Jeff -vs- Glen -vs- Deadair Dennis - Episode 148 - Live Trivia Game Show

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the stuff I never knew, trivia, game show, podcast. I'm

Jeff. I'm your host. We are on the Armstrong neighborhood channel.

I've got three great guests. Let's hear that. Theme


All right, I've got three great guests joining me tonight. Glenn,

Jeff and dead Air Dennis. Welcome to this

show. And as you know, on this show, we get right into it. We're going

into round one tonight, and we're going to play a very fun game.

I'm going to give you a political figure or a pro

wrestler or both. So I'm going to give you three

initials. You have to tell me, do those initials belong to a

political figure, to a pro wrestler or

both? So here we go. We're going to Glenn first. Oh,

here's an example. For example, if I say,

is that a wrestler or a political figure?

Oh, you got it right. It was a political figure. Nice

work. Let's go to Glenn. Feel like I nailed

it. Glenn HBK.

Is that a pro wrestler or political figure or both?

I'm trying to think Hulk bogan

K. Oh, man, I can't think of either.

I don't know anything about professional wrestling other than Hulk Hogan,

Andre the giant, and I'm going to say it's a political

figure, but I don't know what. One political figure is.

Incorrect. It's the heartbreak kid, Sean Michaels.

Over to Jeff MJF. Is that

a pro wrestler or a political figure?

That is both. Both

is incorrect. It's

Maxwell Jacob Friedman, MJF, the most popular

wrestler. And to

dead air, Dennis RFK. Oh,

RFK is definitely. I think I gave this

away earlier when I was like, I brought mass at tool sits. But that would

be RFK. Would be a politician. You are the only

contestant tonight. I've provided the questions in advance. That is

correct. Robert F. Kennedy is politics. Ec

three to Glenn. That's a Star wars

droid. Is it a political

figure, a wrestler or a droid? I got to

say political. I'm going to assume the three is a

third, so I'm going to say it's a political figure.

Well, I'll give you one third of a point. It's a pro

wrestler. Ethan Carter II.

Not the first time my night's been ruined by Ethan Carter II.

To Jeff RVD. Pro wrestler

or underwear brand.

I know. A dvd. Dvd? Yeah, no

art. I mean, everyone's a wrestler, so I'm going to

go wrestler. Rob Van Dam is

correct. Everyone's a wrestler when they need to know.

You put any one of us in a ring, we're a wrestler now. All right,

Jeff's going to love this question for Dennis. LBJ

is. Oh, my God. I think we're supposed to be clean. I feel like the

last two were going against the clean, keeping it clean.

But that would be politics because that is Lyndon B.

Johnson, whose middle name. Is just the letter B or

both. It is. LBJ is correct.

All right, last one for each of you. I guarantee

Glenn knows this one. He's been thinking about the whole game. Like, why haven't I

seen this one yet? Jyd, is that a political figure

or a wrestler or both?

I'll say wrestler. I'm just throwing darts at this point.

It's the one of the most famous, the junkyard dog.

Let's go to MTG to.

That is a politician. Politician is. Unless magic, the

gathering is.

Or board game. That's correct. The funny thing is, that's the one I

wrote down and write this one. I know you're going to love this one for

this. I'm really concerned if Margie Taylor Green was the

politician. Oh, my God. What is it? Why don't you just write out

Biden? Hey, dead air. Dennis, how

about Biden? What do you think about. I feel like this is

also a band name because isn't there a red blue gold band

out there? Red hot Billy. Billy

Goats. Yeah, red hot Billy goats.

I feel like there's going to be a trick at some point coming where the

obvious one of politics is also going to be a both.

So I'm not going to take that chance yet. I know that's going to be

coming up right now. I'm going to go, oh, it's the last one of the


We'll go with both politics and politics. Politics and politics

is correct. So let's go to that scoreboard. We have

Jeff in second with two, Dennis with three and Glenn with one.

We're going to the second round. All right.

We're putting Glenn in the hot seat. Glenn, welcome to the show. Oh,

thank you. Well, tell us a little bit about what you do out in Jersey

and how can people connect with you if they want to find out more? Sure.

