Keith -vs- Robert -vs- Zabe - Episode 146 - Trivia Game Show Podcast!

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the Stuff Find ever new trivia game show podcast.

I've got three great guests tonight. Zabe, Robert and

Keith joining me on the Armstrong neighborhood channel.

Let's hear that theme music.

All right, we are in round one, and as you know, on this show, we

get right into it. Earthworms or

chemicals found in makeup or both? Could these

Earthworms be chemicals found in makeup? You'll never know until

we get through them. Zabe, you are up first.

Ultramarine. Is Ultramarine a type of earthworm

or a chemical found in makeup or

both? I'm wearing a little bit on my face right now. It's

a piece of makeup. Makeup is

correct. That'd been embarrassing. If it was a worm and you were wearing that on

your face, over to Robert.

Prussian blue. Are you wearing

Prussian blue?

That's tricky. That could go either way.

Or it could be both the parrot. Sketch and Monty python,

or it could be one of those other two things. Since that's not a category,

I'm going to go with Earthworm. Earthworm

is correct. It is makeup. I don't

even care if I'm right. I'm going to go with Earthworm. They're going to ride

it the whole way through the round. Oh, well. All right. Here we

go. Ben Homine.

I can't even say it. So Ben Ham in an A.

Ben. Hammond A. I'm going to go out and

say that that is a type of worm. Earthworm

from Ethiopia is correct.

I was thinking Kenya, but you get. A bonus point for the location.

Back up to Zabe. A muscovite. Is

a muscovite an Earthworm, a makeup chemical or

both? Let's go

with Earthworm on this one. That sounds very Earthwormy to me. Very

earthwormy is incorrect. It's white.

Micah. The great white Micah. You may have heard his other

nickname. Over to Robert.

Paraben. Is Paraben a

worm from the Earth or up

from the make or both?

I tried on that one.

And I'm off to such a great start, too.

I'm going to stick with Earthworm.

Earthworm for the point is

incorrect. It's a waxy preservative used in

makeup. Come on, Robert, you know that one. Come

on. Keith gets all the ones I can't pronounce. Keith


Almaday. Rock me almadeus.

Please tell me of that drop.

I'm going to go with Earthworm.

Earthworm location for a bonus point.

Southern Kenya. Southern Kenya. I don't know.

Correct. But Africa is somewhere there. We'll give

you a bonus point. Producer there'll be an asterisk in

the historical record. All right, Zabe, now you get one I can't pronounce.

Lubricade. Lubricit.


Here's a story of a lubricitae. I

was going off your background. Only question is, is it

both? That's the only question I have because it's clearly

makeup. But is it both? That's the question I have. I'm just going to

stick with makeup. Makeup and the.

Mean. I can't say it on their show. It's a very area.

It's not family. So makeup is

incorrect. It was an earthworm. All right, here

we go. Last one to Robert Koltar.

Koltar. A type of Earthworm, a type of makeup, or

both. I think it's

makeup. I think the Egyptians used to use this. I think it's makeup.

Wow. Very specific. It gave me a location. I can't confirm the

location, but Coltar is a coloring agent in

makeup. Very nice. Robert and I thought, you're going to use Earthworm the whole

way through. You really switched it up. Yeah, I decided to be

right. You changed it up

and in true form to Keith

Haplotaxaday. With apologies to

our sponsor L'Oreal, I'm going to say this is an Earthworm.

Earthworm is correct. Nobody

fell for my trap, which was both. Hopefully they don't

use Earthworms in makeup. Let's go to that scoreboard.

We have a very close game for second place.

Zabe and Robert tied with one point. Keith with the OD

score, and the first ever four point round one. It's never happened

before in the history of the show. Keith, you get a little bonus.

You get to pick the order. Do you want to keep it the same or

change it up? I'm actually going to keep it the same because that's what I

would have suggested if it weren't in this order. So sounds good to

me. Came to the show with a strategy that's going to move

Zabe to the hot seat. Zabe, how have things been since the last time

we saw you? About the same. Yeah.

Very nice. How can people catch your show and listen and watch and do all

the things? Well, my show is called Who Will Save Generation X? Trivia game

show. It is a podcast dedicated to remembering, celebrating, and

preserving all the wonderful qualities of Generation X through games, trivia,

and friends. I've got two of my buddies on the show with me right now.

Each regular episode, we have two contestants compete for ultimate Slacker

prizes, and in the process, listeners are sure to get a nice dose of nostalgia

and maybe a few laughs along the way. The prizes are all nostalgic stuff I

put on my ebay watch list, and I place bids on the item chosen on

the winner's behalf until I'm the high bidder. If that bid holds up until the

end of the auction, then I buy that item for the winner. It's a lot

of fun. We put some really kooky weird stuff in there, and it's a good

time. Very good. It's a great show. Who will save Generation

X? Active on Facebook. There's a website, and you can find

the podcast in your feeds. Go ahead. Or you can just go

to That's the way we'll have that

link in the show notes. Zabe, are you

ready for the hot seat? Yes, I am,

Jeff. See if I can lose three times on your show.

