"Deanna -vs- Joel -vs- Wize" Trivia Game Show - Episode 150!

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the stuff I never knew. Trivia game show

podcast. I'm Jeff. I'm your host. We are on the

Armstrong neighborhood channel. I've got three great guests,

Deanna, Joel and wise. Let's hear that. Theme


That is correct. You are correct.

All right. As you know, on this show, we get right into it. My

order tonight will be Deanna, Joel and wise. And we're going to

play a game called Christmas quotes. Who said it? I'm going

to read you a quote by a famous person. You have to tell me who

said it. And each one. I'll give you an option of two different people. So

how hard could it be? We'll start with Deanna.

I will honor Christmas in my heart and

try to keep it all the year. Who said that?

Charles Dickens or Charles Barkley?

Charles Dickens. Charles Dickens is

correct. Over to Joel.

Christmas is a season not only of

rejoicing, but of reflection. Who said

that? Winston Churchill or Winston

Salem? Since Winston Salem is a city,

I think I'll go with Churchill. It could be their motto, but Churchill

is correct. Correct. All

right, this one's. The next one is the battle of the doctors. Maybe Christmas,

the grinch thought, doesn't come from a store. Was

it Dr. Emmett Brown from back to the future

or Dr. Seuss?

Dr. Dr.


I'm going to go with Johnny Carson. Johnny Carson is

correct. Correct. To Joel.

One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in

the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too

quickly, said either Andy

Rooney or Andrew Dice Clay.

I'll go with Rooney. Though I tempted to say Maria

Kodo. Rooney is

correct. Correct. Over to wise.

That's the true spirit of Christmas. People

being helped by people other than me. Who

said that? Jerry Seinfeld or Jerry


Oh, man. Let's go with Jerry

Seinfeld. Going with Seinfeld is

correct. Correct. Back to Deanna.

The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he

knows where all the bad girls live. Is that said

by Andrew Dice Clay or George

Carlin? Oh, God, I'm kind of just guess

here. George Carlin. George Carlin

is correct. Correct. George

Carlin. To Joel. I don't think Christmas

is necessarily about things. It's about being good

to one another. It's about the christian ethic it's about

kindness. Who said that, Carrie Fisher

or Underwood?

Hmm. I will go

with Carrie Underwood. Always bet on Princess

Leia. Carrie Fisher is

correct. Is correct. And the last

one, the wise. The thing about Christmas is that it almost

doesn't matter what mood you're in or what kind of year you had. It's a

fresh start. Is it Carrie Underwood

or Kelly Clarkson?

Oh, man. Let's go with Kelly Clarkson. Kelly

Clarkson is correct.

Correct. Let's go over to that scoreboard. Very close. So

far, we have Deanna and wise tied with first. Joel, only one

point behind. We're going to the hot seats,

Joel, because you have a different score than the other two players, you actually get

a little bonus. You get to pick the order for round

two. You can keep it the same or mix it up. We can

keep it the same. All right. That's going to put Deanna into the hot

seat first. Deanna, welcome to the show. Thank you. Thank you for

having me. So glad to have you here. Tell us where you're calling in from

and a little bit about what you do. Yes, I am calling in from

Chicago, and I am an intuitive

eating and wellness coach. I help women stop the diet cycle

so that they can be stress free and at peace with

food and exercise and pursue health without dieting

and all the toxic diet culture. Oh, and if people

want to connect with you or learn more about your programs and your strategies,

how can they connect with you? Sure. I'm very active on instagram.

It's just my name, Deanna Kozarov. And

I also have a free resource for anyone interested. It's called

making peace with your plate. And I can send you over the

link for them to be able to get access to that. Great. I'll have the

link in the show notes. I have one more question for you, Deanna.

Sure. Are you ready

for the hot seat? So in round

two tonight, we're going to do a connections quiz and a

name five. And the connections quiz is I'm going to give

you four questions, and then the answers to those four questions

will tie together to be some sort of fifth something. So we'll

see if we can figure it out, and then we'll do a name five

bonus question where I'll give you a very vague category, like name five

spices in your spice cabinet. You have to tell me salt, pepper,

paprika, cumin, and sea salt. We'll figure it out

when we get there. Your first one of the connections

quiz, the clumsy character from Star wars

phantom menace that outraged fans everywhere was

named Blank. Blank Binks.

I've seen Star wars here and there, but I don't know all the nitty

gritty it was.

