Melissa -vs- Ayla -vs- Kiah - Episode 155 - Trivia Game Show Podcast
Hey, everybody, it's Jeff, the host of stuff I never knew. Trivia, game show,
podcast. And as usual, you noticed I've
disappeared again. I started publishing episodes and then, boom,
gone for twelve weeks. Where'd I go? Well, I've
opened my own theater just for podcasting. For doing
live podcasts and other events related to
podcasting, I'm going to be doing two live
trivia shows. One is on June 25 and one is
on July 9. And for both of those, I'd like to
invite anybody who's a fan of stuff I never knew to try it out for
free. It's normally just a five dollar ticket, but if you use the
code sink 100 sin k for stuff I never knew, sync
100, you will get 100% off of
your ticket price. So it's a five dollar ticket. Use that code. Sync
100. And the name of the company I've been building is called PD,
click the events and register for the trivia
night on the 25th and the 9th. And I hope to
see you in the hot seat. Let's get into the show.
Hey, everybody, welcome to the stuff. Find ever new trivia, game show,
podcast. I'm Jeff, I'm your host. We are on the
Armstrong neighborhood channel. I've got Melissa, Ayla
and Kya. Let's hear that theme music.
That is correct. And tonight we have a brand new game. We are
trying something new in the first round. And tonight we are playing a movie
quotes quiz. It is brand new. We have never tried this before.
My order tonight is Melissa, Ayla, and Kya.
Melissa, you're first. I'm gonna read three
quotes from movies and you have to tell me which quote is the
correct quote. So here we are from the wizard of Oz.
Dorothy talks to her dog with we're not in
Kansas anymore. Toto or Toto. I have a
feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. Or Kansas.
We're not in Toto anymore. I'm
gonna go with the second one. Toto. I've a feeling we're not in Kansas
anymore. Let's see. The correct answer is
Toto. I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. 1st
.2 Melissa, let's go to
Ayla. We're going to Apollo
13. And Tom Hanks reports the mission control.
Houston, we have a problem. Houston,
we've had a problem or we have a problem,
Houston. Okay. My husband would actually
really be upset if I got this wrong, I've never seen it, but I
feel like it's one of those really iconic. So I'm going to go
with the first one. Houston, we have a problem. Houston, we
have a problem. Is correct.
Correct. I can stay married
over to Kya Darth Vader. The spoiler
is a spoiler alert from Star wars. The Empire strikes back.
Darth Vader confesses, Luke, I am your
father. No, I am your father,
or, I am your father. Luke, I'm
pretty sure that it's no, I am your father. And then Luke
responds, no. Let's see. On the next thing. Did I pick that
as the animated gif? No, I am your
father is correct. Correct. Back to Melissa.
We haven't fooled anybody yet, Melissa. From Highlander.
The Corgan growls to Connor McLeod, there can
be. There can only be one. There may
only be one or there can be only
one. Okay. I've never seen
this movie. It's wonderful.
Sure. I'm going to go with the
first one. There can only be one. There can only be
one. Is incorrect. The answer
is, there can be only one. That was the third one. The third. That was
my second guess. Yeah. Over to
Isla Ayla. Sorry. From
Star Trek, the original series. Captain Kirk commands. Does he say,
beam me up, Scotty? Scotty, beam us up,
or Mister Scott, beam me up?
Oh, all right. I'm gonna do
beam me up, Scotty. Beam me up,
Scotty. Is
incorrect. It's Scotty, beam us up.
I'm a podcaster. I'm not a doctor.
Over to Kaya
in spaceballs. President Scrob says, I don't know about this
beaming stuff. Is it safe? And commander at Zircon
replies, oh, yes, sir, Snotty beamed me twice
last night. It was wonderful. Or, oh, yes, sir,
snotty beamed me twice last night. It was amazing.
Or, oh, yes, sir, Snotty beamed me twice last
night. It was super chill. I
have literally never seen this movie. I'm just gonna go. I know,
I know. I'm 28. I'm gonna go with super chill because it
just. It's two words. I don't know.
Super chill is incorrect.
It was wonderful. Wonderful.
And three more remaining.
