Alyssa -vs- Caroline -vs- David - Episode 161 - 3 Rounds of Trivia!

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the stuff I never knew. Trivia game show podcast. I'm

Jeff. I'm your host. We're on the Armstrong neighborhood

channel. I've got three great guests joining me tonight,

Alyssa, Caroline, and David. Let's hear that. Theme


That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong.

You are wrong. You are right. That is correct. That is correct. And

as you know, on this show, we get right into it. In round one, I've

got a brand new game. We've never played this before. Who said

that? Was it Napoleon Bonaparte or

Hollywood actor Chris Evans who played Captain America?

What I'm going to do is read a quote. All my guests have to tell

me who said it, Napoleon or Captain America?

And I source these from brainy quotes. A lot of fun. It's a. It's like

a wikipedia of quotes. So check it out. Brainy quote. We're

gonna go in my order that I have you written down tonight, Alyssa, Caroline,

and David. Alyssa, you are first.

I swear to God, if you saw me when I am by myself in the

woods, I'm a lunatic. I sing, I

dance. Was that Napoleon or Chris Evans?

Gonna go with Chris Evans? Chris Evans is

correct. Correct. First one on the board,

over to caroline. Never interrupt

your enemy when he is making a mistake.

I'm going to go with Napoleon. Napoleon is

correct. Correct. Two for two,

over to David. If you wish to be a success in the

world, promise everything, deliver


Doesn't sound Napoleon esque. So I'm gonna say Chris Evans. Chris

Evans is incorrect. It was

Napoleon. Back to

Alyssa. I am sometimes a fox

and sometimes a lion. The whole secret of government

lies in knowing when to be one or the other.

I'm gonna go with Napoleon. Napoleon two for two

is correct. Correct.

Over to caroline. I always say that

the times in my life when I've been happiest are the

times when I've seen a sunset.

Is that Napoleon or Chris Evans? Captain America.

I'm gonna go with Chris Evans. Chris Evans is

correct. Correct. To David.

Nothing is more difficult and therefore

more precious than to be able to

decide. I'm gonna go Napoleon.

Napoleon is

correct. Correct. And our last ones in

this round. Back to Alyssa. Impossible

is a word to be found only in the

dictionary of fools. Feel like I've

stuck with Napoleon this whole time, so let's go Napoleon again

for the sweep. Is correct. A. Well played,

Alyssa in round one. Caroline.

I can handle the craziness some of the time,

maybe most of the time, but I know I can't handle

it all of the time. I'm gonna go

with Chris Evans. Chris Evans for the sweep.

Correct. Correct. And to

David, look at pictures of me growing up. It wasn't

always the way it is now. It was a bumpy road for

me. All right,

so I'm thinking Napoleon wouldn't have really had pictures, but I'm going to go Chris

Evans. Oh, he's using technology to decipher

my clues. Chris Evans is correct.

Correct. Very well played that you want eight of nine

in that round as a team. Let's go to that scoreboard. We have

Alyssa and caroline with three apiece, David with two.

That means David gets to pick the order for round two.

Do you want to keep it the same or change it up?

Let's flip it just for the heck of it. All right. David is

going to the hot seat. David, welcome to round

two. Thank you, sir. Well, tell us where you're calling

in from. So I'm actually. We're calling in today from the

poconos. Live in the Philly area full time, but

up in the poconos for the summer. Awesome. Anything you'd like to plug,

promote, talk about while you're up in the poconos for the summer?

No. No. Enjoy your

summers. And, yeah,

I think we talked about this last time we met. Is your pretzel cone. My

happiest memory of the poconos is they didn't have regular ice cream

cones. They had an ice cream cone that was made of a hard pretzel. It

was the best thing ever. We got the salty and the ice cream.

It was amazing. When it comes to dessert up here. Yeah. So don't flood. Don't

flood the poconos and take away David Summer. But if you are in the poconos,

try to find that pretzel cone. It's somewhere on a hillside. I can tell you

that everything here. Is on a hillside.

So, David, in round two, we're going to play

$100. Who wants to be a millionaire? Questions. These are actual questions from

the millionaire board game, but I've removed the multiple

choice options. And then at the end of that, we're going to do a

name five barbecue question. I'll give you

name five. But in the category will be something related to

barbecue or backyard cookouts or something summer related.

David, are you

ready for the hot seat? Let's do it.

Your first one in the abbreviation,

UFO, what does the f stand

for? Flying.

Flying is correct.

Correct. And your 2nd

$100 question, how many states make up the United

States? That would be 50. 50.

Is correct. And what

is the nickname for the basketball legend?