Do you want to take a guess? Bink Bink

Binks. Bink bink Binks. I like it, but it is. We're looking

for Jar Jar. Jar Jar Binks. So remember Jar. That's the first

word of the connection here. Our second

question, which Bobby Pickett song was an

absolute graveyard smash. The blank

mash. The monster mash. Monster mash

is correct. Your third one.

If you leave food in the oven for way too long, especially like a

Marie Callender's pie, it might be described as burnt to

a crisp. Crisp is correct.

And what do you get by mixing

water and flour? Dough.

Dough is correct. So what ties

together jar monster

crisp and dough?

That monster is throwing me off.


Gosh, this is really tough. The

hot seat is always the toughest. Jar monster crisp.

There may be a word that associates with each one of those. What ties it

together? Cookie. Cookie is

correct. Cookie monster, cookie jar, cookie Crisp, and Cookie

dough. Now your name five bonus

question. I'll put 10 seconds on the clock, Deanna.

Name five gifts given in the twelve days of

Christmas and go.

Oh, gosh. A partridge and a pear

tree. Eight

swans of swimming. Swans of swim. We'll give you two points for that

one. Very well. We're going to move

Joel to the hot seat. Joel, welcome to the show. Thank

you. Glad to be here. Great. Where are you calling in from?

New York City. New York City. Tell us a little bit about what does Joel

do in New York City? I'm a hypnotist and a coach,

and I help people move from stuck to unstoppable.

Helps them get out of their own way, whatever beliefs or habits are

getting, preventing them from being the best version of themselves.

Very good. And if people want to reach out and connect with you, how can

they do that? Bodymindhypnotic.com.

Bodymindhypnotic.com. I'll put that in the show notes.

Joel, are you

ready for the hot seat? Are you

nervous? Here we go. Your connections quiz. The first

one. If someone likes to chat a lot,

you could say they can talk until the blank come home,

cows. Come home cows is correct.

Our second one for two points.

A border collie is also known as. What kind of dog?

Sheepdog. Sheepdog. Correct. Two for two.

A male blank is called a billy

male goat. A male goat is correct.

And not far from you here, the bills are the NFL

team for which city. Buffalo.

Buffalo is correct. And so,

Joel, what ties together cow,

sheep, goat and buffalo?

They're all hoofed animals. Hoofed animals.

Incorrect. We're looking for milk. They're

all milk producing animals because we had cookies the first one

and milk in the second one. So,

Joel, I'm going to put 10 seconds on the clock.

Name any five gifts given in the twelve days of

Christmas that were not already mentioned and go.

Five golden rings, twelve lords


What else at the butt. He got

two of them so far. Very well played.

We're bringing back the champ. We've had more requests

coming in for people who want to challenge you than any other guest on the

show. They want to come on and battle wise, that's kind of been

the new thing I keep hearing, has it? They want to come face the five

time champ. Yeah. Well, wise, I appreciate you

being here tonight. Tell us a little bit about yourself and where you're calling in

from. I'm in Northeast Pennsylvania,

table games theater by day, podcaster and producer by

night. You catch me out on

all major platforms with stuck in my mind podcast

and I am the five time champion.

Let's see. Can we add to that tonight? We have the

connections in a name five oh wise.

I'll have all the links in the show notes, but how can people connect with

you and hear your shows and reach out to you? You can go to

www.realwiseproductions.com or you can go

to www.stuckamymindpodcast.com.

So, wise, are you ready

for the hot seat? Yes. All right, here we

go. The name of the mountain range that runs between western

Canada and the US is the Blank Mountains.

Oh, man. The name of the mountain range that runs

between western Canada and the US?

Oh, man.

I have no clue. No clue. We're looking for

the Rocky Mountains. The Rocky Mountains complete.

The name of this undefeated heavyweight

boxer? Rocky Marciano. Marciano.

Rocky is correct. Our third

one, what is the name of the sweet treat that contains

chocolate cookie raisins and

marshmallow? Chocolate cookie raisins

and marshmallows.

What is the name? Cookie

Raisins and marshmallows. Rocky Road.

Rocky road is correct. Remember, we're looking for

Rocky will be the part of the answer for this one and complete the

title of this cartoon show. Rocky and

Bullwinkle. Rocky and Bullwinkle is correct. So

we had cookies and milk, which are obviously things you leave out for Santa.

So what incredible historic event ties

together? Rocky, Rocky. Rocky

and Rocky.