Back to Melissa. From the graduate, Dustin Hoffman's
Ben Braddock reacts. Misses Robinson, are you trying to
seduce me or are you trying to seduce me? Misses
Robinson. Or misses Robinson, you're
trying to seduce me, aren't you?
Okay, again, I probably should see this movie.
I'm gonna go with the first one. Misses Robinson, are you trying to
seduce me? Are you trying to seduce me? Is
incorrect. It's the one with the question, aren't you, misses
Robinson? You're trying to seduce me, aren't you?
Back to Ayla from
Jaws, a stun Martin Brody utters, we're
going to need a bigger boat. Or you're going to
need a bigger boat. Or we're going to need a
larger boat. I thought this was going to be so easy, but they are
so similar, these words. You're really kidding me. Good. So
jaws, super iconic. We're going to need a bigger
boat. We're going to need a bigger boat.
Is incorrect. It's you're going to need a
bigger boat. Oh, and our last one. Oh,
I just watched it. And.
Our last one, the kaya from field of
dreams. A strange whisper professes,
if you build it, they will play. If you build it,
they will come. If you build it, he will come.
I'm gonna have to go with just the fact that I've heard the phrase before.
If you build it, they will come and cross my fingers and hope for the
best. Cross your fingers and
it's he will come, he will come. He will show up if
you build it. Let's go to that
scoreboard. A very close game. A three
way tie. We started really strong, but then I got you with
some of the clues in the second and third one. That means
we're gonna keep the order the same. We're going to the
hot seats. Melissa, welcome to the show.
Hey, where are you calling in from? I am in
New Kensington. Well, tell us a little bit about what you do in New Kensington.
So I am a boudoir photographer.
My studio is. It's just
immaculate. It's this beautiful studio in New Kensington.
My mission is to provide a safe space for women to reconnect with
themselves. It's Melissa Jackson photography.
You can find me on Facebook.
Mainly I use Facebook. I have TikTok, but I forget to
record myself. I do have a podcast called let's flip your
script and. Yeah,
great. And all that's available on your website. What's the domain? Yes.
Melissa Jackson photography. Awesome.
We'll put that into the show notes. Melissa, are
you ready for the
hot seat? Yes. All right. So in this round, we're doing what's called a
breakfast connection. I'm going to give you four questions, and
they're just kind of general knowledge, but the answers to those four
questions will tie together to be something breakfast related.
And then we're going to do a spring name five. It's. I'm going to give
you five. I'm going to give you a category. You have to name
five things that fit into that category, and you have 10 seconds. So,
for example, if I were to say, name five spices in your spice cabinet,
you might say salt, pepper, cumin, paprika, and
oregano. But we're going to do things related to the spring
season that's coming up just around the corner. So there'll be, like,
spring activities. So, Melissa, your first
breakfast connection question. What
happens to water at 100 degrees
celsius? Oh, dear.
Oh, I gotta go all the way back to chemistry in high school.
I'm gonna say freezes. Freezes
is the other one. It boils. It boils
that. Let's go to instead
of Fahrenheit, what does the f and KFC stand for?
Fried. Fried is correct.
And when someone has been persuaded to leave a
company to go to a competitor, they've been
The sharks come around, and sometimes they blank an
employee from another company.
Remember, we're thinking of breakfast. Remember, these answers tie together. They be breakfast. And you've
did boiled, fried, and I
gotta put 3 seconds on the clock. I'm sorry.
I don't know. It is poached. They get poached
from the other company. All right. And when
fighter jets are quickly called into action, they
are what they say, blank the jets.
Fire up the jets. Fire up the jets is
incorrect. Scramble the jets. We're looking for scramble the
jets. So, Melissa, for a bonus point, what ties
together boil, fried, poached, or
scrambled eggs? Eggs. Ways to
prepare eggs is correct. You got the bonus point. I'm gonna
put 10 seconds on the clock. Melissa, I need you to
name five outdoor activities to enjoy in the
spring. Weather and go
walking, fishing, hiking is walking,
picnic, swings, going to the
playground, and. I don't know. Well, walking and
hiking. Producer says all five. Because you did say swings and playground. There's
two things there. You got. You got all five points.
Very well played. Let's go to Ayla.
