Mike -vs- Martha -vs- Brian - Episode 141 - Trivia Game Show Podcast

Hey, everybody, this is jeff, the host of stuff I never knew. And I've got

an exciting announcement. This show will be on the main

stage at international podcast day on September 30.

Head over to paduty.com

poduty.com, click the link to

get your free tickets. Watch over 25

live podcasts for 12 hours. On September

30, it's for international podcast day, and I will be running the

stuff I never knew trivia game show podcast live on

the main stage. So get your free tickets, check the

schedule, you'll see when we're playing and we hope to see

you in the hot seat. Let's get into that show.

Hey, everybody, welcome to the stuff I never knew trivia game show podcast. I'm

jeff. I'm your host. We're on the armstrong neighborhood channel. I've got

three great guests. Mike, martha and

snowman in the morning. Brian, snow, let's hear that theme


All right, as you know, on this show, we get right into it.

My guests mike, martha and brian, we're going to

go in that order and we're playing a game tonight called the

simpsons or seinfeld. In this game, I'm going to read

you an episode title from either the simpsons or seinfeld.

You have to tell me, what episode was it? Was it a simpsons

episode or the seinfeld episode?

Mike, the way we was

is that the simpsons or seinfeld?

I'm going to go with the simpsons. The

simpsons is

correct. Season two, episode twelve. One point for

mike. Over to martha. The cheever

letters. The cheever letters that's

seinfeld. Seinfeld is

correct. From season four. To brian,

the bubble boy. The bubble boy.

Simpsons. Simpsons is

incorrect. It was seinfeld. Seinfeld.

Back to mike, the new kid

on the block. I think this one is also

simpsons. The simpsons is

correct. From another season I ran heavy on season four.

And to martha, the boy

who knew too much.

The simpsons. The simpsons is

correct. Moved on to season five that time. All

right, to brian. The trouble with trillions. The

trouble with trillions is that simpsons or


Seinfeld. Seinfeld is

incorrect. It's the simpsons.

And our last one in this round, back to mike,

the diplomats club.

I'm going to say for this one, seinfeld.

Seinfeld is

correct. It is seinfeld. To

martha the wigmaster.

Is that seinfeld. Seinfeld is

correct. Correct. And

last one to brian, the cartoon.

Simpsons gotta be simpsons is

incorrect. It was seinfeld. Seinfeld

did the cartoon. A little curveball there. Let's check that

scoreboard. We have mike and martha with three.

Brian, because you have a different score, you get a little advantage going

into round two. You can pick the order. You can either

keep it the same, change it up, mix it up, whatever you want to do,

the call is yours. I'll lead off

and mike goes last. All right, so we will go in round

two. Brian, Martha and

Mike. Brian, you're going to the hot seat.

Oh, boy. Brian, welcome to the show. Where are you calling in from?

Scipio, Indiana. Just south of Indianapolis, Indiana.

Oh, wow. That's amazing. Tell us a little bit about what's happening out there and

about some of the podcasts you produce. Well, I have

two. I have snowman in the morning with Cole Johnson. That's my morning

show. And then I have the Brian Snow show in the afternoon.

I also do alternative play by play of different games that

I want to cover. I do Monday night Baseball, thursday

night WNBA, although I skipped it tonight for

physical reasons. I manage my

own website, and when I get back in the booth full

time, I'll be doing play by play. So

that's me. And if people wanted to go to that website, how can they find

you? Snowman multimediasports.com.

Snowman multimediasports.com. That link will be in the show notes that

everybody can check you out. Check it out. I know you're on Facebook a lot.

I see, you know, make those connections. And

are you ready? I'm ready for the hot

seats. Let's do

it. All right, each of my contestants tonight are going to get three

questions from these three categories. A, multiple choice, fresh

greens and back in time. Multiple choice.

Your first question, Brian. The Bay Area

Rapid transit system is used in which city

is it? Boston, Miami, San

Francisco or Vancouver. Bay

area. It can't be

that easy, can it? Bay Area Transit

system. The Bay Area Rapid Transit System. Bay

Area Rapid Transit.

How the heck would it I'll take a guess, and I'll say San

Francisco. Going with your gut is I'm going with my

gut. Correct. San Francisco is correct.

All right. Got one. It can be that easy.

You're right. Saying the first point is the toughest. We're

done with that. True or false, Brian?