What incredible historic. Rocky, Rocky,

Rocky. And Rocky. And Rocky. Yes.

Wow. It's very


Oh, man. What? Incredible.

Oh, man. You're going to love this answer.

I got to put the 3 seconds on the clock. I don't

know. We're lucky. I don't

know. What did you say? Rocky four. Rocky four

is correct. You got it. Which

he did fight on Christmas day. That was what happened. So we had the

cookies and milk that you leave out for Santa and then

the rocky fight. I tried to keep a Christmas connections there.

So wise, my favorite one of the night. Name any

five lines in the song. Deck the halls and

go deck the. Halls with balls of holly. Fala


la. You got

four lines. I was going to also accept fala

la la five times. You could have said that. But you got

four of the five points. Let's go to that scoreboard and see

how we're going into the final round. It is

a very close game, only two points separating

first and second wise with eleven, Deanna with nine and

Joel with eight. We're going to go to the final

round. And in this round I'm going to

ask you some very vague questions. What am I? Where am

I? Who am I? And then I'm going to start to read you a

series of three clues. Now, I've asked you each to bring in your

own buzzer because when you think you know the answer, you're going to buz in.

If you buz in on the first clue, that's going to be worth three

points. The second clue is worth two points and the last

clue is worth one point. Now, if you're right when you buz

in, you'll earn those points. But if you're wrong, you will

lose those points. You can buzz in as many times as you want. If

you go negative, that's okay. The fans love a

negative score. It's one of the favorite things. So

let's go around and test each of our buzzers wise. We'll start with

you, but a boom.

I don't know. Did you hear it? I heard both.

That one. That was like the I told a funny joke.

All right. And Deanna,

you got the pen on the cup? Yeah. And to Joel.

He's got the dryer buzzer. All

right, let's go to that first question tonight.

What am I? I'm looking for a what? Now, sometimes

my pictures help you, sometimes they don't.

I'm found in every corner of the world in come

in many colors. So we're looking

for a what

I'm often seen but rarely noticed unless

I'm absent. This is worth two points.

And our last clue. For one point. I'm essential

for life and plants love me.

No takers on this one. That's okay. Oh, wait, I heard a buzzer.

Was that your honest guess? No. Okay. I

didn't hear anything. Soil is the correct answer.

Soil. Okay. All right. So here we go. We're looking for

another. What am I?

What am I? My

history goes all the way back to the first humans.

And you'll see on the right side, we have a little timer. Lets you know

how much time is left on each clue.

I can be both complex and simple, and I'm often

shared among friends.

That is Joel. Pie.


Incorrect. We'll go to the last one.

I am known for bringing people together, especially over

a table.

Joel. Bread. Bread. I'm going to give it to

you. I know we're not going to deduct the two points. The answer was very

simple. I was just looking for food, but just food.

You gave me two foods, and on this show, that's enough to not be penalized.

You get the one point because that was a bad question. All

right, I'm looking for a city. What city am I at?

Where in the world is your host, Jeff?

Oh, here we go. Our first clue. I

am a city steeped in history and


Our second clue for two points. I'm

known for an iconic structure that leans.

Joel. Or is that wise? That was

me. Wise. So

it's the structure we're talking about, right. The city. What city am

I in?

Rome. Rome is

incorrect. For two points. Structure that leans.

Iconic structure that leans

tight. Deanna. Las

Vegas. Las Vegas is

incorrect. No. Wise.

Pizza. I don't know. The leaning tower of pizza. Pizza

is correct.

All right, here we go. We've had some fun ones so far. Let's see if

we keep that trend going. I'm looking for a. What?

What am I?

I can be as vast as an ocean or as

small as a puddle.

It's a pretty big range. Our second clue for two points.

I reflect what's around me, yet I have no light

of my own. Deanna. Water. Water.

You didn't fall for my moon. Water is correct.

Two points for Deanna. All right, I made them. The first

couple were really simple on this round, so here we go. I'm looking for a

who. Who am I? Another back to the

future reference. I am not Uncle Jailbird Joey. I'll give you a

hint. I am legend from english folklore.

I am a legend from english folklore. For three points.

Our second clue for two points. Known for my skill

with a bow and my love of the forest. I heard

the buzzer, which is Joel.

Robin Hood is correct.

Correct. Robin Hood. Correct. That was a close one, but

I think I heard the buzzer just by a little bit. Producers, give me

the thumbs up. I heard it correctly. What invention am I?

