Dina -vs- Mike Tucci Designs -vs- Dave - Episode 144 - Trivia Game!
Hey, everybody. Welcome to the stuff I never knew. Trivia, game show podcast.
I'm Jeff. I'm your host. We are on the Armstrong neighborhood
Channel. I've got three great guests, Dina, Mike,
and Dave. Let's hear that theme music.
That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong.
You are wrong. You are right. That is correct. All right,
as you know, on this show, we get right into it on round one. And
my order is based on how my guests showed up on time
tonight. Dina was here first, then Mike and Dave. And tonight
we're playing a fun game. I'm a sucker for eating at McDonald's,
and I wanted to travel the world and see what other items does
McDonald's sell or sold around the world.
So I'm going to read you the name of the item and then give you
two countries. All you have to do is pick which country McDonald
sold that item in to. Dina. The
Bacon macaroni and cheese toasty.
Was that in Hong Kong or Canada? That's
the bacon macaroni and cheese toasty. I'm
going to go with Canada. Canada
is incorrect. That was a Hong
Kong item. Okay. It seems kind of.
That's Canada. Kind of American. Yeah, right there. That's their motto.
They were kind of American. Over to Mike.
Tomato and mozzarella turnovers. Was
that Ukraine or Italy? I'll go
Italy. Italy. Is
correct. Correct. Thank
you. All right, maybe my favorite one on the night. To
Dave the chicken McDew with spaghetti.
Where can you get a chicken McDoo with spaghetti? Is
that Italy or the Philippines?
I'm going to go Philippines. Philippines. Did I try to trick
you? Is correct. Philippines is correct.
All right, Dina. This one sounds kind of American.
The McLobster. Is the
McLobster from the USA or
Canada? They get a little bit harder as we go on here. That's got to
be Canada. I don't ever remember seeing anything like that here. I'm just going to
go with Canada for every answer, whether it's an option or not.
Well, Canada is correct.
All right, back to Mike. The
McChicken mozzarella. McChicken
mozzarella. Was that a regional
item in the USA or South
Korea? WhEre can you get a McChicken mozzarella?
I'll go USA. East coast, probably SA.
USA is incorrect.
South Korea for that one. Lame. Back to
Dave. Sweet corn. He gets sweet
corn in a cup. Is that in the heartland of the
USA or Japan? Can I pick Canada? You can
pick Japan.
Japan is correct.
Woohoo. Boo. Back to Dina. The
mashed potato burger. The mashed
potato burger. Is that in China
or Ireland?
I'm going to go with China.
China is
correct. All right, here we go back
to Mike. The banana shake. McDonald's has
milkshakes. This banana shake, was it in
Hawaii or Japan?
I've never seen the shake machine work in America, so I'm going to go
with Japan. That's a good logic, but is it
correct? It is correct. It is
Japan. And our last one back to
Dave, the cordon Blue Burger.
Cordon Blue. Is it from France
Uh. I'm going to say France.
France is
incorrect. That's tricky. Correct.
All right, let's go to that scoreboard to see how we stand, because
it determines the order of round two. Does it, though? We
are currently tied two, two and two, so it
does not. Your question is valid. Dina, you are
staying in the hot seat. Dina. Yeah. Welcome to
the show. Oh, thank you. We're going to put Dina into
the hot seat.
There she is. Dina, welcome back to the show. We've had you on the show
before and had a lot of fun, and you're back. Any updates? Anything
you want to tell us or talk about since your last appearance?
Not really. I'll promote Mike's art because the Love pod, which is the
podcast that we used to do, is on kind of an extended hiatus,
maybe until the next season of Love is blind. So if you like reality
TV, check out the love pod. And if not, and you like this really cool
art behind me, that is Mike over here. Over there with
Miketucci designs.com. Very nice. And
then are there archived episodes of the Love Pod? If
people want to? There are. There's three seasons, and we interview
guests from Love is blind. Relationship experts got
a little bit harder now that I'm in a relationship to talk about
dating. So we'll see what happens with the podcast.
