Jillie Maria -vs- Melissa -vs- Ayla - Episode 156 - Trivia Game Show

Hey, everybody, we're playing live trivia again. If you like the show, you'll probably

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gonna give you a free ticket to try out the live trivia that we're doing

on Tuesday, July 9. Head over to my event

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and get a ticket for the July 9 live trivia

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get into the show.

Hey, everybody, welcome to the stuff I never knew. Trivia game show

podcast. I'm jeff, I'm your host. We are on the Armstrong

neighborhood channel. I've got three great guests joining me,

ayla, Jilly, Maria, and Melissa. Let's hear that

theme song.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong.

You are wrong. You are right. That is correct. That is

correct. And as you know, on this show, we get right into it.

My order tonight is Ayla, Jilly, Maria, and

Melissa. And tonight we're going to play a game called tri

bonds. And in this game, I'm going to give you three words that

somehow tie together. So, for example, if I were to

say elephant, car

and tree, what do those three things have in

common? Trunk. Bonus point.

They all have a trunk. Very good. Ayla, you

are first. Cat,

sword. Tuna. What ties

those three things together? Fish. Fish

is correct. They're all types of fish.

Over to Jilly Mariah. Marble,

sponge, angel, food,

cake, cake. Is

correct. Correct. To Melissa,

fountain, felt, tip,

ballpoint pens,

pension. Correct. Three for three. Off to

a great start. Let's go back to Ayla.

Fringe, curtain,

rough. What

ties together fringe, curtain, and rough? All I can think of is rough.

Puff pastry. Because I've been watching the great british. Bake off

is pastry. It's a haircut. Haircut. I've had

all three of these, but it is parts of a golf

course. Over to Jilly

Maria. The canyon state, the copper

state, the aztec state.

What ties those three things together? The canyon state, the

copper state and the aztec state.

Arizona. They are all nicknames

for Arizona. Very well. Played.

And to Melissa, Mork and Mindy,

Laverne and shirley. Joanie loves

chachi. Oh,

God. I mean, they're classic tv shows, but they're

also, like,

classic partners and whatnot. I don't know.

How are they partners? You're very close. You're so close.

Best friends. I know. I don't know.

No. We're looking for shows that spun off from

happy days. Happy days. All right, our

last ones. Back to Ayla.

Basket foot


I'm making word associations, and they're not helping me. That's all I can think

about is basket case. Basket case. Foot case. It could

be athlete's foot and a rubber case.

Yep. That. That's exactly what I was going for. That's my final

answer. We're looking for types of

balls. Basketballs, footballs, rubber balls. That makes

so much sense.

And to Jilly Maria. Lions,

tigers, pistons. Oh, my.

Oh, my. Lions and tigers and pistons. Oh, my.

Types of animals. Type animals

is incorrect. And we're looking. There are

teams in Detroit. I should. Detroit Lions,

Detroit Tigers, Detroit Pistons. And our last one, to

Melissa. The Sun, the

globe, the Tribune, types

of newspapers, names of

newspapers is correct. Let's go to that final. Or let's

go to that scoreboard. Then we'll jump to the final round. Why not?

We have Ayla with one Jilly Maria, and Melissa with

two Ayla. You get a little bonus because you have

a different score. You get to choose the order for round

two. Would you like to mix it up or keep it the same?

Let's mix it up. Who would you like to go first?

Is it Jillian? Right? Jillian Maria.

Jilly Mariah. And who wants. Who's second?

I'll go second. All right. And then Melissa third. We're

gonna move Jilly Maria to the hot seat. Jilly

Maria, welcome to the show. Thank you. Tell

us where you calling in from tonight. I am in central North

Carolina. I'm originally from Boston, hence the hoodie.

And what do you do? Over. And what did you say?

Central North Korea. Central North Korea, yes. I'm

southwest of Raleigh. For those of you who like maps and

geography, I am a trauma and emotion coach. I'm also a medium

and an intuitive, so I talk to dead people? Yes. Really?

And I can know things before y'all know things.

Awesome. Do you have a. Do you do this professionally or do you have a

podcast or a way people can connect with you? Sure. My website is

Jillianaria jilliemaria.com, and

I have a brand new podcast. I

love your weird with Jillian Maria. So you can look that up on YouTube. It

will be on Spotify podcasts and via

pod bean this week. Awesome. Awesome. We'll put those links in

the show notes. Jilly Maria, are you

ready for the hot seat? Yes.

