Lynn -vs- Ally -vs- Brian - Episode 142 - Does This Tree Have Nuts?

Hey, everybody. We're only a few days away from September 30.

That is international Podcast day and we're part of a large

group hosting a twelve hour live stream. Every half

hour, a new podcaster will take the main stage. International

Podcast Day. Tickets are free. Click the link in the

description register today and I will see you on

Saturday. Let's get into that show. Hey, everybody,

welcome to the Stuff I never knew trivia game show podcast. I've got

three great guests tonight. Lynn, Allie and Brian. We

are on the Armstrong neighborhood channel. Let's hear that theme


We are back. And as you know, on this show, in round one, we get

right into it. I have my order tonight, brian,

Lynn and Allie. And in round one we're going to play

does this tree have Nuts? I'm going to read you the name of a tree.

You have to tell me. Does it have nuts? Brian

the prunis amigdalus.

Does that tree have nuts?

Amigdalus. Amidalis. Rock me amidalis.

Yeah, you got it. I'm going to say

yes. That tree is an almond

tree. It does have nuts. That is correct. Correct.

Yes. Over to Lynn the

Batula pendula. Akuna

matata. Akuna matata is okay.

Wow, the Batula petunia.

What a wonderful phrase.

I'm going to say no nuts. No nuts is

correct. That's a silver birch tree. Over

to Ali Castanea.

No nuts. No nuts. Is

incorrect. That's a chest country.

Back to Brian. The

caria. Illinois.

I'm not a scientist, but my cherish chicago, Illinois.

Does that have nuts?

I'm going to say no. No is

incorrect. That's a pecan tree. Wow.

Back to lyn the corulus.

Coriolis. Coriolis. That sounds like a

Sci-Fi film. Sci-fi film has

nuts. Yes. Lots of testosterone. Yes. You're going with nuts.

Is going with nuts. Correct. That's a hazelnut.

Well, way to put that together.

And to ally the pirates.

Communists. Communists.

Not in america. Not in america.

Yes. Oh, that is

incorrect. That's a pear tree. All right, our last

ones in this round, back to Brian the

malice. Domestica

or Maloose? Maloose

domestica. Man, there's so many.

Keep it clean. All right. I'm going to say

amadeus. Amadeus. No, no nuts.

Is correct. That's the apple tree.

All right. And back to Lynn

jugglings. The jugglings have nuts.

Oh, boy. I think

I'm going to have to say no on the

jugglings. Jugglings are walnut

trees. The dog knew that one isn't. My dogs are not

happy with that. They knew the answer. Not happy with that.

And our last one to Allie. Another one I can't pronounce the

ficus Benghal.

Yes, it is a fig

tree. That was a tough one.

Let's go to that scoreboard and see how my guests did.

We have Brian and Lyn tied with two. Allie was zero.

But Ali, you get a bonus going into the second round,

you get to pick the order. You can mix it up, keep

it the same, or mix it up or keep it the same.

You want to mix it up. Who do you want to go first? Lynn. Me.

And then Arteya, Lynn, Allie, and Brian.

That means we're bringing Lynn into the hot seat first.

Lyn, welcome to the show. Thank you. Where

are you calling in from? I'm in Palm Springs

at a balmy 115 degrees. It's not that

bad, but down the street

it's a dry 115, though, right? I don't have any pants on, but that's

okay. None of us do.

Tell us a little about yourself. What you do in Palm Springs. Yeah, so

I actually am a beauty entrepreneur. I have a hair care

brand. Oh, wow.

Nice. Yes. High and tight.

Yep. So men love it, too, by the way. But yes, my brand is

called Masami. We have a Japanese ocean botanical. It's

all about hydration, which we need a lot right now because

it's hot. Is it available online? Can

anybody anywhere order online or on

Amazon? Check it out. All

right, I'll put those links in the show

notes. Lynn, are you

ready for the hot seat? Probably not. I am in the hot

seat already. Literally. Literally. But I

guess I'm as ready as I can be. All right, so my guests are going

to get questions from these three categories in the second round

tribons, 90s movies, and US. History. If you're not

familiar with a tribon, that's something where I'll give you three words and you have

to tell me what ties those three words together. So, for example, I might say

something like car, tree,

and elephant. Elephant. All three of

those things have cabooses a

trunk, just like we rehearsed. All

right, here we go, Lynn.

