Hey, everybody, this is Jeff, your host of the Stuff I Never Knew Trivia Game
show podcast. And I want to share with you the
exciting new direction we are taking the show. And this
comes from nine years of feedback. We launched this
show in 2015, and time and time again,
my guests can't believe how much fun they had being
a contestant on this show. It is so rewarding
for me to hear how much fun that is. And going forward,
I want you to share in that weekly with us.
And one of the things we're gonna be doing is three weeks out of the
month, we're gonna be recording live shows that you can play
along with. These will be recorded prior to being released as a
podcast episode, but you can be part of every show.
You can pull up the game that we're playing in real time on your
phone and play along. It's an exciting new twist
because the winners from those weekly live streams
are going to be invited to the recording of the
TV version of the show that will come out once a month. So
now, while you're listening at home on a Tuesday or Thursday night,
we'll do a live stream where you can play along score points and then
be invited to be on the television version of the Stuff
I Never Knew trivia Game Show Podcast. I'm so excited to
have you join me. Keep checking our Facebook. We are
recording these live at the Paduti podcast theater. So
poduty.com check that website for
upcoming dates or follow us on Facebook
poduty.com for more
dates and details. And let's get into the show.
That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong. You
are wrong. You are right. That is correct. You are correct.
We are live, live tonight on Facebook, live on Twitch. I've
got two great guests joining me as I walk all the
way across the room to the main stage. Where am I at? Nobody
knows. Give me three, two, one. Hey,
everybody. Welcome to the Stuff I Never Knew trivia Game Show Podcast.
I'm Jeff. I'm your host tonight. My two great guests
are virtually joining me on the main stage tonight. We have
Serena, Lewis, Everett, Bob Lament of Static Radio. Welcome
to the show. Hey, thanks for having us. Thank you. It's
gonna be fun. It's a lot of fun. For those of you watching at home,
you can see on the screen right now the game is set up. You can
go to mentee.com and type in that eight digit code
or use your phone and scan that QR code. It's a
lot of fun. So while you're getting set up there. I want to introduce my
guest tonight. We're going to start with the first timer. Our first time
guest tonight, Serena Lewis, Everett, Maryland, welcome to the
show. Yes. I'm so excited to be here, Jeff. This is going to be so
fun. Oh, we're so excited to have you. Tell us where are
you calling in from? So I'm calling in from Maryland. I am
held in Hanover, Maryland, but originally from Atlanta,
Georgia. So I'm like a southern northern
girl. I've been here for about 10 years. So I almost
call Maryland just as much my home as Georgia. So
very nice, very nice. Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you're doing
down in Maryland. Yes. So I am a primary care physician that
also does some aesthetic procedures and so you can come and
check me out at Sepia Modern primary care. Emphasis on the modern
part because we add a little bit more boutique and transformative
medicine for the day to day professional. So you get one hour
visits. Transparency and affordability and
flexibility. So you can always come check me out at
757 Frederick Road. I'm downtown Catonsville, Maryland,
about 15 minutes from where I live and I love my community.
I actually just had my ribbon cutting with the
chamber last month to welcome me to the area.
So very excited. Looking for new patients. Looking to become your
doctor. Come check me out. Very nice. Congratulations on the
grand opening. Is there a website or just the address?
So my website is sepia modernprimarycare.com you
can also call me there. You can click the. There's a link to
ask questions and you can sign up for an app. You get $25 off if
you sign up for the app. It's free, it's complimentary. You can also call me
at 410-929-1335. You can also
text that number and me and my staff will receive it. If you want to
know more information about how we can help you with the healthier
life. So and then I also have a Facebook, same thing. Cpm,
moderate primary care. And my IG is sepia dmv because I do
service the entire area. I have some patients from
Virginia. I'll get all that into
the show. Notes. We got the address, we got the website, we got the. We're
going to make sure everybody can call you in the Maryland area.