So tonight we're going to do a general knowledge hot seat. This is going to

be three just random, vague questions that we chose and then a

name five bonus question where I'll give you a category

and you have 10 seconds to put five things into that category.

Jilly Maria, your first question, what

advertising slogan did wendy's begin using in

1984? Where's the beef?

Where's the beef? Is correct.

Correct. Our second question. What

singer is named chairman of the board?

Oh, crap. That's not

it. Oh, his name is right there.

Oh, crap. Tony. What is his name? What is his

name? What is his name?

It's escaping me when you need to know these things. Sorry. Are you thinking

Tony Bennett? Yes, but I know I'm wrong. Tony

Bennett, is it correct? Frank Sinatra. Frank

Sinatra. All right, our last one, who

hosted the game show truth or consequences before

joining the Price is right.

I can see his face. What is his name?

Oh, he just died. Not just died, but

he always said spay. And new to your animals,

we have. A three second rule. It just pops up.

Boo. You can't boo the

buzzer. Bob Barker. Bob Barker. Help

control the pop pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered.

And our five point bonus

question, name five reasons to pull over to

the side of the road when you're on a road trip and go.

Historical marker, you blow a tire, you get some other

reason with your car going on like the check engine light. Your car is shaking.

Copy. We got four. You

got car shaking. And the check engine light. Those were two different things. The

producer gave you four of the five points. Very well played,

Jilly, Maria. Let's go to Ayla. Ayla,

welcome back to the show. We just had you on on the last episode.

Glad to have you back. Thank you for joining us. Let's remind

everybody. Where are you calling in from? I'm calling in from Maryland.

Maryland. Recently relocated to Maryland. This is

last week. Loving it so far.

Tell us a little bit about what you do in Marilyn and a little bit

about your show. So my show is called Curator's Choice, and it is

a podcast about museums. I'm a big museum

dork and history lover, so every episode features

a new museum. And I have someone from that museum share the

history and some of the amazing artifacts that they

have. And I like to do big and small, all types. We do art,

aviation, military, natural history. I've done George Washington's

Mount Vernon to the Idaho Potato Museum, which

is as fantastic as it sounds. Oh, wow. Very nice. And how can

people listen and connect with you? So anywhere

you get your podcast, you can look in curator's choice, and that is

the podcast. Or you can go to curatorschoicepodcast.com

dot. Very good. Ayla, are you

ready for the hot seats? Yes. What item

of clothing was named after Bo and Luke's cousin

on the tv series the Dukes of Hazzard? Daisy

Dukes. The Daisy Dukes is correct. The

shorts. And which heavy metal band has

a mascot named Eddie?

Well, with my very extensive metal band

knowledge, I'm going to totally guess

Van Halen. Is that even a metal band? Oh, this is embarrassing.

Van Halen is incorrect. Iron Maiden.

Or as we say in Pittsburgh, Iron Maiden.

Iron Maiden. All right, who is the angry guy on the reality

tv show Hell's Kitchen?

Oh, I get so angry at him because he's mean to people,

but he's really nice to kids so he can be nice. Oh, this is

just such an easy question. It's the hot seat. It's making me panic.

I gotta put the 3 seconds. That's fair.

It is. Gordon Ramsey. Listen, we all knew that. I just

couldn't come up with it. All right, ayla, your name five

bonus question relating to road trips. Name five

games you can play in the car on the road trip. And

go. I spy road bingo.

License plate, 20 questions

and truth or dare. Kind of.

Those all work? Those are all things you can do in the car. Nice run.

Five for five. We're bringing Melissa back to the show.

Melissa, welcome back. Hello. Also on the

previous episode, tell us where you're calling in from. I

am in New Kensington, Pennsylvania, the birthplace of

aluminum. What some people don't know. Yes. A great town just

outside of Pittsburgh. Tell us what you do in New Kensington. I

am a boudoir photographer in New Kensington.

My studio is a safe space for women to reconnect with

themselves, and it's exciting to see the

transformation happen in my studio. Very nice

if people want to connect with you and maybe even hear your podcast.

