Dina -vs- Jenny -vs- Graeme - Episode 149 - Christmas Holiday Trivia Episode

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the stuff I never knew, trivia game show podcast.

I'm Jeff. I'm your host. We are on the Armstrong

neighborhood channel. I've got three great guests,

jenny, dina, and Graeme. Let's hear that. Theme


That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong.

That is correct. We've got some holiday songs

coming up here, and I wrote a very absurdly

vague Christmas song game. So I'm going to absurdly,

vaguely describe a Christmas song to you, and you got to

tell me, what song am I talking about? We'll go in the order which

my guests have decided to join me tonight, which is jenny, dina,

and Graeme. Jenny, your first question.

This song takes you on a journey through a

night filled with stars, calm, and a sense

of divine peace.

So we're looking for the name of the Christmas

song. We would like the full three minute version if

you could sing it. You don't have to sing it, but you get a bonus

point if you sing it. It's a

silent night. Silent night is

correct. Silent night.

Let's go to Dina. This song

whirls you into a winter wonderland where the scenery is

blanketed in white and a certain traditional structure

stands proudly made of snowflakes.

Is it walking in a winter wonderland? Walking in a

winter wonderland is what? It's

frosty the snowman. He's the structure. That was

a trap. That was too vague. I was with you on that

one. Yeah, I thought too easy. They are

absurdly vague. Here we go. To

Graeme. In this spirited carol, a group of hoofed

antlerd animals embark on an annual flight, guided

by a particularly luminous nose leader.

Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer. That is

correct. Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer. Back

to Jenny, an upbeat melody where the

singer makes a list of festive desires, but in the

end, wants nothing more than the presence

of a special someone.

Oh. All I want

for Christmas is you. All I want for Christmas is you

is correct. You

put it together. I was watching you. Because not only are

these absurdly vague, but these are very hard in the moment when you first hear

them for the first time. And to Dina, this

catchy tune describes an amusing and somewhat

chaotic event involving a grandmother and a

well known holiday character.

Grandma got run over by reindeer. For the

bonus point. For the singing is correct.

I had to get it. I had to do what I had to do. And

to Graeme, a longing for

snowy scenery and sleigh bells is the theme of this holiday

classic, ideal for those dreaming

of a traditional white Christmas.

This one can go, like, four ways on this one.

I feel there's like two potential answers right to the question,

but I'm going to go with I'm dreaming. A white

Christmas snow. It

is literally white Christmas.

All right, we're going back to the top of your last one for each of

you. Back to Jenny. This tune brings to

life a fantastical ride through the sky

filled with jingling bells and laughter, evoking the

essence of a magical Christmas Eve journey.

Ah. Oh, God.

Yeah, I was going to be a producer on this one. I

would just focus on that middle line and just don't overthink it.

Jingle bells, jingle bells is

correct. Thank you. Thank you. I don't

remember that song going through the sky, so sometimes

you can't trust chat. GPT back to Dina,

your last one, a merry and upbeat melody that asks you

to join in the joy and festivity of the

season, particularly by adorning a

certain evergreen tree.

The only one I can think of is not Marion. Upbeat.

Bump it up. Oh,

deck the halls. Deck the halls is.

Oh, my God.

And the last one to Graeme, my favorite one of the night. In this

playful tune, a child expresses a unique and rather large

holiday request, hoping for a peculiar

yet jolly companion. Peculiar yet

jolly companion.

I can give you a hint, too. It's only fair. I think

Jenny wants to give you a hint. This is like Jenny's favorite song.

I know it's all I want for Christmas, but I'm trying to remember what it

is. That's not all you want. You only want one thing, and it's rat.

Hippopotamus for Christmas.

Is correct. It's the season of giving. We are giving away

answers in the first round. Thank you for playing. I

guess we'll see what the producers think about that one.

Let's go over to that scoreboard and see how we're doing. It is the spirit

of giving. We have a tie game. Three, three and three. Nobody missed any

in that round, which means we're going to keep the order the same

and we're going to go and put Jenny in the hot

seat. Jenny, welcome to the show.

Where are you calling in from? I am in New Hampshire. New

Hampshire. Tell us a little bit about New Hampshire and what you do up there.

All right. Well, it's pretty much frosty

right outside now. Well, it was this morning. Now it's

like 60 degrees. I am a life

coach and it's the

season to start supporting people as they

tend to lean into their vices

and start

needing all the support they can get. And that's what

I like to do help people. Sounds good. If people wanted to connect

with you, what's the best way to find you or reach out and

not take advantage of your services, but certainly utilize your services.