That's okay with me. Thank you for
joining us. We're gonna. We have 25 question coming your
way. The folks at home with the folks in the theater are going to play
on your phone, even against. Our second guest tonight
has been on the show many times. Bob Lament from
static Radio. Bob, welcome back to the show. Hey, how's it going,
Jeff? I, I have a feeling these are all going to be anatomy
questions and I'm going to get. I know. Well, we got
planetary questions. Let's go one more slide forward. We'll come back to this
slide. We'll see the people joining here. Bob, tell us a little
bit about yourself and your show Static Radio. So yeah, my name is Bob
and apparently I do trivia and then I also
host co host of the show static radio online. And you can
find out more or less depending on your
mood@staticradio.com and static radio on most
of the socials. So yeah, we're just a comedy thing.
We just be our goofy and try to have fun.
Lots of fun. A lot of good storytelling, a lot of stories.
Yeah, very good, very interesting. A lot of fun
to listen to and how long you've been doing it for. Bob,
this will be our 25th year. We're just finishing up our 25th
year. We'll start 26th year here shortly. Wow, that's, that's how it works.
You start another year after the one finishes. So it gets
incrementally better every day. That's right. At
this point we're about halfway there. That's what I'm
thinking. I'll have all my guest links in the show
notes. We're going to revisit them one more time before we end the
show tonight. But if so, we're gonna go into round
one. And before we go to the next slide, here's how round one's
gonna work. It's a 5050 choice, right? Okay. So if you're
playing along, it's either going to be this or that. So
I'm going to read you the name of a planet in our solar system. All
you have to do is tell me is that planet's surface temperature
average above or below 32 degrees
Fahrenheit. How hard? Oh no, can that be? So let's go.
Sounds easy. Who's joining us? We're not going to start any questions
yet. We'll go one more slide. We got question one of
25. We got some players trickling in already. Look at this. Come on guys,
come on in. Again. If you look
at the top of the screen you can see the link to join you. Go
to mentee.com and type in that six digit
code. Are we ready? We'll start the first
one. Oh, got six players
joining us. Question one of 25. These are going to be 50,
50 choices. So it's either above or below.
So Neptune, is it above or below 32
degrees Fahrenheit? And I tried to put. Oh, my gosh. Little pictures
there. Oh, my goodness. And there's a third. This is harder than it
seems, I think. I
don't know. I took a guess.
Oh, now I'm gonna have little pictures for everyone. Now, remember, sometimes my
pictures may or may not help you get to the right
answer. Okay, everyone has voted.
Let's see how we did below. Everybody.
The whole field got it right. Let's see who that. We're gonna see how
the scoreboard works. Now, this is where the game gets fun and very competitive.
And I also put the answer here. Neptune is 30,
330 degrees negative
Fahrenheit. So Bob was the fastest on that one.
Bobby the good. You gotta be fast with
976 points. There's a thousand points
per question. 25 questions. There's 25,
000 total points by the time we get done with this. The faster, the better.
Here, let's go. Second one. Let's see here. Let me
go. Same thing. Above or below 32 degrees?
Right. Wow.
Okay. Yeah, we're gonna do, I think eight or nine of these.
Jupiter, depending on how many planets you think there are in the solar system.
Is Jupiter above or below 32
degrees Fahrenheit? You know, this wasn't ever on the SAT or.
I feel like in. In Guardians of the Galaxy, a lot of those planets were
cold. Cold, yes. That's how
I make my guess. Isn't that terrible? Shout out to Marvel.
I like. The Guardians of the Galaxy is our.
I don't know. That's our textbook.
Well, our audience split three to
three. Three below is correct.
Let's see, what's the actual temperature? Wow. Jupiter is
negative 166 degrees.
We got Bob, Dr. Evil, and Joanna.
Joanna. All right, let's
go to our third one. I think. I think there's eight of these total.
So question three.
Venus. Is Venus above or below
32 degrees Fahrenheit?
Oh, she again. Oh,
oh, we split again.
Man, you got it right. Three of you got it wrong. Above is the
correct answer. Let's see how it takes
out. Are we going to change up the order at all? Dr.
Evil, the fastest. I know. Dr.
Evil. You're doing good. You must be a guardian.
Bones, I got you. Plan is, I'm like, let's
go to our next one. And Venus is 867 degrees
Fahrenheit. I would have guessed that. It's way above. Way above.32 degrees
Fahrenheit. Depends on the
day. What if I did Earth? Would that be funny? Is Earth up below? But
let's see. Right. Yeah. Especially in Maryland.