That's a three peat. And in this round, each of my

contestants are going to get questions from these three categories.

90s movies. I want to go to hawai and that happened in

June. Your first question is a multiple

choice question for a 90s movie. In the

1993 Sci-Fi film demolition man starring

Sylvester stallone and Wesley snipes, what is the only

restaurant in existence? Is it

multiple choice cyber king stardust,

taco bell or pizza hut or both?

The only one or all four? Is that what you're trying to tell me? Yeah.

I have never seen demolition man. I kind of tapped out

on Sylvester stallone movies once

stop or my mama shoot came out. So

I kind of boycot, he kind of jumped the shark for me. Anyways,

I've never seen this movie. But if there were going to be only

one restaurant to exist in the

future, I would hope it would be taco bell.

Taco bell is

correct. It is taco bell for the your I want to

go to Hawaii question. What category of

business is the number one money maker for


Category of business. Does tourism count as a category of

business? That is an example of a category. Is that

your answer? I mean, that's probably the obvious one.

Tourism is correct. It is

tourism. And that happened in June.

In June of 2001, what make of

car named after a US. Colony was


June 2001. Make of car.

US. Colony. We don't have a manufacturer of that car, do

we? That would be

too much of a clue. I mean, how many are there? In 2001, there weren't

that many car makers. US. Colony. That

seconds on the clock

just to. Build pressure and suspense for the famous

car, the Massachusetts. You're so

close. Yoda, Massachusetts. It's the old Plymouth. The

Plymouth went out of business. Felix is an idiot right now. Of course,

it's fly mouth. Fly mouth. Well, in this

last question worth five points, I'm going to give you a name five

question. There's going to be a question where you have to put five things

into the category. For example, I might say, name five spices in your

spice cabinet and I'll put 10 seconds on the clock. You'll have

10 seconds to put those spices back in your cabinet because I already went

over and I removed them. So you have to figure out which five. But in

this case, zabe. Name five.

Hamburger toppings and go ketchup,

mustard, pickles relish. A sesame seed bun

goes on top of a burger. Mayo, a fried

egg you could put. Anything on is acceptable.

And that counts. You got all five. I take five.

You ran the board? Everything but Plymouth. Got you

massachusetts. We're going to move

Robert to the hot seat. Robert, welcome to the show. How are things

going? Doing all right. Glad to have a chance to come

do this instead of spending a night at work, especially since the power is out

again. So nobody's escaping any rooms tonight at my job. Thank


Tell us a little bit about what you do. Can people connect with you and

learn more about Robert? Not really. I don't do much

right now. I am a professional escape room game master. That is what I

do. I sit on the other end of a radio and give you hints if

you have no idea what you're doing in one of our rooms.

So it is a fun job. I really do enjoy it an awful lot.

Other than that, I spend a lot of time on Zabe's podcast doing

various. Work. That's

what I do. I have nothing to promote, so I will also promote Zabe's show

because I love it so much. Yeah. Robert is a fan favorite on

the Save Generation podcast. It's totally

true. Robert is my fan

favorite as well. On the three fans love me

links. In the show notes. Robert, are

you ready for the hot

seat? Here we go.

Let's do it. The line, it means buckle your

seatbelt, Dorothy, because Kansas is going bye bye

was said in which movie. And this is also multiple choice.

Was it Speed, The Matrix, back to

the Future two, or the core?

I remember going to see this movie not really knowing what was it about because

they weren't saying anything. And I was just trying to get away from my ex

girlfriend who was annoying me. So I went to the theater and was shown this

beautiful, beautiful thing that is The Matrix. The

matrix is correct. And I had the same

exact experience. I went at, like 10:00 a.m.. And I didn't know what it

was, and I walked out. I was the only person in the movie theater,

and my mind was shattered because I couldn't comprehend. I was like,

what's happening? What is the Matrix? That's right. All right.

Your Hawaii question. Hawai is the only us. State to grow

what drinkable crop, not

multiple choice. Would that be? Coconuts.

Coconuts. Incorrect. We're looking for

think we're I think I'm missing a question. Let's see.

Hold on. I can just give any answer now. All

right, Robert, what is the answer to this question? The

Council of Trent. Council of Trent is

correct. Correct. Producers that's correct. All

right, Robert. I knew it. I'm going to give you a

name five bonus question. There's five points up for grabs here.

Robert, name five excuses for not turning in

your homework. And go. I fell

asleep. My dog ate it. I didn't

have time. My parents dragged me out. My paper was

on fire. I think there's a

little bit of delay happening. I think you got five in before. You actually,

I got six out of yeah. Okay. I think the

contestants agree. Zabe and Keith both think there's a little bit of

a delay. I believe you did get all yeah. Everyone's saying yes.

