LIVE TRIVIA is back!  Special Cohosts David Fedor and Bob LeMent join me tonight!
S5 #168

LIVE TRIVIA is back! Special Cohosts David Fedor and Bob LeMent join me tonight!

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong. You are

wrong. You are right. That is correct. You are correct.

That is correct. Hey, everybody. Welcome to the Stuff I Never knew trivia game

show podcast. I'm Jeff, I'm your host. We're live at the

Beduti podcast theater at Harrison's on Corbett in downtown.

To Renam. I've got two great guests joining me tonight.

Bob Lament of static radio and award winning

producer and, oh, he is this award winning producer now,

David Fedor. He did have wrinkled pants earlier. So I'm a little

confused. I'm a big fan of the show. I'm watching. I'm bringing him back. I'm

trying to get as many callbacks as I can. And while you're

getting set up, I want to introduce my guest tonight. We'll

start with Bob Lament. Bob, welcome to the show.

Hey, how's it going, Jeff? Those are some nice pants you're wearing. They

look very pressed. Thank you. Thank you. They are. Jeff the

press pants guy, that's what they call him. I do, I'm,

I'm more of a steamer guy. It started steamer. Yeah. Okay.

You can get, you can get a good moist stretch. That's what, that's

what pants need these days. That's what. Yeah. Gotta relax those

fibers. Bob, tell us where you're

calling in from. So I'm in St. Louis, Missouri

and it's kind of chilly right now in this time of the year

and dark and I'm, I'm

in a dark room and. But you guys can see me very well because I'm

a cartoon. Is it a dark room with white curtains?

No, no wrinkled

curtains. I'll bring over my steamer.

Welcome to the show. Tell us a little about yourself and how can people

connect with you and find you. Sure. I'm the co host of

static radio I'm the Bob

co host. And then there's another co host with a whole different name altogether.

So that's how you could tell us apart generally. And you can come over

and we tell funny stories about our lives here in the Midwest

and stuff happened this week. This week I talk about

Chicago style pizza, but it's not thick, it's

thin. So you want to, you want to, you want to tune in for that

alone because, you know, everybody talks about the thick crust, the pie. No,

I'm talking about the thin crust in Chicago. Can you

believe it? You didn't even know they had thin crust. And it's

even called Chicago thin crust. Pizza. You thought you'd think it

was blasphemous if you were out of town. Like, what is that? You would think

I want to wait 45 to 90 minutes for my

pizza. That's right. Exactly. When you're really

hungry, go for the thin. You'll be

happy. Well, my guest, my

people watching at home, connect with Bob.

static radio on all the socials will have the links in

the show notes. Let's go over to award winning producer

David Fedor. I just want to point out that that title

was bestowed upon me as an award winning

producer. That is how people refer to me. I wouldn't do that myself. I

just wanted to say that everybody just does it.

Just for historical reference, you have actually

won awards for producing. That is correct. That is correct. Not,

not this show. Yeah, not. I am, I am the proud

producer of the stuff I never knew television show that runs on the

Armstrong Neighborhood Channel. But now being on this side of things as

a contestant, my, my, you know,

anxiety levels are rising. You would never vote for the show as

a judge for an award. Is that also correct?

Yeah, it's pretty sloppy. The guy who's putting it together, he doesn't know how

to produce things well. Yeah, I'm just trying to feel tight. I got three

weeks before I can come back with the TV show.

David and you do produce some really great shows on the Armstrong

Neighborhood Channel. You are part of one and I

know you produce about half a dozen, at least half a dozen

other. But tell us a little bit about bikes and hikes. It's one that's,

it's real fun to watch. Yeah, thank you. Thank you. Yeah. So the

Armstrong Neighborhood Channel is found on the Armstrong

cable network and then also available on YouTube. All you have to do

is search for Armstrong Neighborhood Channel. There's six producers of us and we,

we make local programming in the communities and

neighborhoods that Armstrong serves. So one

of the episodes that I do on the channel is called Bikes and Hikes as

Jeff mentioned. And we go on, myself and

my co host Dominic go on adventures

on and off the trails of southwest Pennsylvania. So we check

out the Great Allegheny Passage and we go, you know,

along the rivers and the train tracks and stuff like that. So that one's a

lot of fun. And then another one of the award winning ones is around the

Town with Marilyn Forbes. Marilyn Forbes is a fantastic host.