This looks like we did. Oh, we did do Earth. Uhoh. What
is the average temperature on Earth? Is it above you
gave or below a little bit? 32 degrees. Everybody
voted. Oh, I got
one of you, though. Let's see. Above is the correct answer. We're not the
ice planet Hoth, as one person thought. That
was the Hoth. Well, the. The funny thing is
we were the ice planet Hoth in the movie. We definitely were in
Iceland, I think, or Sweden.
You're absolutely right. Let's see. Earth is 59 degrees on
average. Somebody hasn't seen the day. Out
to tomorrow.
That's right. That was. Everything was frozen. I'm a movie buff now. I'm a
movie buff, not a planet buff.
Let's go to our next question. Earth's average is 59. This one looks
like a pale blue dot. Let's see. What planet are
we? Oh, is it. Something went wrong.
The planet of Uranus. Is Uranus above or below?
Okay, we can still. We can still vote. Yeah, we still
have to refresh. Are you back?
Okay, well, five of you got it correct. It is
below you. Uranus. Uranus is
below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Is that a medical
term? I'm not sure. It is.
I always feel so weird saying it too. I'm like.
Oh, my goodness. Luckily my fingers are small
for my guys. You know what I'm. You know what I'm talking about.
Oh, I put my glove on and get to work.
Oh, my God.
Let's go to the.
Let's go to the scoreboard. It is negative
320 degrees. Another. Another alien
question. How. How warm's that dog? I
know. Dr. Evil Fastest on that one. He's
above freezing. Let's go to question number
four. Or five. Five, five, six. Oh,
which planet could this be? Yeah, that's a.
That's a. That's a tough one.
All right, here we go. The producer has pushed the
question. Mars. Is Mars above
or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit?
A lot of fast coming in. Everyone has voted already.
It is below. You don't think of Mars being colder, but
it is. I wouldn't have guessed. Oh, Dr. Evil.
Yep. Well, let's find
out. How far below. How low can you go?
Negative 85. Degrees. I should have watched that Matt
Damon movie where he went to Mars. I know.
I have to catch up on all of those. Like the one with him, the
one with Matthew McConaughey. I'm like, I'm behind.
I'm very behind on all Mars movies. Are we gonna have a
changing of the guard? Doctor Jumps in the first place,
ahead of Bob by almost a thousand points.
We'll go to our next question here. Oh,
what's this one? This one. This one has rings.
This is Sega. Saturn. Is it? Is Saturn
above or below? Tough. 32 degrees
Everyone's voting fast, man. Everybody says
below. Everyone is correct. It just comes down to who was
the fastest.
Saturn is 220 degrees
Fahrenheit. Thanks, E.T. everybody. Pretty fast on the draw. It looks
like Homer was the fastest on that
one. Welcome, Homer.
Finally, he's joining us. Thank you for joining us.
We got about. I forget what question we were on,
but at least 15, 20 questions. There's 25,000 points
available. Okay, we're only 6,000 points into it. Let's go to
the next question. We've got seven players
joining. Oh, wait. That was round two.
Round two. We're gonna try a thing here. This is new.
And people love. When I try new things on the show, they always go
so well. This is the game I called. Riddle me this.
I'm gonna read you a phrase. You have to select the
answer. How hard is that? Easy peasy. You want to find the best answer
that matches the phrase. Or saying that I'm gonna read
to you. I could tell the
enthusiasm level just went.
Yeah. So let's hear my riddle, and you have to tell
me the answer. That cat even looks confused there. Oh,
another cat
question. Eight of 25, seven players. Here is my
riddle. Devoid of water
and certainly no fun. This type of
pool can't exist for one. Is it a toad
pool, a card pool, deadpool, or a
cesspool? What type of pool best
fits that phrase or
that riddle? That riddle devoid of water and
certainly no fun. This type of pool can't
exist for one. See, now, I thought I was wrong because of
the cat driving a car. But I know you thought it
was too easy. Everyone has voted. Carpool.
The carpool is the correct answer. Three of you got
tenses. The driving cat. Correct. Let's go.