There's a little bit of a delay. Let's go to Keith. Keith, welcome to the

show. Hi. I'm watching you're

pacing around. You're reacting to everybody's answers. How's it going?

Where are you calling in from? I'm calling in from Laguna Hills,

California. Things are going great because I'm with friends

and answering trivia questions and I'm really intimidated because all of them are

doing very well. Well, there's still 30 some

points after this round, so hang in there. It's anybody's game so

far. Anything you'd like to plug, promote, talk

about? Nothing to plug, but my

job is I'm a product manager at a popular user generated

content site and so I am just all about the creators. I

love my job because my job is empowering creators and I love being on a

show like this to see people create things and

I'm just so happy and blessed to be here. Well, awesome. Thank you so much

for being here. I appreciate that. And definitely we always appreciate

the DIY creators. Most of our guests on the show are actually small independent

podcasters. So I'm glad, especially you recognizing that

means a lot to me. But that doesn't mean I

don't want to put you into the hot

seats. Are you ready? It's hot in

here. Let's go. Your 90s movie question.

Sean Connery, Nicholas Cage and Ed Harris appeared in

what 1996 action film?

And don't worry, it's a multiple choice. Is it? Broken Arrow,

the Rock, demolition man? One of Zabe's favorite.

And the hunt for Red October.

I believe it's the rock. The Rock

is player three

correct? The rock is correct. I'm guessing

I might not have typed all the answers correctly. This game. Here we

go. Our Hawaii question. The Big Island.

Hawaii has volcanic sands of what

distinctive color? I think this

is the combination of all colors, but don't grade me on that part. I

believe they have black sand beaches. Or if you're a scientist,

it could be the absence of all color. The absence of all black is

correct. And that happened in

June. Question, what new cabinet

did George W. Bush propose in June of


Says propose. We were in the aftermath

of 911. He definitely

did the Homeland Security

and I believe that's a cabinet post.

And I'm seeing stuff in the chat that's saying no.

You're saying nope to the things in the chat or nope to the answer you're

about to give? Well, the answer I'm about to give is some sort of

space Force. Is that the answer you want to

give? Yes. You're going with Space Force.

Space Force is incorrect. It was Department of

Homeland Security. They talked you out of it in the chat.

Thanks, Robert. These are such wily people. I love

it. I love it. All right. Has that happened before?

This is amazing. I love that. Our five

point bonus question. I'm going to put 10 seconds on the clock.

You have 10 seconds to tell me five things

and I need you to tell me five ways to say goodbye.

And go aloha, see you later.

Bye. Farewell, welp

see you later. Or if that's too duplicative, then damn.

It, as long as you had a comma

after welp I'll give you both. You got five points. Let's go

to that scoreboard to see how we're going into the final round. It is a

much closer game. Only three points separating first and second

place, we have Keith with eleven, robert and Zabe tied

with eight. And as you know, in this final round, we have

30 points available. And in this round, it's

a video round. And I'm going to play a series of ten different videos

with a very vague question. Who am I? What am I? Where am

I? And then I'll start to play a series of clues. If

you buz in with your buzzers, I've asked you to bring on the first

clue that's worth three points. The second clue is worth two points and the

third clue is worth one point. If you're right, you're going to earn those

points. But if you're wrong, way to say goodbye, say

Cyanara to those points, you will lose that

point value. Now, I've asked each of my guests to bring in their own

buzzers. Let's start with Keith. Keith, let's hear your buzzer.

He's got the family feud. Buzzer I think. Or the food

family. And the Zabe

69 dude he's got

the bill and Ted Excellent Adventure And

Robert? He's got the tsunami

warning, I think. Come on, Jeff, you don't know

what that sound is. Maybe he's never been on the oh. Is that

a was? I was never a Star Trek. You're

missing out. Yeah, Keith don't like me

anymore. Bye.

All right, he should get back because we're going to start the video route. There

he is. All right, I'm looking for a music superstar. Now,

remember, sometimes my questions and my answers and my pictures, they

may or may not match, but they also may match, so

keep that in mind too. His first band was called Bluesology.

And if you look on the right side a little timer, you know how much

time you have left for this three point value?

That is Robert.

Delton John. Elton John is

correct for three points. Right out the gate on the first clue of

the first question. Robert knows everything about music, so we're

screwed if the rest are music questions. Let's go to that next question.

Which successful pop artist? I tell you,

robert paid $50 for the questions tonight.

Oh, he's pre buzzing.

He co wrote the charity single we are the World with

no, that's Richie Zabe. I'm just going to

blurt out Michael. Jackson then and hope I get the. Points

for three points. Wait, who buzed it? Who did

that? Michael Jackson is correct.