She goes around and does activities and, and things like

that. So I would definitely recommend checking out. Marilyn Forbes is

around the Town also award winning. I Believe the. The

thumbnail I used for you tonight was you were double fisting award. You have so

many awards. You have. Have more awards than hands at this

point. Somebody. I had a national sponsorship

almost lined up with a shelf maker so that they could

continue making shelves so I. Could display all of these awards.

But yeah, we're. We're still in talks. So I have that. I have that going

for me. Oh, very good. I'll have all my guests

links in the show notes static radio, Armstrong neighborhood

channel. Are you ready for some

trivia? Yes. Yeah,

yeah, sure. So those of you watching at home, go to, type in that code or scan the QR code.

Let's go. I think I probably put a slide in here. Let's see.

Waiting on the producer. I think she fell asleep back there with my intro there.

Oh, we're going to play a game. Oh, wait, what are we doing? What? We

were going to play a game. Triple fat dogs. Look at this dog.

I'm going to read you the name of a dog. All you have to do

is tell me. Is that type of dog way more or less

than a Doberman pincher? Doberman pincher.

Is. Does the Doberman pitcher have a name or is it just the breed you

want to call? You can call him Ralph. Like does Ralph Doberman pitcher. You mean

that. Is that what you mean by his name? Yeah, I mean as a specific

Doberman pinscher, like, you know, the neighborhood dog or, you know, just

general Doberman pinschers. And also, is this

picture of a Doberman Doberman? No, it's not a Doberman pinscher,

though. My, my, my. Images

tonight may or may not help you get the right answer.

But just for a point of reference, a typical Doberman pitcher

weighs 75 to 100 pounds. So there's a range.

The range has to be greater than the range of the

Doberman pinscher. That's all simple. Lower that

that dog is Mr. Hurley and he goes through the garbage.

Yeah, he's looking for Ral. Let's go find Ralph the Doberman. What if the

first one is Doberman? Is a Doberman pincher? More or less.

All right, let's go. Let's see who's joining us. So far. We should

have at least three or four waiting for some

players. We have exactly three. Dun, dun,

dun, dun. It's gonna be a fun, fast match. We have 20

questions for you. Can you guess what the first one's gonna

be? Something about a dog. I bet a dog. Yeah.

Let's go to Question one.

Is it a Rottweiler? Oh, my gosh. Does a

Rottweiler weigh more or less than a Doberman pincher?

He thought these were going to be easy. Yeah. That's tough. That is a tough

question. I'd say more or less. More or less or

more. Right.

Dang it. Let's see how that scoreboard. You don't have an

et. Okay. Grace is in the lead.

Grace already

also the fastest. Yeah, yeah. Amazingly well, because I got it

right. I was really fast. I was really fast. I got wrong, though.

Yeah, yeah. They don't calculate that. They don't. Yeah, they don't give. They. Maybe

they should take away points if you're really fast and get it wrong.

Yeah. So a Rottweiler weighs 95 to

135 pounds on average. I thought that was a trick question.

Well, let's see what the next one brings us. Another trick question.

Whoa, that's a dog. Whoa. That's a dog. Wearing a

dog. I was just saying got a

hat. What do you think it is? Is it the Siberian

husky? Oh, my gosh. Husky Way more or

less than a Doberman pinscher. You know, I have to pick up more

dogs while I'm in the park so I can answer these questions

here. What about a Doberman bronze

pinscher? That was a. Was that my

Valky bar Tacomus joke?

More. Oh, correct is incorrect.

Yeah, they're just. They're just fluffy and white.

Yeah, they're very fluffy. I think they'd have a nice thick layer of

fat surrounding their body so that they could be warm up there in the

winters. They're just fluffy. And they wear hats. Wear a hat. They gotta

go fast with that one, too.

I was really slow, but apparently I got it right.

Bob challenging Grace and the lead

by two points. We got Izod kind of

joining us here. I saw Crocs.

Yeah. Let's go to the next one.

Oh, no. The husky only weighs 45 to 60 pounds, by the

way. What do you think this one's gonna be? Free guesses. I don't know. It's

a German shepherd there, but couldn't

maybe not be. It is the

German shepherd. Does the German shepherd

weigh more or less than the Doberman pinscher? Everyone voted already,

and they split splitsville. Less

is the correct answer. You know, the doctor always said go with C,

but there wasn't a C choice, unfortunately.

