie Walka Walka. I was on the

verge of extinction in the 1930s.

Like, weren't they all? Everything. Our last

one, my youngs, are called Jenny's and



it is turkeys.

All right. We have a.

We have Paul with 14, Stephanie with eleven,

Julene with ten. It could still swing anyway,

with some wrong answers here. And Stephanie could tie it

up. Who am I? I'm looking for

a who. Who am

I? I have a Grammy

for the best bluegrass album.

Album. I have two l's an album


Our second clue, I've hosted Saturday Night Live

15 times. The second most, Paul, Steve Martin.

Steve Martin is a wild and crazy

guy. Is correct. Paul, very well played tonight.

Great round for everybody. Let's go through

one last time and look at that scoreboard. Paul with 16,

Stephanie with eleven, and Julene with ten. Very,

very close game for having that many points available. It was

only a five point difference. Let's go around one last time.

Connect with my guests. Geleen, the floor is yours. Tell

everybody how to reach out and connect with you. Thank

you. You can find me on travelnot to or on instagram. Not to escape.

Very good. And to Stephanie.

Yes. My instagram is wonderlovecoach. And

I'm at

Wonderlovecoaching.Com. And to Pauldin. I'm at

paulpape designs. Anywhere on the Internet or over at

paulpape. It. If you'd like to learn how to do the

stuff that I do. Awesome. And all those

links will be in the show notes. Let's dance our way out of

here. Oh, wait, let's.

Wrong button. Let's dance our way out of here.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong.

You are wrong. You are right. That is correct. You are correct.

That is correct. That is correct.

We're gonna play a game called tribawns. Birds or

australian slang words. Real or fake flavors

of Doritos. Hey, everybody, this is Jeff from the stuff I never knew,

trivia game show, and we are looking for contestants for future

episodes. If you'd like to play, play trivia here on the Armstrong neighborhood

channel. Head over to click be a

player, fill out the short form, and we'll get you on a future

episode. Hope to see you in the hot


That is correct.

Creators and Guests

Jeff Revilla
Jeff Revilla
Your Host of Stuff I Never Knew since 2015!
Paul -vs- Geleen -vs- Stephanie - Episode 159 - Never Feed Honey to Babies! 
Broadcast by