This is one of my favorite ones tonight. What invention am I? I

am found in homes and businesses


I'm found in homes and businesses.

Somebody got a message. I have keys, but open no


Wise. Typewriter. Typewriter

or keyboard is correct. The

keyboard. The keyboard. All right, we have

four questions remaining. We're going to the

next one. What animal am I?

I'm looking for an animal. I'm known for my

playful nature and intelligence.

Joel. Dolphin. Dolphin. I didn't even

get to do three centaur jokes, but dolphin is

correct. All right,

three questions remaining. I think we have a very close game. Let's see. Go to

that scoreboard. We have

a one point game between Joel and Wise. There

are still nine points remaining. Deanna can walk away

with this. Let's go to the next one. I'm

looking for a structure. Could it be. Could it be

the same structure? I've been built by various

civilizations throughout history.

I am a symbol of power and defense.

Our third clue for one point. Tall and

strong. I'm often found in strategic


Joel. Castle. Castle

is correct. Correct.

Two questions remaining.

I'm looking for a. What am I?

I can be found in every home, often seen

but sometimes overlooked.

Our second clue for two points. I'm essential in the

morning and come in many shapes and sizes

and hands on your buzzers. Here comes. I

hold something many consider vital to start their day

wise. A cup of coffee. A coffee

mug. Is correct. Correct.

All right, our last one. A

natural phenomenon. Oh, wait a second. The

producer is interrupted. We have a one point game. Joel

is in the lead. One point over wise.

Let's see. And Deanna can be the spoiler here. What

natural phenomenon am I? I'm looking

for a natural phenomenon. I am caused by the collision

of charged particles with the atmosphere.

That is Joel. Lightning. Lightning.

For three points, is

incorrect. Incorrect. Our

second clue for two points. I am

a dance of light in the sky. More prominent near

poles. Oh, I need the producer on that one.

Three. He says Joel had it first. Aurora

borealis. Aurora Borealis for two points

is correct. And before the show

started, I think I jinxed myself and said,

we haven't had a tie. And unfortunately, I haven't prepared

a tie. Let's figure out what we're going to do

for a tie. I have no idea. Let's let.

Deanna, I'm going to let you pick the tiebreaker, and

I'll look it up on Google. You can pick anything in the

world, and Wise and Joel are going to have to come up with a number

that's the closest to whatever you tell me,

like a question or anything you want, like how many

pounds of coffee are made in a year or.

Oh, okay. Let me think.

It's a lot of pressure. Yes, I know. Trying to

think how many people live in the United

States. All right, I have the 2021

census pulled up. We're going to go.

This is based on. Let's see.

This is the United States. Census Bureau is the source.

I have the United States population in

2021. Recent. Whoever's

closest will get the winning point.

Joel, you are first. No googling

how many people in the United States in


Oh, shoot. I almost said the wrong number. Okay.

220,000,000. 220.

Wise, what is your guess for 2020? He said

220,000,000. 220,000,000.


221,000,000. He takes the

over. Joel was. The answer is


Wise is 1 million. Closer. Wise gets the bonus

point. Very well played. Let's go around

and make sure we connect with all my guests tonight. I'm so grateful

for each one to join me. Deanna, one last time. Tell everybody

how they can reach out and connect with you. Yes. So

I'm most active, like I said on Instagram, Deanna Kozarov.

It's my name, and I have a free

resource for your audience who are interested in. I can send you the link for

that. And I also have a podcast called Intuitive Wellness

Cafe, and I can send you that info, too. Please do

send it to me. I'll put that in the show notes over to Joel.

You can find me on my website. Body mind hypnotic.

Help people again become move from stuck to unstoppable. You

can also find a few videos on Facebook and

LinkedIn. Just little ideas to help people help create

change. Awesome. Bodymindhypnotic.com. And the man you can

no longer call five time champ.

It was so close. The closest we've had in months,

years. You can catch my

podcast on all major platforms. It's stuck my mind podcast.

Check us out at realwise tv on YouTube.

Stuck in my mind podcast, YouTube channel, as well as

realwise productions, his website.

Thank you to my guests. Let's dance our way out of here.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong.

You are wrong. You are right. That is correct. You are correct.

That is correct.

Creators and Guests

Jeff Revilla
Jeff Revilla
Your Host of Stuff I Never Knew since 2015!
"Deanna -vs- Joel -vs- Wize" Trivia Game Show - Episode 150!
Broadcast by