Yes. Thank you. So my name is Jenny and my business is called

gentle coaching. And I like to play off of the j

in Jenny. So it's gentle with a j. So you can

find me at gentle coaching. And I'm

also starting my own podcast,

which is totally different name. It's called sideline

Sisters, and it's combining my love of

sports and connection and

camaraderie. And so it's going to be a whole bunch of fun

and all different aspects of the games,

and it's going to be a lot of. So, sounds good. And will that be

available on your website as. Yes. Yep. You can access

that and that's going to be launching in good. I'll

have all those links in the show notes. But Jenny, I have one question for

you. No. Are you ready? I'm not.

You knew the question. Yes. It's supposed to be a surprise, a building

suspense. Well, each of my guests in

this round will each get a nursery rhyme connection quiz, which

means you're going to get four questions and the answers all tie

together for a fifth bonus point to be some sort of nursery rhyme

question. And we'll figure that out as we get to it. And then we'll do

a name five bonus question where I'll give you a very simple

category like name five spices in your spice cabinet. You have to tell

me cumin, paprika, and do five things. But you only have 10

seconds to do that. So that's part of the fun.

Jenny, your first nursery rhyme connection quiz.

Remember, the answers are, what's important here? What type

of herring will lead you down the wrong path?

What type of nursery rhyme? No, but the answers

will tie together to be a nursery rhyme. This is just

a saying you may have heard about a herring. Oh,

Red. Red herring is

correct. Correct. So remember, Red. Red's important

here for the nursery rhymes. Your second one, what relation

is quiz. Elizabeth II to Prince

Harry? Grandmother.

Grandmother is correct.

Your third question, Pinocchio is a boy.

Made out of what? I'm a little boy.

Wood. Wood is correct. You got

three for three. Your fourth one,

which word follows arctic timber

and gray wolf?

That is correct. Now, what ties together

red? Grandma wood and


Ride? Riding like little Red Riding

Hood. Little Red Riding Hood is correct. Dina was so excited, she was

bouncing. Okay,

now, here we go. All right, five more bonus. You went five for five on

that one. Is the hot seat stressful? It's more than you think it

is. So here we go. I'm going to put treading this one.

This is easy. You'll like it. Name

five Christmas gifts that are food related or food

and go. Candy cane,

fruitcake, mints, ribbon

candy, and chocolate and mint

and fruitcake. You gave me six. I think a couple were

twice, but I only needed five. You swept that round, Jenny. You

went ten for ten. Well played. Let's bring Dina to

the hot seat. Jenny, sweating.

Dina's sweating for Jenny. Everybody's sweating. Dina. Welcome

back to the show. Thank you. One of my favorite guests. I've had you on

the show a couple of times. We just had you on maybe five, six

episodes ago, and your podcast wasn't running. We air

our show, and now your podcast is running again. Tell us a little bit

about your podcast and where people can find you. Jeff, you are my

inspiration. We had to bring it back. The Love

podcast. Wait a second.

They didn't have to do that.

So you can find the love pod on Apple, Spotify. Wherever you get your

podcast, we recap reality tv shows. Right now we're doing House

of villains. Next season will be love is blind, of course.

And we also give you your reality tv recap news in five

minutes or less every week. Very good. And what's the website for

it? Oh, don't go there. I don't even know. Just go to

Apple or Spotify and look up the Love pod podcast. We're also

on all social media as pod podcast. Love pod

podcast. Dina, are you

ready for the hot seat? Never.

Same thing. We're going to do five nursery rhyme questions and then a

name. Five. Your first one. Another term for

autumn is fall. Fall is

correct. Your second question, which

animals have fetlocks? Four. Locks and

withers? Horses. Horses

is correct. I think. When we first met, were you on a

farm raising horses or training horses? Yeah, I have two

rescue horses, and I do some rescue and rehab of

horses. That question was written for you. I was ready to

go. Leonardo DiCaprio starred as a

stockbroker in a film named after which famous

street in New York? Wall Street.

Wall is correct. Wall street.

And fabrice is famous for creating

which jeweled objects. Oh, I only know this

because Mikechucci designs. Com's mom

used to collect that. It's eggs. Eggs is

correct. Dina, what ties together

fall, horses, wall and

eggs? Humpty Dumpty. Humpty Dumpty

is correct. Now your

name five bonus question. Sounds about short 10 seconds on the

clock. Okay. Name your

five favorite Christmas gifts ever and go.

A car, a dog, a minky blanket, a really

nice piece of art, and vacation.

That is correct. You want five for five as

well? Well played, Dina. We're going to bring

Graeme to the hot seat. Welcome to the show.

Hi, my name is Graeme, and I'm from Embersky

Media. And basically, yeah, I

do a lot of tech stuff, astronomy,

astrophotography, and I do a couple podcasts,

Embersky something or other, like Embersky filmmaking podcasts, where I

talk to filmmakers about how they make various types of films. And

I have a tech podcast I'll be launching, too, which is going to be like

Embersky technology, which is a rehash of one I did before, but

now it'll be in video format. Do you have a website, or is

it best to just find you on YouTube? Best to find me on YouTube. Although

I do have Embersky media on all the socials. I think that

matter. Sounds good. I'll link all that up in the show

notes. Graeme, are you

ready for the hot seat? Sure.