Michael Jordan? That would be air.

Air Jordan is correct.

And your last $100 question in Disney,

Cinderella. What did Cinderella leave behind

while running from the ball? Her glass slipper.

Glass slipper. Four for four is correct.

We're gonna go to that name folder. I get the money right?

You get 100 stuff. I never knew dollars. It's

redeemable nowhere. But they're all yours.

And breaking rights. Breaking right and bragging rights. Okay, we're

gonna go to that name five bonus question. I'll put 10 seconds on the clock.

Name five types of covered dishes you could bring to

a cookout and go. Baked beans,

pasta salad,

pickles, and cucumber.

At the buzzer. Five for five. You swept that round getting

all nine points. Well played, David. That means we're

going to Caroline. Welcome to the show. Thank you. Where

are you calling in from? I am calling in from St. Louis, Missouri.

St. Louis. Anything special fun happening in St. Louis this summer?

It has been a hot summer so far,

so we have more hot days to come. They say we're going to get 50

days this summer where it'll feel like a hundred or higher.

Oh, my goodness. Well, you say cool. If you've heard of the

Poconos, travel a little bit east. It's. You may get like

60 degree nights. You might like that. Yeah, that sounds wonderful.

Well, tell us about what you do out in St. Louis and how can people

connect and find you? Absolutely. So I am

a success coach. I work with individuals and organizations,

helping them navigate changes. And from an

individual perspective, it might be a career change or something else that's

going on in life or organizations. I do a lot around leadership development

and team building. And you can find I'm on Instagram at

caroline mugden. Or you can find me on Facebook and

LinkedIn with my name as well. I'd love to connect with

you. I send out information regularly, regularly to people to help

give them tips and tools and tricks to make life a little

simpler and a little easier on a day to day basis. Awesome.

And that website, one more time. dot correct.

Awesome. We'll put all that in the show notes, reach out, connect

with Caroline. But I have a question for you. Are you

ready for the hot seat? I'm ready. All right. So we're going

to do $100. Who wants to be a millionaire? Questions. Who

was president? George Washington's wife?

Martha. Martha is

correct. Correct. And which holiday

is celebrated on October 31?

Halloween. Halloween. Two for two is correct.

And we're looking for a comic book character that's

weakened by kryptonite. Which comic book character is weakened

by kryptonite? Superman.

Superman. For three. Four. Three is correct.

And what is the home city of the

NBA team? The Knicks.

New York. New York is

correct. Correct. We built a little

tension for effect there, so we don't have the NBA.

So I don't pay as much attention. Neither does Pittsburgh.

So I have no clue what happens in basketball. We're going to

name five types of meat you can grill on a

grill. And go bratwurst, hot

dog, steak, chicken, pork.

It was five, but I always let the timer go the full 10 seconds.

Very well played. Also swept all nine

points. We're going to. Alyssa, welcome to the show.

Thanks for having me. Well, glad to have you here. Tell us where you're calling

in from. I'm calling in from Grand Coulee Dam in Washington state.

Washington state. Very nice. And what's going on in Washington state this summer?

Not very much. Nice and hot. I have

two toddlers, so it's going to be a lot of lake days. Oh,

very nice. Anything you'd like to plug, promote, talk about out in

Washington? I'm a maternal wellness advocate. I

wrote a book. It's called mommy needs a minute. From burnout to empowerment.

And it's all about the different areas that women commonly

experienced burnout in our lives and offers simple, easy

tricks and tips to apply to make your life a little bit easier and

reduce that burnout and mental and physical load that

comes with caregiving. Awesome. And if people want

to connect to you or find your book, what's the best way to do that?

They can find my book on Amazon. It's available on audible ebook,

as well as a paperback copy. You can also connect with me on

Facebook and Instagram. Alyssabrae author you can connect with me on my

website as well. dot awesome. We'll put

all those links in the show notes. Alyssa,

are you ready for

the hot seat? I'm kind of scared because everyone just nailed

it. Well, when you hear the first question, it might put you

at ease. These, remember, these are the $100 questions from who wants to be

a millionaire? How many months are there in a

year? A leap year, too? I'll accept either

answer. Twelve. Well, twelve is

correct either way. And what is the

name of the mouse created by Walt Disney

in 1928?

Mickey. Mickey. I also accept Mortimer, which was the original

name he was talked out of, which later became another mouse, but I don't.

I remember Mortimer being the first mouse, but I would take either one.

Oh, phew. And which

legendary outlaw led a band of merry men

and lived in Sherwood forest? Robin Hood.

Robin Hood is correct.