Yeah. So I just started a podcast. It's called let's flip your

script. It's rewriting the

stories that you've been telling yourself and changing those

narratives. You can also find my

website, Melissa Jackson photography, and you can find me on Facebook,

Melissa jacksonphotography. Very good. I'll have all the

links from all my guests in the show notes. Make sure you click

through and support them. Melissa, are you

ready for the hot seats? Hopefully. Here

we go. Who is Dennis the menace's

cantankerous next door neighborhood?

Mister Wilson. Mister Wilson is

correct. Correct. Our next

question. What term was used to describe a group of

successful eighties film stars, including Ali Sheedy,

Emilio Estevez, Molly Ringwald and Rob

Lowe? The Breakfast Club.

The Breakfast club is close. I don't know.

The brat pack. And our

third one. Which girl group's second album was

titled Crazy Sexy Cool?

I don't know. The Pussycat Dolls. What's the cat dolls is

it was TLC. I only know their songs, not their

albums. All right, Melissa, your road

trip bonus question. Name five foods you can

pack in your car to snack on during a road trip and

go. Apples, cheetos,

bananas, pretzels and.

Chips. Chips at the buzzer. Five for five. The

producer says you got all five. Very well

played. Let's go to that scoreboard. Look

at this score tonight. It is a one point game.

Melissa with eight in the lead, Ayla

and Jilly Maria with tied with seven.

We're going to the final round with 30 points

available. And in this round we're going to play a bunch of

videos. We got ten videos lined up for you tonight and we're going to start

with very generic questions. Who am I? What am I? Where am

I? And we're going to start to read you a series of clues.

Now, if you buzz in when you think you've figured it out, if you buzz

in on the first clue, that's worth three points. The second clue is worth two

points and the last clue is worth one point. When you buzz in and

you're right, we're going to add those points to your total. When you

buzz in and you're wrong, we're going to subtract those points

from your total. So you want to be fast, but you want to be right

at the same time. And I've asked each of my guests to bring in

their own buzzers. Ayla, let's hear your buzzer.

First, we got the tax in the box

and Jilly Maria

has the jingle bells and Melissa,

she has the harmonica. So if you're

ready, let's go. And remember, there's you can buzz in multiple

times. We're looking for a pop cultural

phenomenon. Which pop

culture phenomenon? Excuse me. The short version

of this show became part of the Tracy Allman show in


Our second clue for two, the opening night for the

2008 movie was held in Springfield, Vermont.

You'll see a little timer on the right side. Let you know how much time's

left. Our third clue.

Matt growing created this animated sitcom.

I think Jilly Maria had was shaken first. Jilly

Maria. The Simpsons. The Simpsons is

correct. Correct. We'll go

to our second question. Very well played. We're looking for a pop

singer sensation. Which pop singer sensation?

She played the role of La Chameleon in

Robert Rodriguez movie Machete Kills.

Our second clue for two points. She recorded a

duet with Beyonce called telephone.

Melissa. Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga for

two points is correct. I. Very

nice. We'll go to our third question.

We're looking for a car brand. Which car brand is

it featured there? I don't know. Which car

brand. The first part of its name is a spanish girl's name meaning

grace. Now remember, my pictures may or

may not help you get to the answer. Sometimes I mislead you.

Our second question. Clue. The english slogan of the

company is the best or nothing.

Our third clue.

Its three pointed star represents land,

sea and air.

I'll just guess. Just to guess. Ayla, is that

like a forge? A Porsche is

incorrect. Julie, Maria, you have the option. Mercedes

Benz. Mercedes. Is

correct. Mercedes Benz. Mercedes.

Let's go to our. Hopefully everybody knows what I'm referring to there. Which

insect? We're looking for an insect. Which insect?

And this one. I use some video spiders. Those are fun. They are often

confused with grasshoppers and stick


Our second clue for two. Two points.

They are used as a form of biological pest

control. I thought creepy spiders would help

set the stage. Any.

Our third clue. The females are known for eating

their sexual partners. Ayla, is it a praying

mantis? It is the praying

mantis. He didn't get animated on that one.

All right, our fifth one tonight. Which animal?

One of my favorites. Which animal are we looking

for tonight? It's only predators are

humans and tigers.

Its only predators are humans and tigers. Our second clue

for two points. It is

highly gregarious and mostly lives in

packs. Six packs.

Our third clue.

Their distinctive howling is used to call the pack together.

Ayla, how's that? Wolves. Wolves

is correct. Correct.

We are now halfway through. Five questions

remaining and we're looking for a planet.

Which planet are we looking for?