All right, here we go. Nursery rhyme questions. A threat disguised

as something harmless is a threat. That should be

a threat. The producer is going to have me little pop up with a little,

like, whoopsie. A threat disguised as

something harmless is a blank in sheep's clothing

a wolf? In sheep's clothing a wolf. That's three questions with wolf in

it. Wolf is correct. Our second

one, Winnie the Pooh and piglet love playing

Pooh blank. Pooh

blank. Winnie the

Pooh and love playing Pooh


I want to say hide and seek, but I'm pretty sure that's wrong.

Pooh hide and sink is correct. It's poo sticks.

Poo sticks. Okay, and our third

question, which Bendy accessory is often served with

fizzy drinks? Straws. A

straw is correct. And

buildings made out of wood are less stable

than those made out of blank and mortar.

Stone and mortar. What was it? I guess bricks and

mortar would be. Bricks and mortar is

correct. Sorry, I live in stone and mortar house.

I would have let you get it. So, Graeme, what ties

together wolf sticks,

straw and bricks? The three little

pigs. Three little pigs is correct.

All right, there's going to be a little bit of a disclosure on this next

question. You can earn bonus points if you name

the people who gave you the five worst Christmas gifts

you ever received. You can just say what they are. But I'll give

bonus points if you name people and go.

Sweater, socks, that was parents.

I'm going to blank on everything else. Just make them

up. Well, you got two. And then you named

two people that got you them. So you got four points on that round.

Very well. Do I want to say certain

people? Now, look at this scoreboard. We have two

points between first and second place. Jenny and Dina

with 13, Graeme with eleven. We're going to go to the

final round. I'm going to read you a very vague question,

like, who am I? What am I? Where am I? And then I'm going to

start to read you a series of clues. You can buz in at any time,

and you can buz in multiple times if you want. If you're right

on the first clue, that's worth three points. The second clue is worth two

points, and the last clue is worth one point. When you're right,

you'll earn the points, but when you're wrong, you're going to lose

that point value. So you want to be fast, but you want to be

accurate and so that everybody at home knows who's buzzing in when.

Let's test your buzzers. We'll start with you, Graeme. You're up in the top. Right.

Let's hear your buzzer when you

hear the bell. That's Graeme. Jenny.

Did that come through? It did come through. It's called error. I don't

know if that's. Oh, the Microsoft error. Microsoft error, yeah.

And to Dina. Oh, you know, I had to bring the raffy buzzer back.

I don't even know how to promo all the time.

Very good. I have ten questions coming up, 30 points total.

So that two point difference isn't going to make too much of a difference right

now because we have 30 points coming your way. Our

first one is a natural phenomenon. I'm looking

for a natural phenomenon, and my name

is derived from a roman goddess.

And you'll see on the right side there's a timer. So you can wait to

the second clue, but you'll know how much time is left.

I am caused by the solar wind.

Graeme? Aurora. The aurora

borealis is correct.

Correct. We asked that question when the guy

who films the sky is on the show. Right.

Wait a second. I mean, any other astronomy related

space questions? Feel for yourself. It's a pop tart. I know it's

a pop tart. Well, what am I? I was first successfully

developed by Tim Berners Lee in


Is it the pop tart or toaster strudel? Sometimes my pictures may or may

not represent the answer. I revolutionize how people

access and share information globally. Graeme? The

Internet. The Internet or the World Wide Web is

correct. Correct.

All right, here we go. This is for our world travelers here. Where am I?

I'm somewhere in the world. Remember, photos may

or may not. I am

crisscross by the Arno river and known for my art

and architecture.

Graeme? Florence. Florence

is correct.

Graeme, do you have an encyclopedia next to you? No, but

I've been there and I have a pretty good memory.

All right, these next questions have nothing to do with Graeme. There we

go. I'm looking for a literary character. What

literary character am I? I first appeared in

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's work. Did

you hear me? I did that first. I heard.

Jenny. Jenny, I saw you. Okay.

Jenny. Okay. Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes

is correct.

All right. I'm looking for. Sorry, Graeme.

It's going to be a battle. This is a slug fest already.

I'm just going to go home. You're already home. Who am

I? I'm looking for a who. I was born in Germany and greatly

influenced the world. Anybody know any

Germans? Einstein. Graeme?

Einstein is correct.

All right. Goodbye.

All right, here's another traveling question. Hopefully Graeme

hasn't been here. Where am I? I'm

looking for a. Where I am known

as the city of a hundred spires.

Graeme? Prague. Prague

is correct.