The scoreboard. How's it going to shake out? Let's see how much you like my
riddles. If you like the riddles in the bottom right, there's a
little, like, button in Mentee, you can smash that, like, button. Let me
know if you're having fun. We'll see all those little thumbs up, pop up.
Makes me smile. One of you are having fun. Two of you are having fun.
Because y'all are winning.
Let's go to our next word. I think we are. We're only gonna do three
of these. So before you get super mad at me,
so question that. See, this kid's happy. He found out we're only doing two
more. When. What can you draw,
reach or jump to without moving any part of
your body? Is it rope, hopscotch,
conclusions, or stick figure ninjas?
What can you draw, reach or jump to without
moving any part of your body? Everyone has voted
conclusions. I didn't pull anybody on that. When
everyone jumped to conclusions, they saw office
space and they all bought the floor mat for outside the
door. The jump to conclusions. Matt,
who was the fastest? Since I didn't
fool anybody on the jump to conclusions, let's
go to, I think our last one. I'll get you out of this round. We'll
go into round three where it's all just trivia questions. I wouldn't say they
were too easy. Oh, here we go. Are you kidding
me? That's the feeling I figured some of you would
be having after this game. All right.
Escalating from a shove or poke,
a certain line that supports a joke.
Is it a brawl, a fisticuffs, a
howitzer, or a punch? What kind of
line it is a punch. These were too
easy for everybody. Everybody got them right.
Let's see it.
You had to think a little bit. I'm trying to make your brain sweat.
I'm not a general, though. Goodness, Homer moving
up a spot. Nice work, Homer.
All right, I think we're out of this. We're going to round three.
Here we go, the home stretch. Are you having fun?
We've got 15 questions to wrap it up. All general
knowledge. I brought the cat back one last time to get us
through the home stretch. These will just be general knowledge questions
with four multiple choice answers. Are
you ready?
Okay. Well, hey, look. That's the stage I'm standing on. Look at
question 11. Of 25. Seven players hanging in here
tonight. 4,000 points. Really? Between. Between first
and sixth. It's very close.
There's still 11. What? How many questions? 14 questions remaining.
14, 000 points to go. Let's go to the next
question. Always go with the answer C.
That's some Jenga.
How many blocks are there in the game of
Janka? You can Count them real quick.
36, 45, 54 or
69. Everyone has voted.
Oh, look at the spread. It's 54. We're gonna have a
little shake on this one. Now, I wonder how many really knew
it and how many just guessed. 54.
Yeah. Let's go to the
next question. Oh, Woodrow Wilson.
I want to guess that we. Here we go. Answer fast
to get more even remembered, he was president. Who did
not serve as vice president? Was it
Richard Nixon, Thomas Jefferson, Harry S. Truman
or Woodrow Wilson? Oh, none of those. Are
not George Washington, I guess. Yeah, he snuck
in. So Woodrow Wilson is correct
and who got it? Who's our big winner? Denoir
knows this. His presidential trivia
move. Moving on up.
The Gremlin picture threw somebody off.
Let's go to the next question. We'll keep it moving along
tonight. We got. Is that a little Gremlin guy?
Mowgli. Mogwi. Is that
Mogwai? Yeah.
Gizmo. Which animals were led out of the town
by the Pied Piper of Hamelin? Were they the
rats, the snakes, the dogs or the gremlins?
That was pretty quick on that one. I remember my
images. May or may not help you.
They were the rats. Get those rats out of here. Mr.
Piper, let's go
to the scoreboard. Let's see how we're doing.
Who played guitar on Led Zeppelin? Stairway to
Heaven? Was it Eddie Van Halen, Stevie Ray
Vaughn, Buddy Holly or Jimmy Page?
Jimmy Page, everybody.
Oh, it was Jimmy Page. Let's see how that
scoreboard shakes out. Four of you got it right.
The top four. Bob's got some points to make up to
catch up to Dr. Evil. Oh, it's Dr. Evil's out front.
Evil's over there. Chat GPT.
Dr. Evil's an AI I know.
Let's go ahead to the next question. I see all those likes getting smashed over
on the right side here. Chick fil a sauce, anybody?