Go to the leaderboard. Let's see how it.

Bob and David are two hosts tonight. I

had to double tap. I had to double tap. I'VE

I've picked up a husky and a German shepherd so I'm.

That's why I've got the advantage. A little bit less. A little bit

less.65 and I'm allergic. To cats so I'm worthless in this.

Let's go to our next clue question.

Is that saluki? Oh, look at this one. Do you know what this one is?

That's a long haired luffer hunter. Long haired

freaky people. That's an Afghan hound.

Does that weigh more or less than a Doberman pinscher? Come

on. All right. I think this is a trick question. A gif is really. It's

a large a file gif can. There we go.

Split it again too. For two

Less is the correct less. I should have went with my gut. I

went even despite all that hair. And all that hair doesn't weigh

it down. Yeah, yeah. Now there's no, there's

nothing about them. Being wet so no

water was not a consideration. Not a consideration. Okay,

everybody's close there. Getting close by 20 points.

Grace the fastest. Yeah. 20 points behind

first place. And David less than 50 points away.

Some. I did some sort of math in my head there. Let's go to the

next question. It's more or less. Is it more or

less? How about this little buddy?

Oh, that guy's a beast. Yeah, look at that guy. He's got

muscle. Is a mastiff. Does

a mastiff way more or less than a Doberman. I

mean it's in the name. It's a Massive.

Massive. This is

really tough. You know I thought the planets thing was tough when I did that

but this is really tough. Let's see who were

the two that got it right.

We're waiting for producer massive. Weighs

160 to 230 pounds. Bob

and David again the two that got it right. David

jumping over Grace. Bob and

David neck and neck. 30 point difference. For first and second

place we'll go to our next one.


Cruella Deville. I don't know how much she weighs. Do I do

one or is it 101 Dalmatian does

it one Dalmatian weigh more or less

than one Doberman Venture

less is correct. You're catching on. Three of you are catching

on. They gotta fit into those fire trucks. They

gotta fit into those fire trucks. That's right. They gotta make them small and


45 to 75 pounds. Weighs a

Dalmatian. Three points apart on that

one. It's coming down to the quickness of answer

selection at this point. Yeah. I Think so. Croc the


Wonder which dog for this one? I don't know.

How about the Great Dane? Is the Great Dane

way more or less than the Doberman? That's another

tough one. All right. This could be. This is

May split the herd here. This may be not big and fluffy.

More is correct. I think the mascot gave it away. All four of you

got it correct. Oh, that wasn't a. That's not a real dog right there. That's

not a real dog. You can tell by the thumbs. Oh, yeah. Oh,

well, the thumbs give it away. I couldn't see it

holding it behind the sign, standing on their hind legs. Those could have

been surgically altered. Everybody got it. And the

fastest was. I'm going. Grace. It is. Oh,

Ty, Ty, Grace.

Crocodile. That's what

Doc Brown says in Back to the Future. He says, great Scott.

Great, Great. Has that

ever happened before where the two. Where two have been the fastest? Because it's

talking. We're talking milliseconds here. That is that. We're

incredible. So I want to play a little game.

Different now. I thought it was jigsaw. Heavier than a dog.

How many limbs? How many limbs can we cut off? How many limbs are

cutting off? Well, we're not going to choose anything violent tonight, but I'm going to

play a little game. There's no points in this section, but I just thought it'd

be fun and you'll get to see how some of your peers are

thinking tonight. I'm going to read you a category and you're going

to type in whatever you think fits into that category. And let's

see what kind of answers you come up with.

This. This could go wrong here. This could go really wrong.

You can use emojis, too, as answers. Name something you might

find on the table when you sit down at

the restaurant or a restaurant.

Name something you might find on the table when you sit down at a restaurant.

You should be able to type in some answers here. I see some coming in

here. Those are good ones. I like what we're seeing so far.

I see one of you answered. You keep going. There's

no right or wrong answer. There may be wrong answers based on what

sensors might. That's. Oh, boy. There we go.

All right, we got 12 coming in so far. You might be

able to do it more than once. Let's see. Are you able to do it

again, or is it just to give you one time? All

right, let's go. Somebody put poop and then poop backwards

with an S. Yeah. Upside down. That's poop, actually.

It's upside down. It's spooked. Oh, okay. Yeah, okay.

The producer on the bottom, in between the two arrows.