Pirates, Penguins, Steelers. What ties

those three things together? Pirates,

penguins and Steelers. Oh, you better get

this. Oh, my God.

How much time do I have? Since you asked, I will

put 3 seconds on the clock. It's a roll of the show.

Oh, my God. No. I don't know.

Pirates. Ahoy Matey. I don't know.

Ahoy, matey is close. They are all

sports teams from Pittsburgh. The Pittsburgh Pirates, Pittsburgh

Steelers and the Pittsburgh Penguins. Really? What do the

penguins do? Hockey. I'm not a

sports person. Clearly. That is, like, the worst

category I could get. Well, let's go over to 90s movies.

That's more my speed. What actor appeared in Hook,

Father's Day, and Flubber? Would it

be Robin Williams? Robin Williams is

correct. Correct. And

your us. History? Okay. What

is the only us? State that formed as a result of a popular

vote to separate from another state?

Boy, that sounds like something Texas would

do. It also sounds like something California would

do, but it's probably an east coast state,

like, oh, South

Carolina. South Carolina is

incorrect. It was West Virginia. West Virginia.

Now, this is where you can earn five bonus points from the hot seat.

I'm going to give you a category. You have to tell me five things that

fit into that category. Lyn I need you to name

five months with 31 days and

go. April,

May, December,

July, August. You got it at the buzzer.

All five was april 30.

I had to do that.

Wait, the producer has given me did we get four producer?

There's only 30 in April. Yeah, april has 30. I have a calendar right here.

I'm looking now. So April is 30. What were the

other ones? July, September, August.

September has 30. So July. August

has okay, good. It has 30.

All right, so July, August. What else did you guys she said

December. December has 31.

August and July.

Definitely may. I think I said may

has 30. All right, you got four. Let's play the back the tape.

Let's go to that replay.

April, May, December, July,

August. All right, that means we're

putting Allie into the hot seat. Allie also

calling in from a warm location. This is actually the warm location

show, I think. Ali, where are you calling in from?

Austin, Texas.

It's so fun. So fun. Such a

vibe. Tell us a little about yourself, Ali. What do you do in

Austin? I'm aspiring social media

influencer. You do have a great can you.

Tell us about your routine? Oh, yeah, I have so many

routines. Just follow me on TikTok.

Look for Allie, I think is it, what, spiffy 2000 or spiffy

200 or something? Yeah, I think it was like, I don't even know Mike.

She's so successful. She doesn't even know. You don't have to worry about

details. 200 or 21 of those.

So all those links will be in the show notes. You can

follow Allie. She's got a great series going on. 30 days of being a social

media influencer. Great voiceover. Allie,

are you 5200 ready for the

hot seat? No, I'm not ready, but a

go. Great. Here's your tribons. This

will be three words. What ties these three words together?

Boogie, cookie, loch ness.

I don't even know what loch ness means.

Well, you can sometimes the clues of the can you tie anything

together? Chocolate, boogie, chocolate, cookie,

chocolate. Loch ness. Chocolate is incorrect. Those are types of

monsters. Cookie monster, boogie monster, loch ness. Loch

ness monster. It's a water monster.

Nessie. You don't know nessie. Nessie.

They don't have water in Austin. She's young. She's an

influencer. Our 90s movie question in the

1999 comedy American pie, what

instrument does the band camp girl play? Oh,

god. It's a multiple choice. Is it the clarinet, the

flute, the saxophone or the violin?

The flute. Flute is

correct for flute. And your

us. History? This is the toughest question of the night, I promise. What is the

only underwater monument dedicated to a civil

war battle? Give you

time. It's the monitor. Mary Mac Memorial Bridge.

All right, here we go. I do that. Did you?

Our name five question. Allie. I'll put 10 seconds on

the clock. Name five synonyms for being

naked. Synonym.

I don't know. I don't do a lot of pressure.

Being dressed. Being dressed

or not being dressed. We would have accepted not being dressed, but

time's up. You get 10 seconds on the clock.

Very well played. We're going to move Brian to the hot seat.

Brian, welcome to the show. Thank you for having me.

Jeff, do I have to address you as returning champion? Is that

correct? If you'd like.