Yes, it's a Chick fil a girl.
So, what could this question be about? You can pre guess for a bonus
point. Which
common silver color metal is liquid at room
temperature? Is it adamanium, mercury,
platinum or Chick fil a sauce? Chick fil a
sauce? Yeah. If you're eating silver. Chick fil a sauce.
Run for the border. They had a Fantastic Four promotion,
so. Yeah, I know. Mercury. Correct. I didn't
fool anybody with this question or my Chick fil a. Trying
to throw you off with Chick fil a. Let's see how that shook out. Who
was the fastest?
Dr. Evil. Dr.
Homer. Coming in the fast. Oh, Homer. Homer was the fastest.
Only 2,000 points out of first place. Moving
on to our next question.
Question 17 to 25 producers, fast on the
moving. What is the chemical symbol for iron? We're in
Pittsburgh, so we say iron. Iron. Is it
Fet, le or
ss? You may notice I just wrote out the word feetless.
I thought that'd be funny. Feetless.
Everybody knew that iron was f.
Nobody fell for my feetless joke. That's the sequel to
Footloose, isn't it? Everybody cut.
Everybody cut. Feetless. That's like my
pajamas. Let's see how that scoreboard shook
out. Who was the fastest with the
feetless? Wow. A lot of fast ones there.
And ET Coming in. Wow.
Nice job, et. Let's just advance one
slide to let Everybody catch up.
E.T. could be feetless. We don't know. Yeah, I know. Oh, my God.
So much fun. All
right, here we go. What is this one about? Any pre guesses?
Underwater Halloween. Trick or treat. Aquaman. Well, who. Who
invented the Aqua Long. Aquaman was pretty close. Was
it Henry Ford? James Cameron?
Aquaman. You get a maybe a bonus point for that one. And Jacques
Cousteau, who invented the. Who
invented the Aquaman?
DC comics. Jacques
Cousteau is correct. 3. You got it
right. Two of you went believe in Henry
Ford. Let's see. That's the president. Let's
Let's see how the scoreboard out on this one. We may have some changes coming
Oh, Bob gaining on Dr. Evil.
Is it enough? Thank goodness. No, not enough. Bob
was the fastest. I did see another movement. I think Joanna moved up a spot
too. Yeah. Nice climbing back out. Only 4,
000 points out of first place. Was still, I think 10,
000 points to go. Let's see. Golly,
a lot of points. I know it is.
All right. Oh, praying mantis, huh? Any pre
guesses? Something about insects? Well,
let's find out. Remember, my pictures may or may not help you get the right
answer. Let's see here.
Which insect has types? A soldier,
fire and red flies, Spider
ants or the dreaded praying mantis?
Everyone has voted. Nobody fell for my
praying mantis. Who's actually praying in the animated gif on
literally. Yeah,
I didn't realize they ate ham or whatever that
is. Yeah, what is that? Ham Manta. It does have a. Like it looks
like in honor of Thanksgiving.
Or roast beef. I don't know what that is. Famous cloved ham.
Let's see how that leaderboard shakes out.
Et. Et's making a Comeback?
Yeah. ET the sequel. Let's keep the show moving.
Come on, ET let's go to the next question.
Oh, a clever code. Let's see what
question 20 of 25 is. Oh,
let's see. Which term
in gaming is used to describe special codes that allow you
to skip levels and gain powers. Is it
pwned, cheat, Easter egg, or up, up,
down, down, left, right, left, right, AB select, start.
That's what the guy's doing in the pit. Yes. Up, up, down, down.
Let's see. Those are cheat codes. Cheat
codes allow you to skip Easter Eggs are hidden things.
They're not the same. Cheat codes is correct. Three of
you. This could be the shake up we are waiting
for. That's what the stormtroopers said. Let's see how
that scoreboard. This is the shake up
you are waiting for. This is the shake up you're waiting for. There we go.
Bob. Chiz Denoir. Is this enough? I think we
have. Barely.
Barely. Barely. I Wonder who. Who's Bob anyway? Come
on, who is that? Question 21 to
25. You gotta do an Uno. Reverse Uno.
Here we go. Seven players. Question 21 of
How many categories are there in the game?