Yeah, let's do that. And let's go to

summary. Let's see what AI has to say about your answers. I think we can

do an AI summary. Oh, really? Gonna get some

analytics. We're gonna let artificial intelligence. These are the common

things. Salt and pepper, silverware, menu and

napkin. But some of you didn't save those things.

But that's what AI saw as the most popular tonight. Let's go.

Tabasco wasn't on there. It didn't make the top. The top

ones of the summary. Close that out

and let's. I put salsa, because, you know, it's the

number one condiment. Yeah. You may find a fly in

your salsa. Let's go to the next one. I think I did two of these.

Let's see what happens there. We'll see if I'm regretting this choice. Name your

favorite flavors of potato chips. These are just for fun.

Anything you think of. What are your favorite flavors of

potato chips? You can type them in. I know. I like a

couple. I've had a couple in my life. I never met a chip

I didn't like. I'll be honest with you. Salt and vinegar. Salt and pepper.

Salt. It's definitely a pattern with my

chip intake. Actually had some salt

and vinegars right before lunch today. Oh, somebody likes me.

Shrimp scampi. The old shrimp scampi.

Oh, there's a Kit Kat. Did they make a Kit

Kat potato chip? Kit Kat potato chip.

They got onion and dill. I don't know what vinegar is, but I don't think

I want salt. Vinegar. Yeah, that's really

bitter. It's vinegar. Bitter. And let's

go ahead. Let's see what AI says about this one. We'll let AI

analyze all your answers. This will be more fun when we have hundreds of answers

coming in. But AI seems to think cheddar sour

cream was the number one tonight. Ketchup, scampi,

barbecue and garlic. Wait, did they come up with shrimp

scampi on their own, or are they echoing what we entered? Shrimp scampi

is huge over in Britain. No, strip

scampi chips. Yeah, scampi chips. Wow.

See, that's. That is stuff, Jeff, that I've never known.

That's right. Ketchup is big in Canada.

Yeah, that makes sense. Who would have thought? People, Internet. We're international

now. I have in the past dipped. Dipped. Dipped Potato chips

in my ketchup before. Really? Yeah. Not

often, but, like, if I'm eating something and it came with a side of chips,

I'll. I'll dip it in, like, a French fry. Really?

Okay. My. My kids would put

chips on their sandwich. So they'd open their sandwich up, put chips on it, and

then eat it like that. That's. That's. It's flavorful and

textural. Yeah. Crunchy. Yeah. Did you ever make a Doritos

sandwich? That's. Oh, God, Jeff, come on. That's gross. No,

come on, get some scampi chips. Put them on there. What is happening to

this show? You make a. Let's see if I'm

regretting it any further. Oh, that's it. You're

welcome. You're. Well, I think there might be one at the end. I'm gonna throw

back in here. All right, this round. In this round,

I'm gonna read you a clue. Tell me the best

answer. Those options will be

the best option. Here we go. Oh, first

one. Number eight of

20. We have, what, 13 questions more to go.

Answer fast to get more points. Perhaps I'm something

on your skin or a spy

buried deep within. What word am I? Am I

a mole, a tumor, a skin tab, or a freckle?

What am I? A mole, tumor, a skin

tab, or los freckle? A

mole. Is correct. A mole. A mole.

Mole. I thought that was on the

table. Yeah, that was part of the

table. It was right next to the tumor. David's going to take the lead.

You dip your chip in the mole. David

taking the lead from Bob and Grace.

Also climbing up a little bit there. Let's go to our next

one question. Nile. Happy

days. Let's do the time warp again.

Janet, first, you. What time

is chronologically transforms,

but if done to an object it materially

deforms, Is it order, warp

travel, or echo? Or with time, it

chronologically transforms, but if done

to an object, it materially deforms. And

I did give you the answer with time warp. I shouldn't have sang the song

before I read the question. Let's go to the answer.

Answer right there on the gif.

Sometimes my answers may or may not help you get to the right answer.

Never had that. Just to jump to the left. Yeah. And

then you slide to the right. And then the step to the right. Step to

the right. I just got hit with a toast. Here we go.

That's been good timing there. Oh, we're going back to the

time. Put your hands on your hips.