Welcome to the show. Hello. Hello. I'm happy to be here.
So glad to have you here. I see you're on air. You got your on
air sign up in the back. Tell us a little bit about where you're calling
in from. I'm calling in from Hagerstown, Maryland,
as of this week, just moved here. And that the sign was
just put up five minutes before this began because nothing else in the room is
set up. Oh, very nice. And what do you do when you're
before you got to Hagerstown? You were doing something. Now you're doing something in
Hagerstown. Clearly. Clearly, it
wasn't watching a lot of movies. But what I do now,
I have a podcast that I produce, and it's called Curator's choice.
And being the museum nerd that I am, it's all about
museums. And each episode features a new museum.
I try to do big and small, and then I have the
curator or a director or a volunteer, a guest come on the show
and talk about a few of the extraordinary items that are housed and
protected at the museum. Very nice. And if people want to listen and
connect with you, what's the best way to do that? So you can find it
anywhere you get your podcasts. Again, it's curator's choice.
Or if you would like, you can go to and you can reach
me through there. Or also, you can just search it on Facebook or
Instagram. Awesome. We'll put all that in the show notes. Are
you ready for the hot seats?
Cool. I'm ready. Well, here we go. We're gonna do a breakfast
connection. Your first question, what is the name
of the annual theater award for achievements on
Broadway? It's got something to do with breakfast.
Oh, I do not know anything about Broadway
except Chicago musical.
The hot seat is. We call it the hot seat for a reason. Yeah, I'm
over here being poached and boiled. I have.
I can't even guess. It is the Tony. You win the
Tony award. The Tony award.
Our second one, the social media app that lets users send
pictures that self destruct after a few seconds, is called
blank chat. Snapchat. Snapchat.
Did you snap to? Is correct.
Our third question. When someone finds a four leaf clover, they.
They are considered blank. Lucky.
Lucky is correct. And your
last one. Now we're sailing. Keep them this easy.
What is the title of Pixar's 2017 film about a
boy who has adventures in Mexico's land of the
dead? Oh, yeah.
Oh. This is a
really good question that shows that
I just really haven't been watching those movies. Well, we have Tony,
snap, and lucky as your answer so far.
Oh, lord have mercy. I'll put the 3 seconds on
the clock. We have a weird. It just shows up every once in a while.
I've got nothing. Nothing. It is Coco.
So what ties together Tony,
snap, lucky, and coco
related to breakfast? Oh,
definitely my favorite meal of the day.
Hot chocolate. Hot chocolate. These are your
breakfast cereal, Matt. Tony the tiger.
That's a good question. Well,
that's why? We ask them. Breakfast cereal mascot. Very well.
You got some points. You can get five more bonus points if
you name five types of plants, flowers, or
vegetables to start growing in the spring and
go. Tomatoes,
watermelon squash, pears.
Pear trees, and grapes at the buzzer. You got all
five. You got grapes at the pear tree. Grapes. I
think you got them all at once. And that was five for
five. Very well played. You got all five bonus points.
Let's go to kaia. Hello, hello,
hello. Well, you having fun so far? Well, yeah. I felt
very confident about everyone else's answers this round, which is a sure sign that I'm
going to be absolute garbage at my own. That's the beauty of the hot seat.
It's almost like a deer and headlights. You just. You kind
of freeze. But tell us a little bit about where you're calling in from. Kaya.
So I am calling in from Darrington, Washington, which is such a
small town, we don't actually have any stoplights. So for the rest of
the world, we're about. I'm from Seattle for the rest of the world.
And, yeah, I am. Not to bring the vibe
down, but I'm here representing my podcast, which
is about my cousin's murder case. We're trying to get some justice for her and
make sure that it gets fully investigated because the police,
unfortunately, did not do their jobs so well. Let's
get that out there. How? What's the best way that people can listen and help
and contribute? Yeah, so you can find us again anywhere you get
your podcasts. It's the stand our ground podcast, a bit of a play
on the stand your ground law that was used to close the
case. And we have a new, shiny website. You're actually the
first place we've promoted the website because it literally got made yesterday. So
it's stand our ground and that's
the stand our ground podcast. It's the longer title is stand our ground, the
Deanna Stevenson case. Awesome. We'll put that in the show notes.