I'm a stand up comedian. If you want to find me online, just look for

at Glenn Tickle on all the social medias that aren't run

by insane billionaires, just regular kind of evil

ones. And I have a new special out called Glenn Tickle against the

World Crime League that is up on my YouTube channel right now. Very good.

I'll put all those links in the show notes. Thanks. Are you

ready for the hot seat? Yeah. All right.

I was. And then the music. Now I'm questioning it if I am

ready. That was like an uno reverse.

Yeah. So each of my guests will get one question from each of these three

categories. 90s television. Name the coffee

company measurements, plus an ice

cold. Name five. When name five is a very generic category, like name

five spices in my spice cabinet or name

five politicians with three letter initials,

it will go. Give me. Put 10 seconds on the clock. You'll be fine. Trust

me. Let's go to that first question. 90s television for Glenn

in the fresh Prince of Bel Air. What is the name of either

will's wealthy aunt or uncle with Aunt Vivian?

Uncle Phil? You got both. I only needed one and I didn't need to hit

the button. Aunt Vivian or Uncle Phil is correct.

Yeah. Our second. This category

I'm confident in. You ready for this one, tv? I'll do that all

day. Good. To the last drop.

What coffee company has that slogan?

Is it Maxwell House? Maxwell House is

correct. All right. How many cups are in a

pint? Look, we need to switch to the metric system.

This is ridiculous. I'll say four, but

not confidently. Four unconfident cups in a pint

is incorrect. It's two cups in a

pint. So your name five. Bonus question. I'll put 10 seconds on the

clock once I read it for you. You have to put five things into this

category. Name five sports

played in the Winter Olympics and go.

Ice hockey, curling,

the biathlon, where they shoot things in ski

long, ski jump, figure

skating. I got four at the buzzer. Four out of

five. Not a bad round, Glenn. We're going to go to

Jeff. Jeff, welcome to the podcast. That was

amazing, Glenn. Glenn forgot to mention his favorite podcast that he's

been on recently. But whatever. It's okay. It was a good one. Do you

know anything about this podcast? I always thought you should have a podcast,

Jeff. Yeah, you should get into it. Give it a shot.

I have a podcast. My latest guest is

Glenn Tickle, who has a YouTube special out, Glenn tickle

against the World crime organization. Check out our conversation. It's

a lot of fun. And check out Glenn's comedy. He's

hilarious. He's really, really funny. Very nice. And if

I wanted to add links under your description in the show notes, where would I

direct people to to come see you? Jeff. The easiest thing is or Stampede. Social,

which is a revolutionary tool I developed for creators

to help them on Instagram. It's a very impressive

product. I've had a demo of it. At least check it out. If you're not

sure, check it out. Stampede. Social is the web

address, and all those links will be in the show notes. Jeff, are you

ready for the hot seat.

Amviv? Let's see. Is that

correct? The first question tonight, your 90s

television question. What 90s sitcom features Murphy Brown

news anchor played by Candace Bergen?

Murphy Brown is correct.

Aunt Bib would have been my second choice. Folgers in your

cup. The best part of waking up is

blank in your cup. Folgers in your cup.

Correct. Maxwell House. I must have not put the right answer

in. Folgers is correct, but I

mess up sometimes. He makes me do all this work. You wait to see how

much I do in the third round. And our third question,

how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon?

Either 30 or three. Probably three or

33. You're going with three?

Yeah, three is correct. Three

teaspoons and your five point bonus question. 10

seconds on the clock. Name five pieces of clothing

worn in cold weather. And go.

Sweater, hat, scarf,

gloves, long underwear.

Isn't that five? It is five.

You got all five? We would have accepted anything. You could wear a bathing suit.

Yeah. You could just wear whatever you want. How is that fair

to Glenn? When mine, I could have just said, I don't know,

pajmina. And you've been like, yeah. And then Glenn had to be very

specific with winter sports. In an

olympics, just name anything that goes on.

Just name five things around your office. Just whatever. Our last

episode, I had name five fingers. Used to make a turkey

handprint finger. Anyway,

very well played around. Let's go to dead air. Dennis, welcome to the show.