Daffodils. Grow to face the sun.

I'm going to say.

I'm going to say true. True. Back to back

is correct. Two points for you.

And our third question back in time. What was banned

in Mississippi in 1907 and did not become legal

again until 1966?

Banned in Mississippi?

Alcohol. Alcohol

for three is correct. Three for three.

And we do a five point bonus question. Each guest will get

a name five. I'll put 10 seconds on the clock. Once I read you

the clue, all you have to do is tell me five things that fit into

this category. All right, Brian. Name five

desserts that are served warm and

go. Good grief.

Because all my desserts are cold. I can't

do it. I can't do you're out of time. We

got three points in that second round. Pretty good. We're going to move

Martha to the hot seat. Martha, are you ready?

I think so. That last one kind of scared me. Well,

the timer is a little bit of emphasis, so Martha tell

us where you're calling from. Oh, I am in

DC. Very, very hot and humid washington,

DC. Tonight and what's going on in

know sometimes you hear news stories coming out of that area. Anything.

I mean, really the weather is all anyone's talking about or thinking about.

Right know

it's know we've got politicians.

It's Hollywood for ugly. So that's

what's going on around here. Well, tell us a little bit about what you do

with DC. And a little bit about your show and how can people connect with

you. Yeah, so I have a podcast,

like a lot of podcasts. I created it

because it was something I was looking for and I needed

and there wasn't anything out there like it. And my podcast

is called my Aloof Vagina and

it's a women's health podcast. It's about

perimenopause, but it's kind of a cheeky guide to

perimenopause. Instead of being doom and gloom or

too medical, it's girlfriends talking and then bringing experts and

talking, fun experts, people who will laugh about it so that we

don't feel like we're crazy or that our lives are

over. Because I'm in that stage. Can

you believe it? Right? So

it happens to us younger than we think. So that's my show

and I can be found. I'm on all the socials but I can be found

through my website. Myaloofvagina.com takes you to

everything. Very nice. I'll put that link in the show notes.

Martha, are you ready

for the hot seats? Yes. All right. I'm already hot.

Can you see how it's hot? The glasses are cooling

you off. Those are some super cool glasses. We like those. Thank you.

All right, your multiple choice question. Which of

these is one of the seven dwarves from

Snow White? Is it dozy lazy

grumpy wishful.

Grumpy. Grumpy is

correct. Woohoo. Your 50 50

chance question. Which came first, flowering

plants or dinosaurs?

I'm going to say flowering plants. Flowering plants. Always bet on

dinosaurs. It is dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs and you're back in time. We

always ask a real historical question. What year

did Marty McFly travel back to in Back to the

future? I will be honest, fans wrote

in last time we did this question. There are two acceptable answers

as he does travel back and then back. So I will

accept one of two years. 1950.

919. 59

is so close. 55 or 85. Oh, see,

that's what I was darn it. I was thinking past because of course I was

in high school when that came out and we watched it and that was the

past. That was the best. Yeah. Are you ready

for that time clock that made you nervous? Yes. I need to

make up the points. I'm going to read you the clue. I'll put 10 seconds

on the clock. Martha, name five foods

sold in jars. And go artichoke

hearts. Pickles

peanut butter, pickled, beets,

martini, onions. Martini at the buzzer. You started

saying it before the buzzer. Went off. That is five points for

you. Yay. Nice work. Let's

move Mike to the hot seat. Mike, how's

it going? It's going. I'm nervous now after watching

the two of them, so Brian really hooked me up. Well,

this is the part of the show that's a little bit intense, but you get

to do some great plugs and we get to meet you. And I believe

you're the longest distance call in on tonight's show. Where are you calling in

from? From Eva Beach, Hawaii. Is it even

lunchtime there yet? It's about 730 here. Lunchtime.

Very nice. What's going on in Hawaii? What are you having for lunch?

I don't know yet. We're going to figure that out after I

get off here. But nothing much going on out here except

for pretty beautiful weather, and it's probably cooler here

than where you guys are at. We stay pretty steady

in the 80s. Don't make us too jealous. Living in

Hawaii, nice, cool weather all the time.