Somebody Forgot to change the question. Oh, leaderboard. Oh, wait, we're

going. Are we going the wrong way? Wait, I don't know where we're going. We're

going to go forward. We're doing the time warp. Here we

go. This episode is going to probably air in the beginning of

December, so name the worst gift you've ever

received and bonus points if you say who bought it for

you. Like, if you know. Fruitcake from Aunt Kathy.

We'll be very excited if you say something like that. Name the worst

gift. There's no points for this again, but let's just see.

I'm going to interrupt the game real quick with a segment that doesn't work real

well with only four people. Name the worst gift you've ever

received. But go ahead. Let's see what some of you got that you've

absolutely. Oh, there's the socks. Oh, who got

a thong? That's a. That's a bold gift.

Lifesavers from Mom. Underwear from Mom. Clothes brush

from mom. Mom.

Or that's like underwear. Underwear. Wow. Lifesavers.

Wow. Clothes brush. Wow. But it's just upside

down. Owen Wilson playing tonight.

Oh, wow. Wow. You got a dude. Is that a D

O, O D? Oh, no. Okay. Look at all

these. Chapstick from my father. That sounds like

the producer is playing along tonight.

Shoes. A comb. Candy. We got

a lock. A puzzle. Let's see how AI. What's AI think was the

worst gift ever given? We'll go over to the AI

Tab. We'll get a

summary here at top five. Clothes

brush from mom. Yeah. Mom not doing too well. Socks. Lifesaver

for Mom. The thong from Mom. And the

chapstick from father. I. I definitely got my

daughter chopstick. Chopsticks. Was

it a special flavor or was it just regular old chapstick? Yeah,

let's. What was the reason you hated chapstick?

Producer? Was it like candy cane

chapstick or was it just like plain generic chapstick as

peppermint. I got peppermint. Peppermint. So it was a little bit special.

Yeah. It makes a difference. She hates the idea

of somebody caring for her dental

hygiene. How dare you, father. How dare you.

Chap lips are the dude. Look.

All right, let's move on from this segment. It'll be fun when we have

30, 40 people just bossing it, but we'll keep it going. I'm

gonna bring it back. You won't know when or why I bring it back, but

it will come back. Let's keep those questions going. We're having so much fun in

the final round. Jello 10 General

Knowledge Trivia questions. I feel like we started the questions. Answer

fast and I will try to trick you. That's the. She's looking at a

hundred pound Doberman pincher right now.

Exactly. Here we go.

Still have four. You. We got the whiskey throttle coming in here.

Which of these were the first to crash? There'll be

four answers for you. Goodness. Oh, my gosh. This is.

I love a bad reaction. And I got it. The Hindenburg. The

music died. That was a callback. The Buddy Holly

Titanic was the first.

Oh, producer dropped something. Let's go.

Oh, David. Grace.

David. Oh, so

close. So close. So close by a whisker.

Let's go to the. Our next one. Question 12 of 20.

We shall have one more player popping in. Unless I got so

mad at that question. Here we go. Croc is back.

What is going on in that. In which country is the ancient

monument Stonehenge?

Ireland, Wales or England? 6 and Begori,

where's the Stonehenge at? There. Everyone has

voted. It

is England. Our Scotland impression didn't help

anybody, did it?

Oh, Bob and Grace. This could be

it. This is it.

That's what that Huey Lewis song is about. This is. I thought you were doing

the other one. This is it. I need a. I need a new drug. Make

no mistake who you are. Kenny Loggins.

Right? Didn't he sing that one? Kenny Loggins. Feet. Le. Feetless.

Feetless. Let's go to the next one.


That's me doing parkour. Whoa.

Hallelujah. In which sport do you do tricks such

as backside disaster, indie grab and a

5050 grind? Is it parkour?

BMX, skateboarding or surfing? Oh, I don't

know. Parkour.

Got skateboarding. I didn't fool anybody on that one. But

who was the fastest? It's a

tale as old as time. Tail as old as

time. Grace.

Grace is catching up just a few. Hundred points

behind David. We'll keep it moving right along

question 14 of 20. We got the

buzz coming in.

How do I even pronounce? Myrmecology is the

scientific study of which type of insects.

Instex. Oh, that's a. That's a tough question. The

mites. Mosquitoes. Mealy bugs or ants.

Myrmicology. A lot of M's.

Is anybody can get this one right. No, no,

it was not the M word. It was the A word.

Ants. Ants. Ants. I bet they

said that in that Bugs Life movie and I just wasn't paying

attention. Ants Life.