Well, welcome back. Where are you calling in from? Is it also hot where you're

at? I am in hot, sunny southern California, a

city called riverside. Very nice. Anything happening? Riverside. What

do you do out there? Well, I am a

content creator. I am a creative director

at a Toyota dealership in the high desert.

Very nice. And I know we can reach Brian is

the candidate you can trust. His TV commercials have propelled the dealership to new

heights and he's the man to steer valley high Toyota in the right

direction. Toyota todd has been cutting corners left and right.

He's been accused of taking the good coffee creamers for himself and leaving behind the

cheap powdered stuff for everyone else. He even makes the service technicians wear

silly cowboy hats just because he thinks it's funny. It's

not. It's time for a change. Vote for Brian. I'm Brian

Ortega and I approve this message.

Brian, are you ready for the

hot seat? Yes.

All my guest links will be in the show notes. Make sure you support them.

Check them out. Check out what they're doing. They're doing great things.

Brian, your tribon question.

Ivan Drago, apollo Creed,

clubber Lang.

Those were all Rocky

opponents. They were all characters in the Rocky movie. Or

opponents of Rocky. That is correct.

Your 90s movie question. Kurt Russell and

James spader appeared in what? 1994 Sci-Fi

film with portals to other parts of the universe?

Oh, my gosh. James


That is face. What's his name?

To New York.

I got put 3 seconds on the clock. Allie made me say it.

Well, that's 10 seconds. You got to hit the wrong button right when I

see it. It is

stargate. That's the one that yeah, never mind.

All right. Our US. History question. What New England state was the only

colony not invaded by the British during the revolutionary

war? There can be only one. It's where they

filmed Highlander.

Producer gave me a thumbs down on that joke. Yeah,

I don't know. Delaware? It is

New Hampshire. Okay. All right, here we go.

I got five bonus points coming your way. 10 seconds on the clock.

Brian, name five uses for

duct tape and go.

To conceal.

To combine.

To combine. I think that's three points. We have

a very close game. Lynn is in the lead with

seven, brian with six, and Allie is

about to mount her comeback, because in this round, we have

30 points remaining. I'm going to read

you a clue, a very vague question. Who am I? What am I?

Where am I? And then I'm going to start to read a series of clues

to help you figure out who I am. What am I? Where am I?

If you buz in on the first clue, that's worth three points.

If you buz in on the second clue, that's worth two points. And the last

clue is worth one point. If you're right, you're going to earn those

points. But if you're wrong, you're going to lose those

points. Now, you can buzz in as many times as you want. You can buzz

in until you think you get the answer right and lose 20 points. That's

totally okay. I've asked each of my guests,

the fans love a negative score. If you end up with a negative score,

you will be cherished by the fans. Let's go around because

I've asked each of my guests to bring their own buzzers. Brian, let's hear your

buzzer first. He's got the

harmonica. Allie oh, wait,

these little things. She got shaky things.

Nuts. Okay.

And Lynn.

They got the doorbell. Ding dong. All right,

so here we go. Our first video question of

the night. Oh, brian's ready? I'm looking for a

famous star. Which famous star looks like a Hollywood star?

Possibly somebody buz

in already. She received the academy

award for best actress for her role in Roman


If you think you know it, buz in if you don't want to lose those

points. Hold on. Our second clue for two points, she

starred in breakfast at Tiffany's.

Did you buz? Um isn't a

brian harmonica? I heard harmonica.

Audrey Hepburn. Audrey Hepburn

is correct. Correct. Now, Ali, you can

change your buz to o if you just want to say o for your buzer.

But I have to accept the jingles.

All right, now, we're looking for a famous airplane. Which

famous airplane? It was

a joint project between Britain and France,

and it was completed in 1969.

Which airplane?

Only 20 of these planes were ever built.

Don't want to lose my nobody wants. To risk the points.

Our third clue for one point. It

was the fastest passenger airplane in the world.

The key what's that?

We don't have time for that. This is action

packed. I'm looking for the answer is a

little suspense here. The


All right, we still have eight clues remaining. I'm looking for a successful

film. Which successful

film? It was directed

by James Cameron. Lynn? Titanic.

Titanic is

incorrect. Sometimes my pictures don't match.

Did I say that at the beginning of the show?

Our second clue for two points.