I want a piece of that life. Yeah. We're going

to move the show. We're going to budget that for 2024. But Mike, I know

you've got a great podcast. Tell us a little bit about it and how can

people connect with you? Sure. Yeah. So my podcast is called

the Average Joe finances podcast. It's about

personal finances, how to invest real estate,

like all different types of alternative investments. But the main thing is

to give financial literacy to people and help

people make those better decisions, financial decisions. To

find me, you could find all my stuff. I also have a podcast editing

business, and everything about me is on my personal website.

Mikecavagoni.com, you could find everything.

And I'll definitely spell cavagoni in the show notes. The link will be

there. You can connect with Mike and all my guests. You'll find all their links

in the show notes. Mike, are you

ready for the hot seat? No, but I guess I don't have a

choice. That's correct. Mike, your multiple choice

question. Who is the shaggy man

beast that supposedly lives in the Himalayas?

Is it chewbacca mothra,

yeti or yak? I forgot it was multiple choice. Yeti.

Yeti is correct.

And your 50 50 guess. This is a true or false. Orchids

are a member of the Asparagus family.

Oh. Man.

You know, I used to want to be a botanist when I was a kid.

Now I'm going to kick myself in the butt. I'm going to

say all those years learning just to answer. I'm just thinking of the way orchids

grow. I'm going to say true. True. Good way to put that together.

The stems are very similar. Orchids are

part of the Asparagus family

and our back in time. Which country gave the United

States? The Statue of Liberty.

France. France is

correct. And your name? Five

sticking with the foods. Name five foods sold from

a cart vendor or food truck and go,

hot. Dogs, tacos, Thai,


cheesesteaks. I got four of the

five in the ten second. That ten second comes up a lot faster

than you think. Let's go to that scoreboard and see how are

we doing. Heading into the final round, where there's still

30 points available, we have Mike in the lead with

ten, martha with nine, Brian with three. But like I said, we have

30 points coming up here. And in this round, I've

asked each of my guests to bring their own buzzers. This is one of my

favorite parts of the show. We're going to test those buzers now so people at

home know who's buzzing in. Mike, let's hear your buzzer.

He's got the lightsaber and Martha

got beads in a jar. One of my favorites. Pen in a Jar

might be my absolute favorite. And Brian,

he's the Family Feud Buzzer. Richard

Dawson's making an appearance. So in this round, it's a video

round. I'm going to play you a series of videos

and each video has a very simple question. Who am I? Where am I?

What am I? And I'm going to start to read a series of clues that

help you answer that. Now, if you buzz in on the first clue,

you're going to get three points to answer that question. If it's correct. If

you do it on the second clue, two points. The last clue is worth one

point. You buz in using your buzzer when you're ready.

If you're right, you'll earn the points, but if you're wrong,

you can lose the point value for the question. So you want

to be fast, but you also want to be correct.

It can swing wildly in this round. And if you're

ready, let's go to that first one. We're looking

for an historical barrier. So

which historical barrier am I looking for?

It was constructed in

and you'll get about 1012 seconds for each

clue. And remember, all three clues have to

match. It was then demolished in

1989. Martha? The Berlin

Wall. The Berlin Wall, for two points is

correct. The Berlin Wall. So that's how

this round is played. We have nine more questions. I'm looking

for an animal. Which animal am I looking for?

One of these is noted for his smile in the Lewis

Carroll classic

Martha Cat. Cat is

correct. It is cat. Three points

already for Martha. All right, we're looking

for a fictional character.

His parents, James and Lily,

unfortunately were murdered.

Mike with the lightsaber.

Tarzan. Tarzan is

incorrect. Incorrect.

We'll keep the clues going here. See a little timer on the

right? Our second clue

on film, he is played by Daniel Radcliffe. I think

Martha had that one. I wasn't sure with the first one. I was kind of

nervous. Harry Potter. Harry Potter

is correct. Correct.

All right, this one's, I think everybody's going to know this one. Which

iconic 90s pop group?

The phenomenon of their popularity was compared to that

of beetle mania?

Remember my clues and my images may not always match, but they

might. With more than 75 million records

sold around the world, they are the best selling female group of all time.

Martha. Hold on.

The Spice Girls.

It is the Spice Girl.

How. All right. Martha is crushing us.

We still have six questions remaining. Six times

math is 18 points. We're looking for a decade. This is a one out of

ten. A decade in the 20th century. The Soviet war

in Afghanistan ended in this decade.

Our second clue, MTV was launched in the United

States. I think that Martha was fast on the buzzer.