Ants or or the movie ants, which came out at

the same time. Right. I was summer when ants were the.

Big rage, big thing. Yeah. Woody Allen was in the ants when

mormology. Oh. Study of myself

wasn't Bruce Willis and Ant McIddon.

We'll go to the next question.

I was pretty good. All right,

Aunt McGin, you're laughing now. It took a while.

And McGedon. Yeah.

Which character in Disney's classic animation the Jungle Book

has hypnotic eyes? Shere Khan.

Ka Gira. Baloo.

Baloo. Has the bare necessities. It is.

Oh, is correct.

Back to back. Killing it.

Oh, David. Oh, you didn't get it right, David. I

thought you. Neither did I. I went. That one

was too old for me.

It was before my time.

What was with. Why did you drop back six feet? Because I missed it. Oh,

you. But you knew before it went. You knew. You knew. I knew it wasn't

blue. I just picked the first one that

I recognized as a character from that movie. And then I was like, no, it's

not the cuddly bear. Yeah. All

right, let's go to the next one. Keep it moving right along before I do

another dad joke.

Oh, this, this, this gif. It might be a dad joke. Let's see

the right stuff, baby.

By the end of 2012, this single by One Direction

100 top 10. Is it what makes you beautiful? Best song

ever. Story of my life or you got it. The right

stuff. I don't even know what they sing. One


I think. Yeah. I'm not sure. Did they do

a cover of Everybody? One different

man. What? What makes you beautiful?

That's what. That's what makes you beautiful. If that's Grace, watch

out. Oh, look out. Is it great

for One Direction songs? Grace is not messing

around tonight. Grace went from. I think she was

in third place two questions ago. Yeah. Jumped into first place

and the fastest. Only a few more questions remaining and

she now has 700 point lead.

Can't we hold on to it? Grace.

Grace Scott. Mambo number five.

Four questions remaining.

Here we go. Mumbo.

Which one of these names were not named in Lou Bega

song? Mumbo number five.

Monica, Rita, Erica, Jennifer. If you sing it, you'll figure

it out. A little bit. A little bit

of Jeff. Hey.

And a little bit of David. Well, that's Rita

Moreno. That's. Yeah, that's in that west side Story.

We have a fifth person joining us because it looks like four of you

want Jeffrey. Yeah. I don't think

Jennifer goes with the rhyming scheme. Does It a bit of

Jennifer. Yeah.

Let's see who was the fastest. That's all we're gonna tell

Grace. Defending first place. Whoa.

Joey Lawrence. David. David with the.

Whoa. Whoa. Let's keep it coming.

It almost sounds. You sound like the trash compactor in the Star wars scene.

All right. Oh, we do have a fifth person join us. Welcome. Glad you join

us. Only three questions remaining. Not going to challenge for the lead, but hope you're

having a good time. Play spoiler. Let's go to our

last three questions. Here's the

first of the last three. What were the names of the two

regular heifers on the Muppet Show? Were

they Starsky and Hutch? Statler and Walder? Felix

and Oscar? Feliz and Navidad?

Feliz and Navidad.

I want to wish you a merry Christmas.

How about that? See Statler and Waldorf. Two of you

Got it. Let's see. Is Grace fist in the

air or. Uhoh. David.

David. Bob. Enough.

No. Go just

by 150 points for. Or 200 points. Let's end the game right

now. Let's just stop. Stop the count. Stop the count. But I get

to say our penultimate question. Oh, we got two

more. Yeah. Boo. This is where you can boo

me. Boo. Producer's booing me Ways like.

Let's go to that question. She's still upset about that

chapstick. Oh, let's see.

What type of creature is a snipe? Is

it a snake, a fish, a

bird, or a Wesley. It's a

vampire. That's a vampire. I see what you

did. See ya. What? A wannabe.

Snipe is a vampire? These are the serious final

questions to determine the winner tonight. Four of

you, then we got a holdout.

Is it a snake, a fish, a bird, or a

Wesley snipe? One of you went with Wesley.

A bird is a statement. I appreciate the one who went

with Wesley Snipes. Let's see that

leaderboard. Are we going to change it up?

It's all going to come down to the last question. Look at that.

No, last question. It's so close.

So Bob has to get it right. Oh my gosh, the

pressure. Grace and David could leapfrog

Bob. So let's see our last

question tonight. How will this end? Like

the Truman Show. I see a

chair there. I'm not even looking at that.