Trivial Pursuit 4,
6, 8 or 10. There's definitely an even number. I was
just watching this. Levar Burton is the host. It's
fantastic. Six is the correct answer.
And five of you got it right. Let's go to the scoreboard.
Bob, Dr. Evil, Homer, Joanna, and E.T.
knocking it out of the park. And
Hammer. Homer, Hammer, Hammer. Moving on
up, let's go to question 22 of
25. Can we just skip to question 25?
I know. Shout out to Bruce Willis. I think this one might have a
callback in it. Let's see. Question 22. Answer
fast to get more points in the
1988 Christmas movie Die Hard, terrorists
take over. What building is it? The Konami. Konami
Plaza. Nakatomi Plaza. Yukagawa
Tower or. I can't do that, you guys.
Now. Now there's debate on whether it's a Christmas movie or not. You know.
Well, up, up, down, down. Left, right, left, right. A B select start is the
Konomi Code. That's a callback. Nakatomi
Plaza is correct. Four of you got it right.
Let's see how the scoreboard shakes out.
Bob, Dr. Evil, Joanna. E.T. joanna having a strong second
Dr. Evil. Evil. Just staying on your
tracks, Bob. I'm telling you, just staying
on your neck. Phone call for Dr.
Evil. Oh, speaking of Die Hard.
Oh, question
23. Let's see here.
Which of these is not the name of an
iconic movie actor? Hans
gruber, David Jones, Gordon
Gekko, or Jack Sparrow.
One of them is actually David. Bo.
David Jones is the correct one. David.
Davey Jones. Davey. Davey. Not
David. I got some of you on that one. Pirates of the
Caribbean. Let's go to
the Dr. Evil.
Doctor. Dr. Evil is going to go back in
the lead. Oh, let's see. With two questions remaining,
Dr. Evil back up by 400 points. So
let's go to our second to last question. The penultimate,
as the kids are saying these days. Hey, Christmas.
Oh, let's see. Did I go with the
Christmas question? Did you? Did
I? Which of these is not one of Santa's
original? Original reindeer Dancer
Cupid. Tanner Donner.
No, Rudolph. I know that's
Rudolph right there. It was added for
Tanner is correct. Tanner.
Let's see. Oh, Tanner.
Tanner. Not gonna change the
leader here, but Joanna might be bouncing back up. Oh,
200 points away from third place. You could steal
it away from Homer with the last question. Let's go to the
last question of the night. Oh, hey,
it's funny when you're listening to show. What are these reactions that I'm
hearing? Let's
go to our last question tonight. Let's see. How are we going to finish
up? Hope you're having a good time out there.
Who turned down the role for Danny in Greece yet
will always be known as the Fonz?
Albert Alfonso Ribeiro, author,
Fonzarelli. Henry winkler's pants
or Henry. Henry's Wink. Henry. I got two of
you. That's all I wanted to do tonight.
Two of you picked Henry wrinkled Henry wrinkled pants.
And 1 and 4. Five of you got Henry wrinkler.
I knew I could trick some of you. That made it all worth it for
me. Let's see how the game played out. Henry
wrinkled pants. Oh, Henry wrinkled pants.
It looks like it's gonna be close. Is it enough for Bob?
No, no. Our winner tonight is
Dr. Evil. Evil. Congratulations, Dr. Evil.
What a battle, everybody. It was like 200 points. Not
even that. $1 million. Yes.
We are recording the stuff I never knew trivia game show podcast live
at the paduti podcast theater. And before we
go, we're going to just wrap up this show, but we have another show coming
up next. I want to give my guests one more chance
to say how we can connect with them and where we can connect with
them. This time, we'll start with Bob. Bob, one last time. How can people
connect with you and meet you offline? Online.
Everyone but Dr. Evil can find me at
staticradio.com or. At static
radio on the socials, staticradio.com and
Serena, you can find me at. Sepia modern
primarycare.com has all my information on there. Awesome.
We'll have all those links in the show notes when this comes out as a
podcast, I want to thank my guests again.
That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong. You
are wrong. You are right. That is correct. You are correct.
That is correct.