It became the first film ever to gross 2

billion in box office revenue. You

can buz in again. Oh, I heard harmonica.

Avatar. Avatar is

correct. All right,

our fourth question tonight this is a tough one. Which

European country? Which

European country? It consists of a peninsula

and 443 named islands.

You can see there's a little timer on the right there let you know how

much time you have left. We're going to the second clue for two points. It

was the first country in the world to pass an environmental


This is the toughest question of the night

for one point. Iceland used to be part of this

kingdom. The

kingdom of

Wakanda. Wakanda in Europe

is incorrect. We're looking for

Denmark. Denmark is the correct.

Here we go. We have six questions remaining and we're looking for a

decade in the 20th century. So it's a one out of ten guess.

The Jamaican bobsled team received major media attention

at their first Olympics.

Brian in


correct. It is the 80s. Somebody was watching

Cool Runnings, of course.

All right, we're looking for a popular type of pants. Anybody into

fashion. A synthetic fiber,

stronger and more durable than rubber is often used to create the

elasticity of this garment.

Spanx is

incorrect for two points. Originally, this type

of popular clothing were two separate garments, one for each


Allie? Leggings. Leggings for two

points is correct. Leggings is

correct. Nice work.

All right. We're looking for an endangered still so behind. Which

endangered species they are only

encountered in Central Africa and

Uganda. Which

endangered species?

One individual called Coco was said to know over

1000 signs of American Sign Language.

Oh, I heard Lyn on the buzzer first. I'm going to go gorilla.

Gorilla is

correct. Nice pull.

Three questions remaining. Who am

I? I'm looking for a

who. I am scared

of the number 13.

Dun dun dun.

Our second clue for two points. I once

published under the pen name Richard Bachman

lynn stephen King. Stephen King for two

points is correct. Correct.

All right, two questions remaining. Where

am I? Where am I? I asked this

question all the time. I was invaded by

the Japanese in World War II.

Where am I?

Dun dun dun. I am both the

easternmost and the westernmost state in


oh, is that a yep.

Lynn hawaii. Hawaii

is incorrect. That'll

cost you two points. Is that a buzz?

Brian to Brian. Buzz. Brian no, I'm playing the Diddy for you. Are

you nervous?

Alaska. Alaska is

correct. A little delay on that one. And

our last question of the night, maybe our most fun question.

Who am I? You can pre guess for four points if you'd

like, but that has

expired. I dropped out of school to become a rock star.

How many people could it be? That's so

you. I heard jingles.

I've appeared in many Tim Burton films.

I'll just go Johnny Depp. Johnny

Depp for two points is

correct. Johnny Depp is correct. Let's go to that

scoreboard and see how we finished. We

have Brian with 15, Lyn with eight and Allie

with one. At least I got out of the negative.

What a close game. It was really a battle. The last couple of questions that

made all the difference. Let's go around, meet our guests one

more time. Plug, promote, talk about anything you'd like to talk about.

Allie, you're up first. Allie

social media influencer on TikTok. My

handle. What is it, Brian? It's


All right.

Okay. This is Enzo, by the way. Enzo.

Is he going to hear me say his name?

But anyway, yes.

Brand. So if you want to support small business, check it out.

It's great for every hair, type and texture. I'll have that link in the

show. Note

Check it out. Support the guests. And to Brian j

Ortega I got my little.

Handsome. This is Bowie.

Yeah, just go to Brian J. Ortega. I make videos, I

act silly and

I just want people to be nice to each other. How about that?

That's the mantra of Bill and Ted. Be excellent to each other.

Brian's our winner tonight and you can dance your way out of here.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong.

You are wrong. You are right. That is correct. You are correct.

That is correct. We're going to play a game

called tribons birds or Australian slang

words. Real or fake flavors of doritos.

Hey, everybody, this is Jeff from the stuff I never knew trivia game show. And

we are looking for contestants for future episodes. If you'd like to play

trivia here on the Armstrong neighborhood channel, head over to Click, be a player, fill out the

short form and we'll get you on future episode.

Hope to see you in the hot seat.

Creators and Guests

Jeff Revilla
Jeff Revilla
Your Host of Stuff I Never Knew since 2015!
Lynn -vs- Ally -vs- Brian - Episode 142 - Does This Tree Have Nuts?
Broadcast by