My guests brought their own wrong buzzers. They're really going to confuse me this

round. All right, here we go. We're looking for a

classic game. Which classic game? Everybody has a

chance this time it's not music related.

The first world champions of this game played in


That is Keith. I'm going to go with

cricket. Cricket is

incorrect. Incorrect.

Incorrect. Incorrect.

Our second clue for two points. It is played on

64 squares.

Keith? Chess. Chess is

correct. Only cost you one point. Then you can buzz in multiple

times. But if everybody keeps buzing in on the first clue, then it won't

matter. But you can buz in as often as you want as many times as

you like. I was about to say checkers. I'm looking for which type

of craft not necessarily witchcraft. It is

originally a form of traditional Japanese folk art which was popularized

in Europe in the mid 19 hundreds.

Our second clue for two points, cutting and gluing are not

used in this paper. Related craft. Keith

Origami. Origami

is correct.

All right, six questions remaining. 18

points total. I'm looking for a famous piece of clothing.

The original design of the garment has been changed over the years.

The rivet at the bottom of the crotch conducted too much

heat. I think that was

keith had the first buz. I think there may

be some delay with Robert, but I'll take it. And then we'll sort

it out with the engineers backstage. Historical record.

I believe this is Levi jeans. Levi's

501 jeans are


No, I want to issue a complaint. Keith didn't say 501

jeans. He just said Levi jeans. Pedantic judges are

not are we really. Going to lower the standards of

this show? Have you seen the show

before? This is the show where we lower standards. Like,

are you going to complain that Keith got an extra point for naming where an

earthworm was from? And I think I gave Robert

bonus points somewhere, too. I think you're just upset because I. Haven'T given

you joking. Zay points. A bonus points. He's like, where's my

points? Let's hope that Robert

rejoins and is on the same

latency that we have. I feel like his computer was hosted on the moon.

Let's get him. There he is. He's back. Robert, how's it

sounding now?

I don't know. Okay, I think it's a

little better. Let's go over to that scoreboard. Zabe and

Robert tied at eleven. Keith with twelve. One point

advantage with five questions remaining. We're

halfway through. We have 15 points remaining. It is

still anybody's game. And I'm looking for a material.

Is it a material girl? Madonna.

This material has a weight and a tooth.

What material has a weight and a tooth?

This material is one of numerous inventions made

by the Chinese.

And our third clue, it is mostly made of

wood and used in Origami.

69. Dude. Zabe. I mean

paper. Paper is correct.

Now I feel like we've leveled. Everybody's got their bonus point,

right? Bonus point. I earned that sucker.

Well, I added the extra clue because I'm looking for a what? What am I?

Am I a scared little kitten

it took 2700 years to build

me? What am I?

Second clue for two points. I've been called the longest cemetery

in the world with 1 million people who

died while making me.

That is Keith. Is that? The Great

Wall of China. The Great Wall of China for two points

is correct.

Good one, Keith. Let's go back to a

category made for Robert. Who am

I? Who am I?

My interview with Diane Sawyer was the highest

rated interview in television history.

Our second clue for two points. I am the only artist to

have seven consecutive number one hits on the Billboard Hot


And our third clue for one point.

I was in four movies, including The Preacher's Wife

and The Bodyguard. Zabe. That

is Rip Whitney Houston. Rip

whitney Houston is correct.

Correct. Two questions


Where am I? Where

am I? You can always pre guess if you want to guess. I could be

anywhere. I am the second widest state.

The second widest. Our

second clue for two points. Parts of me receive more

snow than Chicago.

That is Keith. I'm going to go with Montana.

Montana is incorrect.

That'll cost you two points.

I was thinking third clue.

Our third clue for one point. This is the only state to

grow coffee, famous for tourism and has black sand.

Zave, did we learn anything? This show finally

learned something. Yes. Hawaii. Hawaii

is correct for the callback of the night.

And our final clue for three

points what am I?

What am I? Am I a baby seal stuck on the

sand? Am I a schoolyard? I cause children to

lose 2.8 million days of school per year.

What am I?

The term nitpick refers directly to me.

I heard Keith first. Lice.

Lice is

correct. Keith, was it enough to come back in the end? Let's go

to that scoreboard. We have a very close

game. Keith with 15 points, Zabe

with 14. And Robert, who we're going to have back because of technical

difficulties. Robert was crushing it. We had some lag issues

here. Robert with eleven points. Still a great showing for not even

being able to play. He's only one question away

from winning. Keith, congratulations. Let's hear that theme music

and dance our way out of here.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong.

You are wrong. You are right. That is correct. You are correct.

That is correct.

Creators and Guests

Jeff Revilla
Jeff Revilla
Your Host of Stuff I Never Knew since 2015!
Keith -vs- Robert -vs- Zabe - Episode 146 - Trivia Game Show Podcast!
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