Hello. Welcome to the show that I've already been on for 17 and a half

minutes. Excellent. Thank you for having me. Don't worry. We'll cut about half of

that so far. But, Dennis, welcome to the show. Where are you calling in

from? I am currently calling in from Boston,

Massachusetts, which is where I live, and it is not where I am

from. I don't want people to think that I was born and raised in this

town that is almost as bad as New Jersey. Wow. If you were

ranking the worst, I. Was going to agree with you, but now you're on your

like. Yeah. I also wouldn't want people to think. I'm from

not originally from Baltimore, Maryland, which means my knees are bad from ducking

bullets. My entire life. I speak for Glenn and I. By

the way, if his 90s question is, who was the star of the Drew Carey

show? Glenn and I are walking right out the door.

The were pretty easy so far. Producer, can you change the

third question?

Glenn, tell us a little bit about the Boston scene, what you're doing up there,

and how can we connect with you? I moved here ten years ago. I am

a stand up comedian and actor and a podcaster. I also

host a podcast. Like many other white guys with

too many opinions, I have a podcast called so what do you really do?

Where I interview artists and entertainers about their day jobs, talking about the stuff

that we have to do during the day to support what we want to do

at night. You can find it everywhere. Podcasts are potted and

on the big comedy network. Very nice. I'll put

those links in the show. Note. Denis, are you

ready for the hot? Excuse me. Yes.

All right. Our 90s drew Carey sitcom question.

Who is the star of the Drew Carey show?

I'm genuinely just impressed you got the graphic up that quick. I'm going to say

Dietrich Bader. No, obviously, it's Drew Carey.

Here's the real question. Sometimes word can be funny. On the

nanny who plays the flashy girl from Flushing named

Fran Fine, who ends up working for a Broadway

producer in his upscale Manhattan home.

I'm going to assume that it is the current head of the

SAG after union who is apparently trying to convince people

that she's the one fighting the Android apocalypse. And that would be Fran

Dresser. Fran is correct.

I believe it's Fran Drescher. Glenn and I would like to argue that he actually

said the wrong name. And half of it was in the clue. We'll give two

points to Dennis. Our second clue

tastes as good as it smells. What coffee

brand is actually, I thought. That was the tagline to Jeff's podcast.

Yeah, it should be.

This was the one I was dreading because you know what? I don't drink coffee.

I'm going to have to say

Starbucks. I got no idea. I know. I know how much you guys love when

the answer is in the question. It tasters.

Tasters. Is there no industry Drew Carey doesn't have his dirty little

fingers in? That guy's everywhere. It's tasters choice. Hey, the only

thing he doesn't have his fingers in is spaying and neutering pets. He lets that

up to the professionals and our name. Five

bonus question. 10 seconds on the clock.

Dennis. Wait. Give me a wave.

We have a measurements question coming up. Next, if you have three cups, how

many fluid ounces do you have? That would be

24oz. Wow. 24oz. No hesitation

is correct. I even did the math for you. Eight fluid ounces in a cup

times. 320 fluid ounces in a cup. Which means there's 16oz to

a pint. To an earlier question. Okay. Which is made up of two cups. All

right, we're reviewing. Remember that, okay. It will take away a

point for mansplaining the previous question.

I mansplained three other men.

Whatever. I've lost control of the show already. Our name

five bonus for Dennis. Name five

popular winter holiday songs or girls

and go. There is chestnut roasting on an open

fire. There is the Christmas song. There is jingle bells.

There is O Bethlehem and silent night.

Name five or associate five songs. You got five for

five. Put those points on the board for Dennis. We

have Jeff and Dennis tide with ten, Glenn with seven.

We're going to go to that final round. In this round, it's a

video round. I'm going to play a very vague question.

Who am I? What am I? Where am I? And then I'm going to start

to read a series of three clues. I've asked each of my guests to bring

in their own buzzers, and when you hear the first clue

and you think you know the answer, you can buz in. And if you get

it right, that's worth three points. The second clue is worth two points, and

the last clue is worth one point. Buzz in and get it right. You're going

to earn those points. If you get it wrong, though, we're going to

subtract those points from the total. So let's

go around. Let's hear Jeff's buzer

first. You got the squeaky dog toy to Dennis

and to Glenn, he's got

the kids keyboard. It's a koala

counting computer. Oh, he's got the counting koala. Very

a spin off from the counting crows. Let's go to that first side

project. Our first video

clue tonight. Buzing when you think you know it. What am

I, Uncle

Jeff? Is he cake from back to the future?