Very good. So are you, Dina,
ready? I guess for the hot
seats, I'm. Going to have to be. That was kind of a reality
show build up right there. Yeah, I dig it. So, in round two,
each of my guests are going to get three questions from these same
three categories. Finish this Back to the Future movie
quote. 2000 boy bands and Famous
Rivers. Dina, your first question. Finish
this quote from Back to the Future. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Doc,
are you telling me you built a time machine out of a
blank? I never watch
movies, and I know I've seen this one, but I'm probably going to mess it
up. But it's a car, so I'm going to go with car. Car
is half correct, but it won't finish the quote. We're looking for
the DeLorean, the famous car from Back to the future.
Okay, but you're close. Probably wouldn't have gotten that one. It's the pressure
makes me nervous. That's it. How about this? Our 2000 boy bands.
The 2000 album no Strings Attached is associated
with which popular boy band
pop culture Junkienc.
NSYNC is correct.
And your famous Rivers. Which famous river
flows through the Grand Canyon? Oh, is it the
Colorado? The Colorado is
correct, yeah. So you now have an opportunity for
five bonus points. I'm going to give you a very vague
category, like name five spices in your spice cabinet. But I'm
also going to put 10 seconds on the clock. You have 10 seconds to
name five things that fit into that category.
Dina, name five social media
platforms and go. Twitter, Instagram,
TikTok, Facebook, Reddit.
Wasn't that five? Was it. Oh, my God. Vine.
No, it was five, but I always let the timer run the whole time.
Very well. You got seven of the eight points that's going to move
Mike the artist into the hot seat. Mike,
welcome to the show. Hello. Where are you calling in
from? In Phoenix. In Phoenix. Welcome to the
show. Tell us a little bit more about your art and how can people connect.
With you and find on the website
is Mike Tucci Designs on Instagram. It's Mike
Tucci designs official. And, yeah, it's made out of
sharpies. Just pointillism and some nail sculptures and.
Yeah, that's basically it. Very nice. We'll put the link in the
show notes. Are you ready
for the hot seats? As ready as I'll ever be. All right,
finish this back to the future quote. Rhodes.
Where we're going, we don't need bloke.
Rhodes is correct. Oh, I could have gotten that
one. Well, let's see
how Mike knows his boy bands. Which boy band
sang the song? I want it that way.
Backstreet Boys. Backstreet Boys
is correct. Two points for you. What
river, renowned for its length, flows
primarily through Egypt and Sudan?
Nile. Nile is correct.
And your name, five. Bonus question.
Name five elements on the periodic table
and go. Carbon, gold,
nitrogen. Wow. It is
top ten under pressure. Carbon, gold, nitrogen,
helium. I got four at the buzzer for you. You
went seven of eight in that round. Very nice.
Let's move Dave to the hot seat. Are
you ready, Dave? I guess so. Where are you calling in
from? So I live in Abington,
Pennsylvania, but right now I'm up in the Pocono Mountains. Oh, very nice. Wonderful
place. I had one of the best ice cream cones in the Pocono Mountains. It
was a pretzel cone. And I've never seen pretzel cones anywhere else. Do
you know what that place is? It might be the place that's right nearby here
called the Junction. Maybe it was way up on like a hill, like a mountain,
like overlooking a valley or something. But so is everything in the Poconos. That's
true, because it is the Pocono Mountain. Yeah. So if you're ever in the Poconos,
find pretzel cones. They are amazing. Tell us about yourself.
Anything you want to plug, promote, talk about tonight? Nothing.
So I'll plug Mike Tucci's art.
He gets all my points. I want
her points, too. You know what? Fair enough. All right,
deal. Well, we love when the guests get along. Until
the final round. We'll talk about that in just a minute. So, Dave, happiness
is a moment. Dave, are you
ready for the hot? All right,
there's two quotes here. It's the same answer in each one. Why do you
keep Calling me blank? And Lorraine answers,
well, that's your name, isn't it? Blank, blank. It's written all
over your underwear. Calvin Klein. Calvin Klein
is correct. Your 2000
boy bands. What does the O Stand for
in the boy band name? Otown.
Orange. Orange is incorrect.
It's Oakland. Oakland, California. That's where they're from.
And the most famous rivers of them all in
Pittsburgh, the Allegheny and the Menongahala River. Meet the
form. Which river?
It's at the Three River Stadium.
Yeah, I don't know. 3
seconds. Let the time run out.
It frozen.