It is the fifth largest of the eight planets

in our solar system. So it's a one out of eight guess

if you're not sure. Pluto was offended.

Our second clue for two points. It is the densest planet in

the solar system,

the fifth largest. But the densest.

And it is the third rock from the


Oh, Melissa, is it

Earth? Is it Earth? Boy, is it ever. It

is the earth. Listen, people don't realize the pressure you're under in

this fun game until you're sitting here.

You were shaking. I said

my very educated mother, like five times in my head before I. Said,

Earth, Mother Earth, Mother Earth. I would have accepted it.

All right, we're looking for. We're going from Earth to an

environmental disaster. Right here. Right here is the environmental disaster.

All right. It is considered the largest environmental disaster in

United States history.

Our second clue for two. It resulted in

an ocean sea floor gusher to flow for 87

consecutive days before being capped.

And it has, it has had a

detrimental effect on tourism, commercial fishing and the sea life

of Gulf coast areas. Yeah.

It is the Deepwater Horizon

oil spill of 2010. I would accepted parts of any part of

that. All right, which fruit? We're looking for a

fruit. Here we go.

In fact, this fruit is not a

berry. We're narrowing it

down. It's a fruit that's not a berry.

Our second clue for two points. It is part of the

Rose family.

Fruits, not a berry. It's part of the Rose family.

And our third clue. Any music fans here?

The Beatles wanted to take you down to its

fields. Jilly Maria.

Strawberries, strawberry


I did sing it wrong so we don't get copyrighted.

Two questions remaining and it's a very close

game. We're looking for a us state. Which

us state are we looking for? The state does not have a

single straight line in its state boundaries.

Is it Montana? Looks pretty straight thing. Our second

clue, this state's largest export is its

petroleum and coal price products.

Virginia is

incorrect. It does have a straight line with Pennsylvania.

And Melissa, you have the option. You did buzz it. Do you wanted to go

for one? Owner rescind reset. That's perfectly

fine. Our third clue

for one point.

It is the only american state which is completely made up of

islands. Ayla.

That would be Hawaii. Hawaii is

correct. That's not fair. It wasn't pictured on that picture that you showed us.

I hit it. Let's go to that scoreboard before we go to this final

question because it's anybody's game right now.

Ayla with nine, jilly Maria with eight and

Melissa with eleven. It's anybody's

game at this point. Let's go to the final

question. Which us state? You can always pre guess

for four points if anybody wants to get risky.

Arizona. Did you want to guess? Yeah. Arizona.

Arizona is

incorrect. Its economy relies on the

natural gas and oil industries.

It's a US a lot. So North

Dakota. North Dakota is. I

don't even know if they have natural gas.

Our second clue, it is the least densely

populated state.

Jillian Maria, Alaska for two points

is correct. Correct. Let's

go to that scoreboard.

We have Jilly Maria with ten and

Melissa walking away with the victory at eleven

points. Very well played. Nice

job. That was a lot of fun. Let's go around one last

time and make sure everybody can connect with my guests tonight. We

had so much fun. Ayla, tell us again your website and how can

people find you? You can go to

curatorschoicepodcast.com or you can find me on Facebook and Instagram

under the same name. Very nice. And Jilly Maria

website is jillimaria.com, jilliemaria.com.

and my podcast is I love your weird

with Jilly Mariah. Very good. And to our winner

tonight, Melissa. Congratulations. Tell us, how can everybody

find you and connect with you? My website is Melissa

Jackson photography. You can find me on Facebook at

melissa jacksonphotography and my podcast. Let's flip your

script. Awesome. Click those links in the show notes. Let's

dance our way out of here.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong.

You are wrong. You are right. That is correct. You are correct.

That is correct. We are going to play a game called

Tribons, Birds or australian slang words,

real or fake flavors of Doritos. Hey, everybody,

this is Jeff from the stuff I never knew, trivia game show. And we are

looking for contestants for future episodes. If you'd like to play

trivia here on the Armstrong neighborhood channel, head over to

stuffinevernew.com, comma, click be a player, fill out the

short form and we'll get you on a future episode.

Hope to see you in the hot seat.

That is correct.

Creators and Guests

Jeff Revilla
Jeff Revilla
Your Host of Stuff I Never Knew since 2015!
Jillie Maria -vs- Melissa -vs- Ayla - Episode 156 - Trivia Game Show
Broadcast by