For the now, the producer doesn't allow

me to accept pre guesses on the first

clue just because my pictures may not

always match the clues. That was a

freebie. So I am not Uncle Jerry. Border Joey's

cake. But what am I? Irl?

My name comes from the french word cry, meaning

chalk, and ochre meaning earth or

o'cray. What is charcoal? Dennis?

Charcoal is incorrect. That'll

cost you three points. And you'll see on the

right side there's a little timer. Let you know how much time is left on

that clue. Our second clue for two points. The longest one of

me ever produced was 15ft long and 16

inches in diameter.

Oh, I heard. Glenn.

Bird. You're a bird. Am I a bird? I am

not a bird. That'll cost you three points. Is no one impressed? I knew what

the cake was. No. I'm mad that I didn't ring before you.

Yeah. Some of my colors

include magic mint, lemon yellow and mulberry.

Do I get to buz in again? To. What.

Is it? Candles. Candles is

incorrect. And you can buz in. You can keep buzing in if you'd like.

There's no limit to how many times you can buz in. We're looking for

crayons. You're very close on that one. Crayons.

I am very close to the home of Crayola

and I feel like they're going to be mad at me for not getting that

faster. Well, maybe you'll get this one. Where am I?

Where am I? The city and surrounding areas are a

major hub for the tech industry.


Glenn did. Glenn is

Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh is

in. The first picture was Pittsburgh and so was the second.

I don't understand this game. Our

second clue.

Our second clue for two points

is about to play here. My most

iconic landmark was built in 1962 for the

World's fair. This is Glenn.

That's Seattle. Seattle

is correct.

Yeah. The pictures may or may not represent the actual

answer. I believe the correct answer is Seattle, Washington. I'm just looking

for a where. Well, without the comma. That is very different. Which

other Seattle? Something for the world's fair in 1962.

Well, who am I? My origins can be traced back to a christian bishop who

lived in the fourth century in Mira, aka, as I call

it, modern day turkey. I'm losing, so I'm

taking broad swings here. I'm going to say Santa Claus. Santa Claus with the

broad swing is.

A catholic school upbringing, baby. Our fourth

clue. What food item am I? I'm looking for a food

item. The process to make

me dates back over 4000 years.

That was accident. That was not me really ringing in,

wasn't it? Our second

clue. I rely on a mixture of wild yeast and lactic

acid bacteria for fermentation. What

is Dennis? What is bread? Bread?

More specific.

Bread. Could you be more specific? No, I didn't

freeze. I just don't have any more specific answers. All right. A

bagel. A bagel is David's going

to give it to you. I'm going to question this one. It's

sourdough because it doesn't match the last clue. But anyway. No,

but, well, to be fair, we. Have to cut five minutes out anyway, so we'll

be good. I forget the word for it. Sourdough had to get tagged on way

later than the history of bread because for thousands of years, that's just how

they did it. And then when yeast got industrialized, then

we just got this idea of white bread. And then sourdough bread got the

nillogism. Is that what it's called? Where it's like it had to get

tacked on as a descriptive, like acoustic guitar, like

before electric guitars. Those were just guitars. I don't know. Bill


Glass. Thank you. Anyone could

have said bread. That's like saying stuff that goes in fridges.


We got six more to get through. I'm looking for an american business. Which

american business am I? Okay, six

more. My original name was

Cadabra. My

original name was Cadabra.

I want so many joke answers. I don't want to lose points.

I began in the garage of my owner in

1994, Dennis. Oh,

crap. I was going to say

Apple, but that was long before

1994. So I'm going to go with.

Wait, I'm going to go with

Microsoft. Microsoft, yeah, I think that might be

right. Correct.

Jeff? I was going to say

Microsoft, but since that's wrong, I'm going to say

Amazon. Amazon is

correct. It is Five

questions remaining. We're going to a

what am I?