Make sure everybody follows all the links from all my guests tonight.
Kaia, are you. Whoop. Kaia, are
you ready for the hot seats?
I better be. You already have a three second timer on me.
We didn't say there is a rule. Whoever goes last can only have 3 seconds
to answer each question. Kaio, by
what name is scottish whiskey,
often known as. Oh, my gosh.
My father's gonna be so mad at me. I literally. I know. Irish
whiskey has an ey. Scottish whiskey just has a y
scotch scotch is correct. One of my
favorite questions. Have the answer in the question. So we got you. We didn't fool
you at all. What is the name of the thin, wrinkled
paper strewn about gems as decorations for
prom or school dances? So, like, my. My
impulse is to say confetti, but I don't think it's confetti. I think it's like
streamers. Streamers? Is that your answer?
That's what they're called, right? Yeah. Or streamer. I guess you can't tell me.
Yeah, I'll go with streamers. It's crepe paper. French
version of it. I grew up in the south.
Let's go to our next one. The jiffy mix in the white and blue box
is famous for making blank muffins. Cornbread
muffins. Cornbread muffins in my pantry.
And which sugary condiment is made from the
SAP of Canada's favorite tree? Maple syrup.
Maple syrup is correct. So, kaya, what ties together
scotch, crepe, cornbread and maple
syrup or syrup?
I feel like I want to go with like. So the crepe is kind of
like a type of pancake. Maybe use maple syrup for pancakes. I don't know how
you would use cornbread with a pancake or what the scotch would have to do
with it, but I'm just going to go with, like a pancake. Flapjack
moment. Pancake is correct. If you've never had cornbread
pancakes, highly recommend it. They'll change your life. Oh,
that sounds delicious. And your name. Five bonus question.
Five more bonus points if you can name five essential items
to pack for a perfect spring picnic. And
go. Grapes, juice, a
sandwich, utensils and napkins and a
blanket. Do I need more? I'm so
scared. You gave six, but I always let the time run
the full time to see what happens. Let's go over to that
scoreboard. Oh, my goodness. It is a very close
game. After two rounds, Melissa and Ayla are
tied at eight and Kaia is in the lead with ten.
We're going to the final round. I've got
very vague questions for you. Who am I? What am I?
Where am I? And I'm going to start to read a series of clues to
help you figure out the answer. At any time, you can buzz
in. And if you buzz in on the first clue and get it right, that's
worth three points. If you buzz in on the second clue, that's
worth two points. And the third clue is worth one point. Now, if
you're right, we're going to add those points to your total. But if you're
wrong, we're going to subtract that point value
from your total. So you want to be fast, but you want to
be accurate. And I've asked each of my guests to bring their own buzzers
tonight. And let's go around. And so everybody listening at home knows
whose buzzer is whose. Melissa, let's hear your buzzer.
We got the harmonica. And to Ayla,
we got the tax in a box. Very high tech.
And the kaya, they got the shaky.
Cup, also super high tech.
So here we go. Our first one tonight, I'm looking
for a food. What food am I?
So you'll see on the right side, there'll be a little timer, let you know
how much time you have left for each clue. So I am rich in vitamin
C and e and fiber. Now, a lot of
times, the first clue could be a lot of things. It could be a risk,
or you could buzz in right away and steal those three points.
Our second clue. I am commonly eaten fresh in salads,
were blended in the smoothies,
so kind of narrowing it down. And our third clue. For one
point. I am a tropical fruit known for my
sweet, juicy flesh and rough, green exterior.
I'll guess kiwi a la kiwi,
is incorrect.
I let the pressure get to me, and I just wanted to go.
I don't eat fruits or vegetables unless my wife sneaks some of my food.
And any other takers.
It's pineapple. Pineapple.
I must have. I don't know what I was thinking. All
right, here we go. Which creature? We're looking for a
creature. This is
the most well known of the north american
butterflies. I heard Ayla.
Is it the monarch butterfly? Monarch butterfly for three
points is correct. Correct.
I'm making up for that. Live or the kiwi?