The chair looks like the thing from Stranger Things. What

a flying on ologists collect.

Is it bottle caps, stamps, dolls or

plants? Who knows

this? Who even knows this? One of you know It.

Because one of you're gonna walk away with the W tonight.

Bert is. Bert from Bert. Ernie. He collected bottle caps,

right? Caps. Bottle caps. Bottle caps. Hey, Burke,

I'm just gonna take and recycle these.

I. I could play these because I do not remember

dolls. Oh, everybody got it wrong. We almost had

an upset. We almost had an upset. Wow.

Nothing is gonna change. What a boring final round.

What a battle. Walks away with 11,000 points,

Bob. So well played tonight. Congratulations.

Yeah, I guess the. I guess the plank is what the

doll starts as. Is a plank of wood. Yeah,

that's right. The pirates make them walk it and then they turn them into

dolls at that. Whatever that island was that they took Pinocchio to.

Oh, yeah, exactly. That was. What was the name of

that island? I don't know.

That's the extra credit question right there. Yeah,

well, that seemed like the most anticlimactic,

climatic we've ever had. Let's go one

more slide. If you had a good time tonight and you enjoyed playing

trivia at the. Oh, wait a second,

wait a second. We're not stopping yet. Name

something you might purchase at a convenience store

at 2am after all this fun we had tonight, there's no

way this could go wrong.

All right. You don't purchase it, you leave it. That's

right. Yeah. We've

got one response. I guess that's all we're getting tonight. Oh, no. I got some

coming at you here. Well, now at least we have the thumbnail for the

show. I got some granola and four Loco. A

burrito. Red Bull. You can get Chapstick for

a last minute Christmas gift. There you go.

Air freshener. Oh, there you go. Korean convenience. Food,

clothing, Hot dog. Oh, the 2:00am hot

dog. Yeah, Be careful. All the sheets.

Sheets. Walking home from Philly street up at iup. Those who

know, know. Yep. Lusty burrito.

All right. Well, I thought that was the last slide. It turns out it

wasn't. Let's see if any more come in. Nope, we're giving. She

said no. Enough. The producer said go back one more time. Let's see how A.I.

what would A.I. buy? Yeah, what would A.I.

Buy at 2am 2am let's do our artificial intelligence. We

really need to name this artificial intelligence. It

likes. Hot dog. Why don't you call it to duty?

Burrito. In that order.

Slushy. Well, that's that. A lot of

fun. Yeah. 2am 2am

Wings. What could go wrong?

Sushi, anyone? No, no.

2am Sushi. Convenience store. 2Am the sushi's only

been here for 36 hours.

Why is it on the hot dog roller is what I want to know.

That's how they shape it. Could I get a fresh thing

of seaweed for this sushi, please?

It's a little crispier than I remember. Rewrap it for me.

Well, I want to thank my guest, but not before I plug the Paduti

Podcast theater, which is where we're recording the stuff I never knew trivia game

show podcast tonight. If you had a good time tonight, if you

enjoyed the witty banter, go to Google and

search the word Paduti P O D U T Y. You'll find

the Paduti Lives podcast theater. Leave us a review, let us know how we're

doing. This is a great way to let other people know how we're doing

so they can decide if they want to come here and join me in the

empty theater. But before we leave, I want to give my guests

one more chance to plug, promote, talk about anything they'd

like. I think we started with Bob. We're going to start with David this

time. Yeah. Check out the Armstrong Neighborhood Channel for

amazing local content. Award winning

content, some might say based on some local neighborhoods

in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York,

West Virginia. We have some fun stuff.

Yeah. Check out Armstrong Neighborhood

Channel and the. Bob,

Hey. I was going to say check out the Armstrong neighborhood

channel on

Of course. You should go check that out. Neil Armstrong was a great man and

left a great legacy to the neighborhood. You can

go to or staticradio

and its socials and I'm going to relish

this victory over David. He has trophies and awards

and I have this. There it is. Armstrong neighborhood channel thank you, David

and Bob. That's going to do it for the stuff I never knew trivia game

show podcast. Let's dance our way out of here.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong. You

are wrong. You are right. That is correct. You are correct. That.

That is correct.

Creators and Guests

Jeff Revilla
Jeff Revilla
Your Host of Stuff I Never Knew since 2015!