Oh, what is a type of person that's not on this show?

In January 2010, I had 43% market

share of what. What

is new comedy special?

By 2013, I had less than 6% and

by 2016, nearly 0% market share

of the market. What is

BlackBerry? Dennis? Swinging for the fences is

correct. See the movie starring Glenn Howard in. It's

very good and you could excel at this show.

We going to question number seven. What american

icon am I? I'm looking for an american myself.

This every morning. My cost is used as an

index, as a semi humorous way to compare purchasing power

parity between different countries.

What? Our second clue for two points. I

was first created in Uniontown, Pennsylvania in


Hands on your buzzer. Our third clue.

I am two albie patty, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed

bun. I heard dog toy. Big Mac. Big Mac for

a point is

correct. Three

questions remaining. Big Mac, fillet of fish, quarter pound

of french fries. I love how american icon.

Heart disease. Chess. Chess. Well, let's

find out. What board game am I? You can pre guess

now for four points. I was created

in 1903 by Elizabeth Maggie to

Glenn. Monopoly. Monopoly. No joke.

Glenn is correct. Dude, that's

impressive. Originally created as the landlord game.

Two questions remaining. Let's go to that scoreboard real quick because we

have six points remaining. Jeff has 13,

Glenn has ten, and Dennis is still in it

mathematically, if he sweeps the last two. Let's go to

that 9th question. Which

famous sunken boat am I? I'm looking

for a famous sunken boat. I am

not the Titanic.

I'm not the Titanic. It's not the USS Constitution. I will go with

Jeff Edmund Fitzgerald. Let's go to the last

clues. Let's let the clues play out. It is the Edmund

Fitzgerald because I'm not those ships.

And then I actually had the lyrics in there, which would have been fun with

a crew and a good captain. Well seasoned. That's the Ed Memphis

show. I was ready to go. Lusitania. I was waiting. And our

final irrelevant clue of the night says Jeff has the victory.

Who am I? Who am I?

Who am I? Am I that guy? Am I a Big Mac? Would I

do two big macs on one? I was born in

1976 in Sharpsburg,


I'm sure a lot of people were. A lot of people. To this day,

I still talk about the roles my aunt Bean brought to family


No, our third name is Aunt Bean. Our third clue for one

point. I am literally reading this to you. Who is

our host? That's my friend Jeff. I think I heard Dennis first.

Who is the host? Jeff? That's me. Look at. I even got a quote

that is correct for one point, but it won't change the outcome. It looks

like Jeff is going to walk away with the victory tonight.

A million dollars. We

have time to go around real quick. One last plug.

Promote. We'll start with Dennis. Oh, thank

you so much for having me. You can find everything related to me, to my

comedy, my podcast, and my YouTube show called word of the day with comedians. The

podcast called. So what do you really do? All of that stuff and all the

dates where I'll be performing comedy are all Deadairdennis.

Over to Glenn. You can watch my new comedy special, Glen Tickle against

the World Crime League on YouTube. Or just go to for

links. For everything else that I do like, I put up a cool yo yo

video right before this. I'm very impressed with myself. Very

nice. And we'll put those in the show notes. And the man who always makes

me address him as champion from now on. Jeff

El Hefe, if you don't mind.

He's earned it. I think he's earned it. Jeff

Dawaskin on Instagram. Jeff

Dawaskin show. You can go there. You can see pictures of Glenn

Tickle comment. Hashtag tickle. You'll get a DM with

a link to the episode amp

social. That's

it. I do my podcast and talk to famous people.

Whatever. I do it so you don't have to. I take the burden off of

you. I'm talking to famous people. Oh, and Glenn.

And I talk to Glenn. I was going to make that joke, but I didn't

want to interrupt your plug. I'll interrupt with

that theme song. Let's dance our way out of here.

Also, you can hear me in the most recent to Doug loves

movies shouting from the audience. You are right.

That is correct. You are correct.

That is correct. Close.

Creators and Guests

Jeff Revilla
Jeff Revilla
Your Host of Stuff I Never Knew since 2015!
Jeff -vs- Glen -vs- Deadair Dennis - Episode 148 - Live Trivia Game Show
Broadcast by