We're going back to foods. I'm looking for a food. What food
am I? I am made from pork
and seasoned with herbs and spices.
Little happy little piggies. Our second clue
for two points. I am a type of cured
meat from Italy, thinly sliced and served
uncooked. Kaya. Salami.
Salami is
incorrect. Oh,
kaya. Oh, I'm sorry, Ayla.
I'll take that point. Actually, no, I'm also
gonna do a big guess here, but is it prosciutto? Prosciutto is
correct. Correct. Very well played. And I. That's
the first. I made 27 minutes without messing up a name, and I just did
it. All right. Oh, I'm heavy on the
foods this week. Here we go. I'm looking for another food.
What food am I? I am more
nutrient dense than lettuce.
Doesn't take much. Yeah, it's just crispy
water. Our second
clue for two. I am a leafy green vegetable high in vitamins
a, c and. Kaya. Oh, I just got water on myself.
Sorry. Is it spinach? It better be
spinach. What if it's not? You gonna get mad? Yeah, because spinach is
the only vegetable worth eating. Spinach is
Melissa, I'm going to say kale. Kale for
two points is
correct. Correct. Kale is just imposter. Spinach.
Less good. Spinach. All
right. What is it? I'm looking for a what? I
am often worn during festivals, weddings,
and formal ceremonies.
Takers. Maybe our second clue will be a little more specific.
I or my fabric and style can vary based on
season, occasion, and the wears status.
Melissa. I'm gonna say address.
Incorrect. We'll go to Ayla.
Is it a veil? Incorrect.
We'll go to the third clue. I am
a traditional japanese garment.
Kimono. Did you buzz in? Oh, sorry. I assumed it was
just me left. There can only be
one kimono. Is
correct. And I forgot to mention, you're not locked out. Once you buzz
in, you can buzz in multiple times during the
show, so feel free to lose many, many points.
We're halfway through. We're looking for a river. Which river am
I? I am the largest tributary of the
Ohio river. Our second
clue for two points. This tributary is the first
name of the american playwright who wrote a streetcar named
Desire. And the name of
this river is also a state.
The state is pictured on the map.
I think I was. I think everybody buzzing
at the same time. I'm David saying one.
Kaya. Tennessee. Tennessee
is correct. The
Tennessee River. I knew the. Obviously,
I thought it was a. Were you gonna say
Tennessee? No. I thought it was. I thought the map was a trick.
Me, too. I was like, it can't be Tennessee.
You've watched this show before. We're looking for an animal. Which
animal am I? The only stuffed specimen
of this species is located in the Museum of Natural History,
Gothenburg. Dun
dun dun. We have a museum specialist on the show today, and
it grows up to 30 meters long.
Our third clue for one point.
It is the largest whale in the world.
Kaya. Blue whale. Blue whale is
correct. Let's go to the final question.
I'm looking for a brain teaser. A brain teaser?
Which brain teaser am I?
Its name means single digit.
Its name means single digit. Our second clue for two points
and nine by nine grid has
6.67 times ten to the
22nd power. Distinct solutions.
Is it a Rubik's cube? Rubik's cube is
incorrect. Kaya,
Sudoku. Sudoku is
correct. Correct. Let's go over to that
scoreboard. It is Melissa and Ayla tied at eight
and kaya at ten. After all
this, we are back where we started. Back
where we started. We have a winner. Kaia is gonna
walk away just by a two point squeaker. We call
that congratulations to Kaya. Real quick,
let's go around. Tell us real quick, where can we find and connect with
everybody? Melissa, let's start with you. You can
find me on Facebook. Melissa Jackson
photography. I have a website. Melissa Jackson
photography. I also have a podcast called let's flip your
script. Awesome. And to Ayla, you
can go find my amazing museum and
I just dropped an episode about the which is a
museum about fossilized feces. So worth a check
out. Wonderful. And Zakia. And you can
find me at stand our ground podcast or standard,
where we have just gotten into my cousin's phone and are finding some stuff the
police never bothered to investigate. We'll put all those links in the show
notes. Congratulations to Kayo winning tonight. Let's dance our
way out of here. That is
correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong. You are wrong.
You are right. That is correct. You are correct.
That is correct.
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