Ohio. We're looking for Ohio. Ohio.
All right, your name. Five bonus questions. 10 seconds on the
clock. Dave, name five varieties
of cheese and go. Mozzarella,
Swiss, Parmesan,
Blue cheese, Gruyere. Wow. They'll go
French on. Very fancy. I
think you went. Did you sweep that one? Eight for eight. Oh,
no. Seven for eight. No, I don't know what happened. Six for eight. There we
go. Are we all tied again? Look at this score.
We're going to go into the final round. We have Dina and Mike tied with
nine. Mike's points are questioned right now. They may all go to Dave.
And Dave has eight points. There's one point from first and
second place. And we're going to go to the final round.
And in this round, I'm going to read a series of very vague questions.
Who am I? What am I? What food am I? And then I'm going to
give you clues to help you figure that out. There's going to be
three clues for each question. If you buz in and get it right on the
first clue, that's worth three points. The second clue is worth two
points, and the third clue is worth one point. You buzz in
and you get it right, you're going to earn those points. However, if
you're wrong, you will lose that point value. So
if you buz in early and you're wrong, you could lose three points per question.
There's no limit to how many times you can buz in. If you want to
buzz in multiple, multiple times, the fans at home will.
They love a negative score. So if you're going to sink the ship, do it
beautifully. So let's test Each of my guest.
Let's see. Let's hear your buzzer.
He's got the Morocca. And to Dina. I
hope this works.
I've got a little jingle there. And to Mike.
Always going to rock out. Does that work? Slapping
base. Slapping the base. All right. Slapping the
base. So that's how the round will work. We'll go to the first
question. We prepared videos for our on screen audience, but if you're at
home, just listen to my voice. Our first
one. What device am I? I'm looking for a
device, and it looks like they've written questions I can't pronounce
again. The first version of me was called a loof machine,
which means running machine. Over to Mike.
What is a treadmill? Treadmill is
incorrect. Cost you three points.
And you'll see. There's a little timer on the right. Tells you how much time
is left for each question. Our second clue. Originally, I was made of
wood, but was nicknamed Bone Shaker because
of the cobblestone streets. Dina. Sorry. I got a little
eager buzing. As soon as you know. Bicycle.
Bicycle for two points is correct.
All right, our second clue. What gag
gift am I? I'm looking for a gag gift.
I was originally created with a combination of rubber
and foam.
This is a gag gift. Slap of the bass.
Mike. Whoopee cushion. Whoopee cushion for
three points is incorrect.
You're going down. You're killing my
For Dave. I should have conversed. And
our second clue. I became popular due to my realistic
Hot bot. Hands on the buzzer. I am part of
other fake novelty gifts, such as fake dog poop and fake
spilled drinks. To
Dave. The fake vomit. Fake
vomit for one point is correct.
We got a little sick cat there. For our image.
A lot of times we have artificial intelligence. Make these videos for us. You
never know what you're going to get. What office supply am I?
Everybody loves office supplies. I am a convenient
way to store notes. How many things in an office can you store notes
on? There's not much.
Our second clue for two points.
I am mostly recyclable, but may need some modification
before doing so.
I don't know.
My most distinctive feature is the wire binding
threading through small holes. I think I heard
Dina first. Is it a notebook
notepad? No, very specific type of
notepad. The spiral one.
Spiral notebook is correct.
Spiral one. The pressure. I know. We have seven questions
remaining. 21 points still available. I'm looking for a
school supply. Maybe I flip flopped. This spiral notebooks
seem more like a school supply, but let's see what this is. My popularity
peaked in the 1980s and early
This is to Dave. I'm going to go Trapper keeper. He's
going all out for three points. Trapper keeper
is correct. Nice.
Big swing. Swing for the fences. Get the home. I'm
looking for a television company. What television
company am I? I was
formed by the Radio Corporation of America,
RCA, in 1926.
These are hard. I'm sorry.
I carried the first coast to coast color broadcast in
1954 from the Tournament of Roses Parade.
Mike Slap at the base. I'll go
with NBC.
NBC is correct.
Very nice. We are halfway through.
I'm looking for a food. What
food am I looking for? I am usually
dyed orange from a colorant derived from the seeds
of the aciot tree. Aciot. Anybody
know how to say that? Definitely not. Ace.