And who invented the telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell. Alexander

Graham Bell is

correct. Correct. Four for four. Very well

played. We'll put 10 seconds on the clock,

name five types of drinks that are perfect for a

summer cookout, and go.

Cocktails, mocktails, beer, soda,

classic water. I think that was.

You gave me seven. I can only give you points for five. But

everybody swept the entire second round.

Let's go to that scoreboard. Look how close this is.

Alyssa and Caroline with twelve, David with eleven. It's a

one point game, and we have 30 points remaining

in the final round. Let's go to the final round.

We've got ten questions worth 30 points. And in

this round, it's a video round. For those of you watching, if you're listening at

home, going to be the same way. I'm going to read a very

vague question. Who am I? What am I? Where am I?

And then I'm going to start to read a series of clues to help you

figure that out. Who am I? What am I? Where am I? There'll be three

clues for every question. If you think you know it, buzz

in on the first clue. That's going to be worth three points.

The second clue is worth two points, and the last clue is worth

one point. Now, there'll be pictures, there may be

clues. You want to make sure that everything lines up, because

I may try to fool you with some of my pictures, or the

first clue may match multiple things. So, you know all

three clues have to match to who am I? What am I? Where am I?

And if you're right, when you buzz in, we're going to add those three points

to your score. But if you're wrong, we'll subtract those

points from the score. So you want to be fast, but you want to be

accurate. And I've asked each of my guests to bring their own buzzers in

tonight so the folks at home know who's buzzing in. Let's

go around. Alyssa, let's hear your buzzer.

She goes the jenga blocks. And David,

my favorite, a fork in a cup or spoon in a cup.

Yeah. Caroline got the bells,

so everybody will know who's buzzing in. Are you

ready for the first question? This is

a what? What am I? Oh,

wait. Who

am I? I

may have visited Alaska hundreds of years before the first

documented exploration.

Our second clue for two points. My

travels were first documented by a romance

novelist I met in prison. And you'll see on the

right side, there's a little timer that comes down, let you know how much time

is left for each clue. And there was a childhood

game named after me for one point.

No, this one eludes you. We're looking for

Marco Polo.

Polo. Marco polo. Alright, let's try

the second one here. This one's a little bit easier. We're looking for a

food. What food item am I?

Our first clue for three points. I am made from tropical

fruits, seafood and


Our second clue for two. I am

traditional japanese dish made from vinegared rice,

sugar and salt.

And your last one. Hands on the buzzers for this one. I am typically

served with soy sauce, wasabi and pickled ginger.

Caroline, sushi. Sushi for one point

is correct. Correct. First point

is always the hardest, we say on this show. Now you see how the rhythm

works. Let's go to that third

question. What am I? I'm looking for a


I am an annual event celebrated on the second

Monday of October. Canada.

Alyssa. Thanksgiving. Canadian

Thanksgiving is correct.

Correct. I'm from Canada.

That's cheating. I was going to comment. You're also the closest to

Canada. All right. That was three points for you. Well

played. What country am I? I'm looking for a country.

I am one of the three countries that has both Atlantic

and mediterranean coastlines.

That was one of three guests there. Our second clue. I am known for

my diverse landscapes, from the Sahara desert to

the Atlas mountains.

Oh, that buzz. Our third clue. My capital is

rabbit. My largest city is

Casablanca. Morocco.

Morocco. Caroline is

correct. Correct for a point.

Let's go to our fifth one tonight.

I'm looking for a. Who am I?

I am a tennis player who won my first grand slam

title in 2004 at Wimbledon.

If you know your tennis history, that's not too hard of a question.

Our second clue. I have held the number one spot in the

ATP rankings for a record of 310


Our last one for one point. I am known

for my one handed backhand and my rivalry.

Rivalry with Raphael Nadal.

You'll hear the name Roger Federer is who we were

looking for. Roger Federer. Alright, let's get away

from the sports. Let's go into acting.

I'm looking for a famous actor

or actress. So which famous actor or actress am I looking

for? The Huffington Post said I

was unquestionably the greatest actor

of all time.

It could be anybody at that point. Let's go to the second clue for two

points. See if we narrow it down. I retired

from acting in 2017.

No. And I am the only

male actor to have won three oscars in

the best actor category, including films

like Gangs of New York. I think I portrayed Lincoln.

I am Daniel Day Lewis.

All right, four questions remaining. It's a very

ratings here. You're doing great. What food

item am I? What food? We did well on the food last

time. Let's see. I am french. I am a french term for

a clear, rich tasting stock or broth.

You're not french canadian, are you, Alyssa? That would help.