The 1980s. 1980S is

correct. All right, we're

looking for a planet. All right. Could be

any planet, anywhere. It's big galaxy. It

is the fifth largest of the eight

planets in our solar system with the surface area of

510,000,000 km squared.

And that picture is pointing right to it. Just in case

you're all right, our second clue.

It is the densest planet in our solar


Brian? I'll take a shot and say Mercury.

Mercury is

incorrect for two points. And

we'll go to that third clue for one point.

It is the third rock from the sun

over to mike? Earth.

Earth is

correct. Correct. Which planet? Well, it's Planet Earth. We're asking

it again. It is Earth or

the Earth. We'd also accept the earth. All

right, we have four questions remaining. We're looking for an

animal. Which animal am I looking for?

It is the second largest rodent in the

world. The second largest

rodent in the world.

It is a primarily nocturnal, semi

aquatic rodent.

The dams they build provide water protection

against predators. Martha is so fast on that buzzer.

Martha the beaver is

correct. I'm guessing this might be from an earlier show.

Oh, there it is. Beavers. It seems

appropriate. Yeah. Beavers aloof. Right, here we go.

I'm not touching that one. Thank you. All right, we're looking for an

American entertainer. Which American

entertainer? I won 26 Academy

Awards and have been nominated 59 times.

We'll go to that second clue for two points.

I planned to open a ski area before I died in


It and our last clue. I was fired from one

of my early jobs at a newspaper for being

unimaginative. Mike?

Walt Disney. Walt Disney is

correct. Congratulations.

I knew about the firing from the newspaper. I

just thought of someone else and I was like, oh, that's not right. Oh, I'm

glad I didn't answer. All right, two questions remaining. What am

I? I'm looking for what I was marketed as a documentary but later

classified as a supernatural horror

film. So obviously this is a movie is what I

am. What movie am I?

Mike. Off of that first one.

I'm going to say the Blair Witch Project. Blair Witch for three points

is correct.

Correct. And our last

clue tonight, three points

remaining. Which historical

figure am I? I'm looking for a historical figure

my funeral was attended by 20,000 people.

Go to that second clue.

I said, in this world, nothing can be certain except death and


I should know this. You'll know it on this one.

Hands on the buzzer. I invented the

bifocals and I am on the fast

hands. Martha.

Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin is I

meant on the buzzer. Yes. Thank you. I don't know if that helps either. Benjamin

Franklin is correct.

Congratulations. Martha was just unbeatable in the

second round with 22 points. That is almost

a record. It's hard to score even ten points in that round.

Martha coming out on top with 22 points. What

a game. Let's go around one more time and

make sure everybody can connect with you. I'm so grateful you're able to spend

this time with me. Brian, let's start with you. How can we connect and how

can we follow your show and listen in the morning? Just

follow Snowman multimedia subscribe to me on

YouTube. That's the tag

that you need on all my socials. Just follow me at

snowman multimedia. Awesome. Follow those links in

the show notes. Mike.

Average Joe Finances is on every podcast platform. And

you can follow me on all social media at mike cavagoni and my

website's. Mikecavagoni.com. Awesome. And

to our winner tonight with the pink feathered

boa, martha, tell

us, how can everybody connect with you? I'm so happy to finally

get you had that on. Yeah, I've been hot. But I've been dying

to be on this show since I found out about it. So thank you so

much for the opportunity to have so much fun.

My show is called My Aloof Vagina and it's on all the

podcast platforms and you can find everything

related@myaloofvagina.com. And in the socials, it's

mostly Myaloof Vagina, except in places where they don't let me do it. And

then I call it mavpod. Mavpod. All

right, now let's dance our way out of


We're going to play a game called Tribons birds or

Australian slang words real or fake flavors

of doritos. Hey, everybody, this is Jeff from the stuff I Never knew.

Trivia game show. And we are looking for contestants for future

episodes. If you'd like to play trivia here on the Armstrong Neighborhood

Channel, head over to Stuffinevernew.com, click be a

player, fill out the short form and we'll get you on a future

episode. Hope to see you in the hot


Creators and Guests

Jeff Revilla
Jeff Revilla
Your Host of Stuff I Never Knew since 2015!
Mike -vs- Martha -vs- Brian - Episode 141 - Trivia Game Show Podcast
Broadcast by