Ace. I don't know. Rhymes with Coyote. Coyote.
Yeah. Our second clue for two points.
I'm a blend of Colby and cheddar cheese.
Mike slap at the base. Is it Pepper Jack?
Pepper Jack for two points is
incorrect. Dave, you started to buz. Oh,
I'm going to put my buzzer down. Okay.
All right. Our third clue. For one point.
I was invented by James L. Kraft and can be found in
single wrap slices. I heard Dina.
American cheese is
correct. Craft
singles. Man. Get you every time. Every time.
Four questions remaining. What public service am
I? I'm looking for a
public service. I have my
own law enforcement arm.
I have my own law enforcement.
Oh, wait. Pause. Mike Slap.
It's a public service. Public service. Transportation.
Or three points incorrect. I think you're finally negative.
Set my goals.
Mike will be a fan Favorite. Yes. And our second
clue. I am one of the largest civilian
employers in the United States.
Dave, the postal Service. The
postal service is
correct for two points.
Three questions remaining. It's mostly
anyone's game. We
have zero.
We have Dave with 14, Dina with 13.
And with three questions remaining, Dina and Dave
have to miss a lot for Mike to be back in it, but
it could still happen. It's mathematically possible. I'm looking
for a food. I must have been hungry, right. Knees. When my name is
pronounced in Italian, it refers to bell
peppers. When you say my
name in Italian, it refers to bell
peppers. When I am cooked, I can turn into
crispy cups. In our third clue, I am an American variety of
salami made from pork, beef, and seasoned with
paprika. Zena.
I just realized this is totally not it because I forgot the first clue. I
was going to say prosciutto, but that's not it. Prosciutto, for
one point, is incorrect.
What kind of American salami crisps into little cups on
pizza? It is
pepperoni. I went with the American cheese and
pepperoni. Everything that's processed on this episode.
Pepperoncini. Okay. Yeah. Now you act like you
know it.
What am I? I am a game of skill and
Remember, my pictures may or may not help you.
What was the category? This is what am I. My hands are known as
a Brunson, hockey sticks or Broadway.
I wrote that one. And variations of me are known as
Omaha. Seven car stud, five car draw in
Texas. Hold him, Mike. Slap at the base was first.
Poker. Poker for one point is
correct. You're back to the positive side. That
sounds fun. All right. I'm looking for
a movie franchise. What movie
franchise am I looking for? I
am the most quoted trilogy, and there's a little asterisk on
there. That could be another clue coming.
Dina. Star Wars. Star wars
is incorrect.
Our second clue for two points.
I was written by Robert Zemeckis and Bob
No. And our third clue for
one point. The time machine was invented by Doc Brown and
is powered by 1.21 gigawatts
of electricity. Dave, back to the future. Back
to the future is correct. And the asterisk
was. I meant it was the most quoted trilogy on this show,
as we do it all the time. Oh, there it is. There's our
disclaimer. That's how I got you. Most
quoted trilogy on stuff I never knew it is. Back to the Future.
Let's go to that scoreboard and see how we finish. Dave
came out at the end at 15 points with the win,
Dina in second place. Very well played.
We have time to go around one more time. If anybody wants to plug Mike's
artwork again, let's start with Dina. All right.
Miketucci Designs.com and the Love Pod podcast.
Either one, but mostly Mike Tucci designs. I mentioned. This is
it. Very nice. And to
Mike, Miketucci Designs.com.
Go look at my stuff. Thank you for having me. Awesome.
And Dave, our winner. The Love Pod
podcast at Mike Tucci Design. That's what it's all about.
And get your pretzel cones.
Absolutely. Let's hear.
Is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong. You
are wrong. You are right. That is correct. You are correct.
That is correct. We're going to play a
game called Tribons, Birds or Australian
slang words, real or fake flavors of
Doritos. Hey, everybody. This is Jeff from the stuff I never knew, trivia
game Show. And we are looking for contestants for future episodes.
If you'd like to play trivia here on the Armstrong Neighborhood Channel, head
over to stuff I never knew.com. Click. Be a player, fill out
the short form, and we'll get you on a future episode.
Hope to see you in the hot seat.
That is correct.
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