And I am often made from beef, veal, or

chicken bones, and sometimes fish. To


Uh, I was thinking bone is. I'm thinking, like, vicious

wa or something like that. I don't know.

Vichy swa is

incorrect. Shocking.

All right, let's see. Let's see if the name and

the it comes out in this next hint. For one point,

my name means to concentrate or to

reduce. In French.

Also starts with a c o n s o.


All right, I think we have three questions remaining.

We are looking for a who. Who am I?

Am I the squirrel? I represented

the United States in five consecutive olympics

from 2000 to 2016.

I specialize in butterfly,

freestyle, and individual medley

events. I think I heard. I heard spoon in a

cup. David, I'm gonna go with Phelps. Because of

the pictures partly.

Let's see. Michael Phelps is

correct. Correct. I said my pictures may

or may not help you, so I knew it would. It would trip you up

a little bit. What am I?

Am I this forest person with a flower head?

Let's find out. I

have some 85,000 soldiers in the US


What am I?

I have lots of kettles, but do not use them to


Our last clue for one point. I am known for standing outside

your grocery store ringing a bell during Christmas time. David, spoon in a

cup. The Salvation Army. Salvation army.

Is. Is

correct. Correct. Sometimes I use AI to generate these

videos, and I don't think they understood.

And let's go to our final

scoreboard of the night. Look how close this is. Alyssa in

the lead by one point over caroline with

14 points, Alyssa with 15, and David with twelve.

If David gets us right on the first clue, it will

force a tie. Who am

I? Who am I? Let's see how this


My nickname was Papa.

My full name is Papa. Papa. Papa. Papa.

Our second clue. I was a

registered spy with the KGB and was in two plane

crashes in two days.

It's a rough two days. That's great. Yeah. And

I'm considered one of the greatest american authors.

I think I'm associated with Key west and

Ernest Hemingway. It won't change the outcome of the

night. It looks like Alyssa is gonna walk away with 15

points. I want to thank my guests for joining me tonight. This was

so much fun. It always goes so fast. Let's go around one more

time. Any kind of plugs, anything you want to talk about. Pretzels in the

poconos. Let's start with Caroline.

Jeff, this was so much fun. I wish I would have trusted myself and chimed

in a little more, but I always love trivia to

test my knowledge of interesting facts. So

thank you so much for having me on here again. You can find I spend a lot of time on Instagram, which is

airline mug. And one of the things that's really important to me

is gratitude. And earlier this year, I put a

gratitude journal out on Amazon called the power of

gratitude. So if you want to check that out and integrate a

gratitude practice into your life, I encourage you to do it. It helps

create a lot of optimism and a lot of other wonderful benefits.

So again, thank you so much. And it's been fun playing with

everyone. Awesome. And to David,

thank you for having me. I feel like I really

disappointed. Here I am, you saying that I wanted

to come and defend my title and I got my butt kicked by these two

amazing ladies here. So congratulations. I've got to come

back on now to redeem myself. So let me know when.

And great show. Love listening. And

you know, I love the idea of gratitude. And, yeah,

thank you. You're still batting 500, which is better than any pro baseball

player. This is true. And to our

winner tonight, Alyssa, anything. One last time. Plug promote. The

floor is yours. Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. It was great

competing with you all. I'm surprised I walked away

because I am not a trivia buff. And I was like, I do know

a few things. Nothing related to sports, obviously, or people, but a few

things related to Canada. So that's good.

Like I said earlier, you can follow it. Find me at Elisabrade, author

on Facebook and Instagram. You can also check out my book on Amazon.

I love chatting with women about their personal parenting journey, their

mothering journey identities. So please feel free to reach out

anytime. And thank you for having me. Awesome. Congratulations. And thank

you to my guests. It was such a close game. It was a couple points

separated first from third, but let's dance our

way out of here.

That is correct. You are correct. You are wrong. You are wrong. You

are wrong. You are right. That is correct. You are correct.

That is correct. That is correct. We are going to

play a game called tribons, birds or australian

slang words, real or fake flavors of

Doritos. Hey, everybody, this is Jeff from the stuff I never knew, trivia

game show, and we are looking for contestants for future episodes.

If you'd like to play trivia here on the Armstrong neighborhood channel, head

over to comma, click be a player, fill out

the short form, and we'll get you on a future episode.

Hope to see you in the hot seat.

That is correct. I.

Creators and Guests

Jeff Revilla
Jeff Revilla
Your Host of Stuff I Never Knew since 2015!
Alyssa -vs- Caroline -vs- David - Episode 161 - 3 Rounds of Trivia!
Broadcast by