Dina's like, what's happening here? Am I? You know what? I'm just going to

start buzzing in and I'm going to name things.

We just need to guess, but then I guess we'll lose all our

points. I'm looking for an art movement. What art movement am

I? I flourished in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Now, that has to be vague enough. Oh, I don't know.

I think I heard Dina first. Yeah, let her go.

Canada. No, I'm just kidding.

Abstract. Abstract is


Graeme. Still

Graeme. Yeah. Renaissance. Renaissance is

incorrect. We're going to take three points back from you

and Jenny. Are you buzing in? No, I'm waiting for another

clue. No, that's what this meant. Hurry. Come on. I want more

information. And let's go to the

second clue. We have to wait for the timer because it's a video.

Bum, bum, bum. Here we go. Characterized by bold

colors and dramatic, impulsive lines.

Impressionism. What is it?

Impressionism. In the 19th and

20th century, impressionism is

incorrect. I'm going to lose all my points that I got, so don't worry. Yeah.

You are okay with that? I'm

okay with that. Not impressionism, no.

And Vincent van Gogh and Paul

Gowen were prominent figures in this


Yeah, what is that movie? This wasn't the impressionism. It was

impressionism. I get a point for that.


So lame. All right. What am I? How hard could this

be? Not you. What am I besides

lame? According to Dina, I've been a vital part of human

history, often seen in ancient texts.

What am I? Am I praying?

Cherubs in the garden. I come in many

forms and sizes and can be quite powerful or

quite peaceful.

Hands on your buzzer. Here it comes. Whether in

a bottle or a tap, I'm essential for life. I think I

heard the bell. Graeme.

I'm the same. Water. Water is

correct. I was going to say Mike Tucci

designs. That was my second guess.

All right, what am I? Here's another. Oh, here's a who am

I? Who am I? All

right. I've evolved tremendously over the

past century. Remember, my photos

may or may not match

the answer. You can find me in

every home and often in pockets.

Call rappy. Rappy. Adina. Pens.

Pens are incorrect.

Every home and often in pockets. Coins.

The coin changed in the 1940. I'm essential for

communication in the modern world.

Jenny. Phones.

Phones are correct. The

telephone. I sensed an outside presence

guiding you. I tried to throw you off with my owl.

All right, let's try that again. Ready? Who

am I? Here's another. Who am

I? I've been known to change

roles and appearances.

I've been known to change roles and appearances.

Our second clue for two points. My origins are debated,

but I'm celebrated worldwide.

Origins are debated. Our last

clue of the night for one point. I bring joy to children, often

during a specific winter holiday. Graeme.

Santa Claus St. Nick. On the Christmas show, Santa

Claus St. Nick is correct.

Let's go to that scoreboard. But I have a hint. Wow, it

was really close. Jenny was 17.

Only four points better was graham.

Graeme. Who came out plugging in the first part of that

third round. Very well played. Graeme is our winner

tonight. Let's go around one more time and plug promote. Talk

about whatever you want. I'm going to turn the floor over to you and

Dina. All right? Okay, so love Todd

podcast. We recap reality tv shows with your favorite stars.

We've got shake from Love is blind and House of villains.

You're my.

Shake from love is blind and House of villains coming on this week.

LC from Love is blind next week and Nick from Love

is blind the following week. And we also recap reality tv news.

And then, of course, Mike Tucci designsarts.com.

And I also told him, I would plug 1 minute bass, which is 1 minute

bass lessons on YouTube. Very nice. And

to jenny. All right, I am jenny,

and my business is gentle coaching, which is life coaching and

breath work. You can find me at gentle coaching. That's

gentle with a j, gentlecoaching.com, gentle coaching on

Instagram and Facebook. And I'm also launching the

sideline Sisters podcast in January. And there's a sideline

sisters Facebook group, and it's just sports

and camaraderie and connection and just

lots of fun sports stories and memes

and videos and just all kinds of fun stuff. Awesome. I'll

have all those links in the show. Note. And to our winner, graham.

Hello. Okay, so it's Embersky media again. Science, technology,

space, all that good stuff. And I guess I should also plug

megapixel travel, where I've traveled to, like, 25 countries. So

there's that website which has a blog on all that stuff. Sorry.

So what you're saying is all my questions really were written for

you. I told you, if you start talking about as people,

I'm like, oh, God, I'm out. But

travel, science, technology, I'm your

guy. Sounds good. Well, congratulations to all my players tonight. This was

a ton of fun. Let's dance our way out of here.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong.

You are wrong. You are right. That is correct.

Creators and Guests

Jeff Revilla
Jeff Revilla
Your Host of Stuff I Never Knew since 2015!
Dina -vs- Jenny -vs- Graeme - Episode 149 - Christmas Holiday Trivia Episode
Broadcast by